
Class Schedule

Every once and awhile we like to check in with all of YOU to see if you are getting what you want out of our class schedule. Are there any class times that you would like to see posted? Please post to comments if that is the case.

A special message to the early risers...would anyone like to see the Thursday 6AM moved to Monday or Tuesday? Then you could get a M-W-F 6AM? or Tu-W-F early morning class in? Does anyone want a 6:30AM or 7:00AM?

Please share your thoughts with us, we will consider any class time and if we can consistently keep 5 members in the class we will put it on the permanent schedule.


  1. An 8AM would be nice, cause I could get the wod in, shower, and be at work by 10. Also, a 7:30PM every once and a while might be good too, in case I want to work a little late. If there was a 7AM, I might at least show up every once in a while. That is still a little early for me.

  2. I'd be stoked for a 7am atleast a few days a week

  3. I'd love a 7am class!

  4. Working full time with 3 kids I would love a 10 pm
    class:)) since that's not an option I guess the 7 am would be ok too.

  5. It's hard to do 3 6AM classes in a row... maybe MWF would be easier.

  6. I would like 6am classes Tu-W-F pleasee :)

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  8. I would honestly prefer a 6am class everyday..:)

  9. I like the idea of having the 6 AM class either M W F or Tu W F.

  10. 6am is not a real time. it is an imaginary time when only zombies roam the earth. no clock should have an alarm capable of getting up at 5am

  11. I'd LOVE 6am everyday

  12. Have to agree that the 6AM Monday class would be great.

  13. I only like experiencing 6 AM if it comes after I witness 2, 3, 4, & 5 AMs in consecutive order.

    Would love a 7 AM option(s) during the week. 7:30 AM would be less ideal, but still doable.

    Anyone else up for a 7:30 PM once a week? Would help me work late when I need to and still get a WOD in.

  14. I'd also love to see a 7am class a few times a week.

  15. @Jason: i agree. i've heard tell of the mysterious 5am, but my clock doesn't seem to have it.

  16. I would like a 6 AM class Mon through Fri! 6:30 AM would be doable as well, but 7 AM is getting a little late. Also, I would be up for a 7:30 PM once a week!

  17. I would love a 7am! My favorite days would be monday and thursdays. Also later classes on sundays.

  18. Could there be more than 1 Lite class a week?

  19. I would like the 6:30AM or 7:00AM time slot. 7:30 is too late. 6:00 is too early.

    But I am very happy with the current schedule. It meets my needs.

  20. I'd vote for a 7am or 7:30am class, any day of the week.

  21. Does anyone else work "summer hours" with their company on Friday's? I work half days on Friday's in between day light savings time but a noon class is too early for me to get to. Would love a 1:30 or 2pm class on Friday's if there were others that could do it too (at least for the summer).

  22. I'm down for a 7AM class and a 7:30 PM class once a week.

  23. Melanie: Stop rubbing it in our faces.

  24. what is this "6am" people keep talking about? My clock doesn't have one, i checked twice.

    for the 730PM people...what day of the week?

  25. The 7AM classes would work for me too.

  26. I think a 6am Monday would be awesome. A 6 or 7 am on Tuesday would be great too.

    Jay E

  27. A later in the afternoon class on a Saturday or Sunday would be awesome. Like 1, 2 or 3pm? But I do realize that means you have to stay open longer so it may not work.


  28. I also like the 730 am time frame...mon, wed, thurs or fri would b great. 6 is just a little early for me but the 930 I used to attend is too late now for my work sched. Later weekends would b awsome too:)

  29. I'm with Nina! 6am each day! :)

    Allows a workout and able to get to work on time!

  30. I like the more frequent 6 or 7 am classes idea.

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  33. I want to check the accuracy of the clock on the wall. There are times that I am pushing it a bit....I race to the gym because I dont want to do burpees...my clock in the car & cell phone say it is 5:29pm...I race in (sometimes not scanning because I hate burpess)...and I look up at the wall and it is 6:04pm. Class is half over and I have to do burpees.

  34. Danny, you are absoluetly correct. I think one of the coaches (COUGH JEFF COUGH) just likes to mess with us and pushed it forward 5 minutes.

  35. Donkey~ Mon, Tues or Wed for 7:30pm. I just have to go around my meeting schedules.

  36. A MWF or Tue/Wed/Fri 6 am would be great.

  37. I'd be interested in a 7:30am on Mondays or Thursdays. The occasional 7:30pm class would be nice as well.

  38. Ah, Peterson, I am much more subtle than that, and I have never actually touched the clock! However, although the clock is fast by about 1 minute - 2 max - I have never tried to mete out burpees when not warranted. I can say it is not a half-hour off but would need an atomic clock-based reading to know exactly how far off it is. If it makes you feel better, I have also raced in just under the wire and thought I had an extra minute or so.

    Admit it, you just like burpees.

  39. I would love to see a thursday night class. I agrees with Jason, you will never see me in the morning unless I am still up from the night before.

    Rachael H

  40. Oh yeah, classes in the afternoon on the weekends would be nice. Also, having a strength class during the week at or after 6pm would rock.

  41. Personally, the times I don't make it to the 6 am class is because it's too late and I wouldn't be able to make it in time to school/practicum. So I am all for keeping the morning time at 6 and not any later. I would love to see monday or tuesday with a 6 am. That would be awesome. Even more awesome would be some later evening classes at like 7:30 or 8:30 pm. Also an additional wknd mid-afternoon/early evening time would be great.

  42. Thanks for asking for our feedback and taking it into account - I know it must be hard to accommodate all of us! The current schedule suits most of my needs very well. One thing I'd be interested in though is a return of the strength class to its original format - two nights during the week where we do Wendler sets followed by prescribed assistance work. I've felt like since we started training for sectionals at these times, the strength class lost some of its structure. Additionally, the Saturday 11:00 class can be hard to get to, at least for me, and a weeknight at 7:30 like it used to be would be easier for me to attend on a regular basis. Thanks for listening - and no matter what changes happen to the schedule I'll continue to try to get to as many classes as possible because I love Crossfit KOP!

  43. I would absolutely love a Thursday evening class. Summer hour classes on Fridays would be awesome too, maybe at 3:30? I do like the schedule we already have because like most of you, I don't like to wake up when the sun's not out :)

  44. Ditto on Thursday night and weekend classes later than 10 AM.

    Also, 2x what shoeless said about gratitude.

  45. A 7:30 class one night a week would be great.

    Thanks for soliciting the feedback from everyone and trying to accomodate as many people as possible with a flexible schedule.

