
W.O.D. 4.5.11

Push Press (95#/135#)
Ring Dips

The WOD "rules" are that you complete 10 Push Press followed by 1 Ring Dip, 9 Push Press, followed by 2 Ring Dips...leading up to your last set which will consist of 1 Push Press followed by 10 Ring Dips.

"The Opera" by Jon Gilson of Again Faster.

Community Notes:
Due to CFKoP hosting the Open Sectional for our members this Thursday from 5-7PM the Open gym regularly scheduled for the first Thursday of each month will be postponed until next Thursday 4/14. We apologize for any inconvenience.

CrossFit Inspire is hosting the Open sectional this Saturday 4/9 for local athletes starting at 9:30 AM. Click here for details.

CrossFit KoP will host the Open sectional on 4/16, get ready for a big throw-down ladies and gentlemen! Click here to register and reserve your spot today.

Click here to see our new afternoon Vinyasa Hatha Yoga Series offered by Tori. Yoga will run Tuesdays from 12pm-1pm on May 3rd, 10th, 17th and 24th. A 4 Week Series Package cost $50 or $15 Drop-in Fee.

When you attack our Sport as unoriginal, you attack the song for the notes and the novel for the words.
-Jon Gilson

Tony 9:04
Vinny 9:32
Danny 8:55
Kevin 17:19
Olan 17:49
Jerry 17:26

Jason Balm 19:19
Sam B. 12:52 (jerks)
Chris S. 12:27 (Rom)
Josh C. 19:17 (Rom)

Kurt 7:54, 115#
Jen S 13:45, 75#
John 11:46 95#, grn
Nicole S 11:58 75#, blkfloss
Jay E 11:58, 135#, blkfloss
Daniela 16:55 form, 17"boxdips
Arthur 18:04, form, 85#
Peterson 15:56, 115#, bnd
Megs 14:11 75#, blkfloss
Charles 22:15, 75#,bnd
Rachael 16:00, 55#, blue
Cindy 9:09 45# 17"boxdips
Steve 18:50 (95, black)
Seth 15:50 (115, mf)
Kara 13:47 (63, green)
Diane 13:10 (50, blue)
Lindsey 12:57 (63, blue)
Kristen 13:45 (53, blue)
JZ 17:06 (95 Rom)
Roman 17:09 (115/rom)
Ditty 15:23 (63/B)
Vincent 13:12 (100/Rom)
Todd 23:18 (115/Rom)
Sandy 13:40 (45/G)
Miranda 16:55 (90#/Mfx2)
Kathleen 18:54 (58/B)
Sarah S. 13:56 (48/mf)
Killa B. 17:05 (75/B)
Dorothy 16:45 (80/B)
Steph 22:24 (95#/G)
Bre 18:47 (45/Standing)
Shoeless 23:25 (115/B)
Tim G. 25:46 (115#/Rom)


  1. Sweet! I may finally be able to make it to an open gym!!

  2. Peterson- Thank goodness...(finally!)we were trying to accommodate you!!!

  3. How long do you think this WOD will take..Im thinking about coming as my lunch break to the 930 am class..haha they will have to deal with me looking like a mess after

  4. Nice couplet yesterday Aimee. I did it at home in 13:22. But, they were power cleans. I have a swollen left knee from some flying burpees on Sunday...

  5. you should have seen the "buzby burpees" they were truly epic!!

  6. were Buzby burpees as fun to watch as Mike V burpees??

  7. Buzby's burpees were truly "unique". For those of you who like breakdancing, do you remember "The Worm"???

    Buzby's burpees were a cross between a burpee and The Worm. Kinda like a kipping burpee really!

  8. Nevermind..I did this WOD at the gym at my work..I used 35 and 30lb dumbells and the roman chair. I got to 5 dips bodyweight and then used the assistance machine for the rest of the reps. 13:20

  9. Hey there runners! If anyone is interested in signing up for this 5K in June, let me know. Patti and I did it last year and the party afterwards was awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great food and booze was served.

  10. Hmm, Lindsey and I were thinking about signing up for one. I'll get back to you after I talk to the boss lady.

  11. 630pm Results

    Tony 9:04
    Vinny 9:32
    Danny 8:55
    Kevin 17:19
    (DC) Jason Balm 19:19

    Kurt 7:54, 115#
    Jen S 13:45, 75#
    John 11:46 95#, grn
    Nicole S 11:58 75#, blkfloss
    Jay E 11:58, 135#, blkfloss
    Daniela 16:55 form, 17"boxdips
    Arthur 18:04, form, 85#
    Peterson 15:56, 115#, bnd
    Megs 14:11 75#, blkfloss
    Charles 22:15, 75#,bnd
    Rachael 16:00, 55#, blue
    Cindy 9:09 45# 17"boxdips

  12. the 930 results:

    Steve 18:50 (95, black)
    Seth 15:50 (115, mf)
    Kara 13:47 (63, green)
    Diane 13:10 (50, blue)
    Lindsey 12:57 (63, blue)
    Kristen 13:45 (53, blue)

  13. note to self: I started rx on rings and then went to the floss band.

  14. Note to self (following in Jen's footsteps): I started RX and then went to the black version of the blue band....

  15. Blue band, full range of motion for 7 rounds (28 reps), and Green band with partial range of motion on the last 3 rounds (27 reps).
