
W.O.D. 4.4.11

South Philly Rumble Competitors

Congratulations to all the athletes, especially to Team KoP (Mike V, John, Nikki & Cate) who tied for first!

Coaches Jason & Aimee complete the gymnastics certification at CrossFit Sine Pari

50 Kipping Swings

3 Rounds for time:
10 Dead hang Pullups
15 Cleans (95/135#)

Jay E. 365 Front Squat from the South Philly Rumble.
Danny Rodrigues:Impossible is Nothing some Legit gymnastics!
"Forging Elite Fitness ... While Pregnant" with Tanya Wagner, CrossFit Journal preview video [wmv] [mov]

Mobility Monday @ 5:30 & 6:30:
Shoulders! Today we'll use our lacrosse/baseballs, rollers, and other objects to work out kinks in our shoulders. Our goal is to find the "hot spots" that are causing pain or limiting mobility, and get them loosened up.

Weekly Notes:
We will be hosting the Sectional WOD 11.3 for KoP athletes on Thursday from 5-7PM. This weekend there will be T & P Adventures on both Saturday and Sunday at 10AM since CrossFit King of Prussia is hosting a Kids Certification. T & P Adventures meets at Frosty Falls- Family & Friends are welcome.


“Believe and act as if it were impossible to fail.”
-Charles Kettering


Megs 14:58 (75 flossx2)
Steve K. 16:00 (75 black)
Jerry 19:20 (115)
Kara 12:38 (45 green+floss)
Aimee 12:20 Rx
Jeff: 15:08 115#
Dom: 16:23 Rx
Gabe: 18:33 115#, Blue
Rob Ph: 16:43 135#
Jim B: 19:03 95#
Ben: 19:07 85# Green
Jackie: 17:17 63# Black
Olan: 17:45 115#
Sara B: 14:45 95# Floss
Miranda: 14:47 85# Green
Josh C: 16:05 Floss
Howard: 17:36 95# Floss
Chuck: 18:45 95# Blue
Kathleen: 15:14 53# Black
Christine: 15:34 45# Black
West Wood: 18:04 Blue 95#
Nina: 14:15 Blue 80#
Chris: 14:39 DC
Tim P: 9:54 Rx
Denise: 14:06 65
Amy: 12:51 35 Bk
Karin12:57 53 Bk
JZ: 11:39 105
Steph V: 15:28 95 Green
Flounder: 12:39 75 Green
Ed 10:20 115
Jess S: 13:27 45 Bk
Ditty: 15:41 73 BMF
Tim H: 15:17 73 Bk
Kurt: 10:44 Rx
Jon: 10:58 65 G
Tony: 9:32 Rx
Laura 15:36 85 Strict
Nikki: 9:46 Rx
Samantha: Form/ Squat Practice
Lindsey: 13:26 G
Rob Pl: 11:59 Rx
Nicole S: 12:42 75 2 floss
Sheng ching: 20:20 75 Bk
Rachel: 16:29 63 G
Mike S: 18:54 75 Bk

Photos of the Day:
Jim Killa B. pullin up!

Jackie on the clean


  1. gymnasts are strong...i am sore...i am not flexible...i will start doing gymnastics once a week in my training...gymnasts are strong...that is all...

  2. Jason, what kinds of gymnastics stuff are you going to start doing in your training? Any major points you took away from the weekend you want to share with us all?

  3. i have finally realized that i need to maintain my body's flexibility. i will try to incorporate more ART or maybe hot yogi every once in a while. in terms of actual work, i will be working mostly strict things on my gymnastics day.

    strict pullups
    strict muscleups
    straddle to handstands
    hollow rocks

    my 2011 goal is a strict muscle up and 2012 goal is strict pressing my body weight.

  4. Highly recommed lifting with JAY E. His energy in WOD 2 yesterday made me feel like a monster!! It ranks very high on the list of the best time I have had in 10mins!! It was a great day with a great community...every experience just gets me deeper in love with this sport and its players.

  5. jason,

    Could you explain the difference between "strict" and just a regular pullup/muscle up? Is it no kipping?

  6. peterson,

    yup, you got it...

    strict muscle up, means you pull the rings down and transition with active shoulders and press up.

    strict pull up is simply a dead hang.

    pure strength, not using a kip for the advantage. i am not saying i will never do a kip again in a workout...however, if i have 15 dead hang pullups, i will bet you that i can get 30 or more kipping.

    congrats on the mu by the way. i want to watch you do it and talk to you about it. maybe you can help me get to where i need to be.

  7. 4:30 Class Results
    Jeff: 15:08 115#
    Dom: 16:23 Rx
    Gabe: 18:33 115#, Blue
    Rob Ph: 16:43 135#
    Jim B: 19:03 95#
    Ben: 19:07 85# Green
    Jackie: 17:17 63# Black
    Olan: 17:45 115#
    Sara B: 14:45 95# Floss
    Miranda: 14:47 85# Green
    Josh C: 16:05 Floss
    Howard: 17:36 95# Floss
    Chuck: 18:45 95# Blue
    Kathleen: 15:14 53# Black
    Christine: 15:34 45# Black
    West Wood: 18:04 Blue 95#
    Nina: 14:15 Blue 80#

  8. 5:30 Class
    Chris: 14:39 DC
    Tim P: 9:54 Rx
    Denise: 14:06 65
    Amy: 12:51 35 Bk
    Karin12:57 53 Bk
    JZ: 11:39 105
    Steph V: 15:28 95 Green
    Flounder: 12:39 75 Green
    Ed 10:20 115
    Jess S: 13:27 45 Bk
    Ditty: 15:41 73 BMF
    Tim H: 15:17 73 Bk
    Kurt: 10:44 Rx
    Jon: 10:58 65 G
    Tony: 9:32 Rx

  9. 6:30 Class
    Laura 15:36 85 Strict
    Nikki: 9:46 Rx
    Samantha: Form/ Squat Practice
    Lindsey: 13:26 G
    Rob Pl: 11:59 Rx
    Nicole S: 12:42 75 2 floss
    Sheng ching: 20:20 75 Bk
    Rachel: 16:29 63 G
    Mike S: 18:54 75 Bk

  10. No problem Jason. My first one (Pre-WOD, which only Lindsey saw the whole thing) went really smoothly. The 2nd one, after the WOD, which EVERYONE saw, was not as good.

    On my transition in that 2nd one, I have the issue of having not enough kip combined with having the rings too far out in front of me, not tucked into my armpits. Then I have to work to get them there, and finally do the dip, which was a struggle.
