
W.O.D. 5.12.11


Jen S.

Kristin T.

Morning Meghann

7 Rounds for time of:
5 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (65#/95#)
7 Hang power cleans (65#/95#)
12 Thrusters (65#/95#)

18 Underrated Primal Paleo Blogs you should be reading by Mark Sisson

“I think when you move past your fear and you go after your dreams wholeheartedly, you become free. Know what I'm saying? Move past the fear.”
-LL Cool J


Tom S. 19:55 Rx
Jen S. 20:29 Rx
Pat P. 24:21 Rx
Steph V. 15:45 Rx
Kristin T. 17:12 55/65#
JB 20:58 75/85#
Joe A. 27:21 Rx
Todd 23:18 Rx
Tim G. 22:15 Rx
Meghann 19:55 Rx
Donkey 16:40 (sub PP for Thruster) 65#
Mike T 17:37 75#/95#
Olan 24:46 Rx
Sharon 23:42 50#
Jerry 18:01 Rx
Bre 18:02 35#
Kara 18:05 45/55#
Chris T. 22:06 55#


  1. 10 athletes deep & the 7AM sizzlers were rocking this morning in Zumba - whoops I mean CrossFit - hey did anyone ever see Tim G's moves? You can hear the Shakira anthem playing in the background when his hips move!

    Great job all around!

    Don't forget about the FREE specialty clinic on Kipping (regular & butterfly), Muscle Ups & Handstands (wall & floor) tonight at 6PM. (Nikki & Aimee will be coaching)

    ...and Barbell strength at 5PM!

  2. Whew- 5.12 is back on the blog - but where are the comments? It must have been my quick whit that crashed the system!

    I'll apologize on behalf of blogger - we are sorry for the inconvenience!

  3. If any guy is looking to rock some crazy pastel five fingers....


    $60 isn't that bad..

    I don't think I could handle those colors though.
