
W.O.D. 5.11.11

AMRAP in 10 Minutes:
10 Burpees
15 Double Unders

then rest 30 seconds

AMRAP in 7 Minutes:
10 Ring Dips
15 Sit-ups

Community Notes:
Congratulations to Danny who completed the Tough Mudder in Vermont this past weekend!

"CrossFit and the Tough Mudder" from CrossFit Lisbeth.

"Fields are won by those who believe in the winning."
Thomas W. Higginson

Jay E 4+6 = 10 (Rx/Black)
Charles 6+4 = 10 (Rx/Blue)
Kim G 6+3 = 9 (SU/Green)
Meghann 4+3 = 7 (Rx/Green)
Miranda 8+2 = 10 (Rx/MF, GHD)
Mike S 6+4 = 10 (SU/Green, anchored)
Danielle 4+2 = 6 (Rx/standing dips)
Kristin T 6+5 = 11 (Rx/Green)
Nina 5+2 = 7 (Rx/Green, GHD)


  1. Great article about the Tough Mudder and Crossfit. I could not have said it better. That was exactly how I felt after completing two Tough Mudders. That being said, Tri-State Tough Mudder in November, any one interested?

  2. My posterior chain is fried. I NEVER thought I'd be happy to see burpees in a WOD.

  3. 30 seconds of rest aka just enough time to reset the clock. :)

  4. Fab, I am planning to do the one in November. My first time. I must be nuts!

  5. 6:00 results:
    Jay E 4+6 = 10 (Rx/Black)
    Charles 6+4 = 10 (Rx/Blue)
    Kim G 6+3 = 9 (SU/Green)
    Meghann 4+3 = 7 (Rx/Green)
    Miranda 8+2 = 10 (Rx/MF, GHD)
    Mike S 6+4 = 10 (SU/Green, anchored)
    Danielle 4+2 = 6 (Rx/standing dips)
    Kristin T 6+5 = 11 (Rx/Green)
    Nina 5+2 = 7 (Rx/Green, GHD)

    Great job this morning! Miranda, way to crush WOD 1! Danielle - welcome to CFKOP :) It was great having you in class today; hope to see you again next Wednesday!

  6. It looks like I left my jump rope. It's the frayed one with the white tape on one handle. Please don't throw it out. Thanks

  7. Did the tough mudder in April at Bear Creek..very brutal..I think we saw every single slope not to mention the surprise of 2 extra miles then expected.. Considering the tri-state will keep you posted :)

  8. i'm kinda interested in tough mudder, but also scared of it.

  9. Hey! It was nice meeting everyone this morning! Tough WOD, but great job!!

  10. I agree with Mike, that was a great article. Here are some of the obstacles that were along the 10 mile course http://toughmudder.com/events/new-england/mount-snow-course-map-2011

  11. MF = mental floss on the ring dips

  12. I might be interested in the Tough Mudder, will let you know closer to that time!
    Welcome Danielle!
    Nina we need to wod more!

  13. For Game of Thrones newbies, this is a good spoiler-free (though commenter's may ruin that) character reference:


  14. considering the tough mudder in November I would imagine is whole different undertaking than April-Sept! being wet and cold must be extra special.

  15. So I just re-read the workout and realized that I did 10 DU's instead of the 15 each round. Only 10. So once Cate posts my "results," please take them with a large grain of salt as I just flubbed this one mentally. :-/

  16. No more Margaritas for Petterbutt. ;)

  17. Ohhhh. Good idea Charles. I'll just blame the wife!

  18. I did the first part of this WOD at my house, post-lawn mow. 7 rounds of 10 burpees/15 DUs. While I still suck at burpees, I can still bang out some DUs, which made me happy. That is all.

    I will fall off the face of the earth again...now.

  19. the nooners:

    Kristen 6+4 (rx/purple)
    Tom 5+3 (su/black)
    Megs 9+5 (rx/mental floss)
    Peterson 9+2 (did his own count :-)/mental floss)

  20. 4:30, 5:30, 6:30 Backwards runners

    P.Lentus 12+7 Rx
    Gabe 5+4 (blue)
    JZ 5+4 Rx
    Jackie 4+4 (du/dua;green)
    Josh S. 5+4 (blue)
    Brian R. 7+4 (su;dc)
    Sara 8+4 (blue)
    Melinda 4+4 (purple)
    Mike Fab. 6+3 (blue)
    Patrick 7+4 (su/black)
    Kevin B. 6+5 (su/black)
    Steph V. 5+3 (blue,mf)
    Flounder 6+4 (dua;dark blue)
    Katie F. 5+4 (su;blue)
    Denise 5+4 (blue)
    Patti 7+4 (su;green)
    Donkey 7+4 (su;bl;mf)
    Jason R. 6+4 (su;mf)
    Jen N 5+3 (su/green)
    Sharon 4+4 (blue)
    Sam B.* 7+6 Rx
    Jess S.* 3+3 (dua;blue)
    Jess C. 5+4 (su/dua;black;mf)
    Sheng Ching 4+2 (su/green)
    Ditty 3+3 (blue)
    Shawn 7+4 Rx
    Jason B. 8+5 (red)
    Paul* 7+4 (mf)
    Howard 4+7 (mf)
    Jen S. 7+6 (parallettes)
    Lisa* 6+5 (black)
    Vinny 8+5 Rx

    nice work everyone. People with * next to their name started on the ring/situp workout first.
    Thanks for being good sports with that cash out too. Hope you enjoyed the joke.

  21. love that coach P.Lentus joke cash out.

  22. what was the joke in the 6:30? Killa let me in on the 5:30 laugh :)

  23. same one, plus one more I'll tell ya later

  24. blogger is back up! but not the newest posts...
