
W.O.D. 5.17.11

Sharon & Mike T.

Split Jerk

Cash Out:
AMRAP in 7 minutes
Med Ball Clean (14#/20#)
Burpee over Med-ball

Community Notes:
CrossFit KoP raised $1065 during our "Beat the Streets" fundraiser which benefited Steve's Club (NJ). Thank you to all who contributed and made this a success.

"Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are."
-John Wooden

Nina 145#, 47rounds
Kim G 95, 43rounds
Kristin T 125, 45
Jay E 225, 255 from back, 43
Kevin B 185, 40 rounds
Kristen 95, 39
Chris 98, 39
Kara 93, 35
Jason - 275 / 7
AMRAP in 7 - 5MBC/5Burpees over the ball
Rob Ph - 245 / 8
Gabe - 135 / 9
Mel - 120pr / 7
Brian R - 195 / 8
Clay - 175 / 6
Tim H - 175 / 3
Karen - 105 / 6
Mike V - 255 / 9
Nikki - 175 (behind the neck) / --
Sharon - 105 / 5
Ben - 125 / 8
Mike T - 175 / 8
Miranda - 145 / 9
Chris S - 255PRPP / 7
Denise - 103PR / 6
Katie F - 93PR / 6
Chris P - 205 / 10
Chris G - 155 / 4
Justin K - 175 / 7
Melinda 155 / 6
Rob P. 205/6
Danny A. 205/8
Charles 125/7
Jeff 170/7


  1. Awesome job, KOP! Steve's Club is such an amazing program.

  2. 6am RainRainGoAwayResults

    Nina 145#, 47rounds
    Kim G 95, 43rounds
    Kristin T 125, 45
    Jay E 225, 255 from back, 43

  3. the 9:30 crew:

    Kevin B 185, 40 rounds
    Kristen 95, 39
    Chris 98, 39
    Kara 93, 35

  4. 430 Class
    Cashout was Amrap in 7. 5 med ball cleans. 5 burpees over ball.
    Results > splitjerk/cashout

    Jason - 275 / 7

    Rob Ph - 245 / 8

    Gabe - 135 / 9

    Mel - 120pr / 7

    Brian R - 195 / 8

    Clay - 175 / 6

    Tim H - 175 / 3

    Karen - 105 / 6

    Mike V - 255 / 9

    Nikki - 175 / --

    Sharon - 105 / 5

    Ben - 125 / 8

    Mike T - 175 / 8

  5. 530 Class

    Miranda - 145 / 9

    Chris S - 255PRPP / 7

    Denise - 103PR / 6

    Katie F - 93PR / 6

    Chris P - 205 / 10

    Chris G - 155 / 4

    Justin K - 175 / 7

    Melinda 155 / 6

  6. 6:30 He-man Woman Haters Club

    Rob P. 205/6
    Danny A. 205/8
    Charles 125/7
    Jeff 170/7
