
W.O.D. 4.18.11

Packed house!

Josh C. aggressive on the kip

Dom O.

As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes

Run 400 meters
Max rep Pull-ups

Your score is the total number of pull-ups completed for each round.

Mobility Monday:
The Front Rack Position. We'll work wrist, shoulder and back flexibility to improve our front rack position. We are offering one Mobility class only at 5:30 today.

Click here to see some great shots from this weekends OPEN Sectional 11.4.

"I've learned that it is the weak who are cruel, and that gentleness is to be expected only from the strong."
- Anon.

Tom: 40
Miranda: 38 green Dead Hang
Josh C:72
Catharine: 52
Karen: Rom 26 Green Floss
Olan: 95
Rob Ph:58 Blue
Pat P: 51
Kevin 97
Josh S: 61
Ditty: 61
Denise: 56 Black
Jess S: 36 Green
Flounder: 92 Green
Brittney:31 Black
KSB :43
Mike F: 36
Kathleen: 32 Floss
Chris S:38
Kate: 70 Blue
Melinda: 40 MF
Karin: 52
Liz: 38
Sam B: 147
Cline: 40
Jon: 35 Green
Tony: 110
Sheng Ching: 45 Blk
Shawn: 93
Jason B: 93
Mike T: 96
Jerry: 102
Jen N: 38 Thin Blk
Charles: 53


  1. Enough workout talk. What did everyone think of the Game of Thrones premiere?

  2. Cline!! Me and Lindsey got rid of our cable a few months ago... DLing the torrent as we speak and we'll be watching it tonight! I've heard it was badass though.... Now I just need to read through the series prior to the new book release in July!

  3. It was awesome, very badass... I guess i should read the book now...

  4. Once I get my spare copy back I can lend it to you Conn. Right now, I'm re-reading it, Lindsey's next in line, and my friend has the extra....

  5. there's some really awesome pics over on that site :)

  6. It's nearly impossible to divorce yourself from the book and experience it on its own merit.

    That being said, I thought it was an excellent table-setter.

    Let's see if I can encapsulate my thoughts w/o spoiling anything.

    (*) The intro scene beyond The Wall and the closing scene in Winterfell were killer.

    (*) Loved the popup-book style credits.

    (*) Interesting to note when they went "off-book". Something like Bran & Arya having a minor sibling rivalry doesn't really make a difference long-term, and was probably used to show that the Starks are a relatively normal family.

    But Cat/Ned discussing his new job offer is 180 degrees different from the book. That could have repercussions down the road.

    Same deal with what Bran saw/overheard. Maybe more so.

    (*) Am skeptical about the actress playing Cersei. Her opportunity for manipulations and machinations hasn't arrived yet, but she needs to be imperious and bitchy but alluring. So far, she's just come across as bored.

    (*) Arya was perfectly cast. Can't wait for her stories to play out.

    (*) Wasn't wild about Peter Dinklage being cast as Tyrion who's a hideous freak in the books. And Dinklage is an f-able dwarf. But so far, so good.

    (*) Don't like the coming attractions where it looks like Cat is playing Monk.

    (*) Watching True Blood became a tradition with some friends. We refer to it as "Sunday Night N", due to our excitement/disappointment when HBO shows the sex/violence disclaimers right before the show starts.

    GoT has picked up True Blood's mantle in this regard. And then some. There should have been a "DS" disclaimer for all the doggy style sex in last night's ep.

  7. Cline,
    I'm only 60% through book one. Do you think I should finish the books before I start watching the series?

  8. Nah. You've probably already read most of Season 1.

    Though it's not totally clear how much ground this season will cover. Probably most of Book 1 and a dollop of Book 2.

    It seems like the major plot points will mirror the books, but the series is taking liberties with a few side paths not taken.

  9. Game of thrones rocked!

    I agree that Cersei seems off. That really bugged me.

    Arya was perfect casting. As was Jon Snow, Ned, Tyrion and Jaime. I expected Catelyn to be more beautiful, but maybe that was just in my head when reading the books.

    What is up with the references to Bran? If you watch the coming scenes the way they refer to him seems to be a drastic change from what happens to him in the books. Which if true would tick me off.

    I wonder if the show is understandable if you haven't read the books. There are references to things but they aren't spelled out well. Is the story still as epic without all the details?


  10. 4:30 Class Results
    Tom: 40
    Miranda: 38 green Dead Hang
    Josh C:72
    Catharine: 52
    Karen: Rom 26 Green Floss
    Olan: 95
    Rob Ph:58 Blue
    Pat P: 51
    Kevin 97

  11. 5:30 Class Results
    Josh: 61
    Ditty: 61
    Denise: 56 Black
    Jess S: 36 Green
    Flounder: 92 Green
    Brittney:31 Black
    KSB :43
    Mike F: 36
    Kathleen: 32 Floss
    Chris S:38
    Kate: 70 Blue
    Melinda: 40 MF
    Karin: 52
    Liz: 38

  12. Sam B: 147
    Cline: 40
    Jon: 35 Green
    Tony: 110
    Sheng Ching: 45 Blk
    Shawn: 93
    Jason B: 93
    Mike T: 96
    Jerry: 102
    Jen N: 38 Thin Blk
    Charles: 53

  13. Where are the sectionals being held at this Saturday? Is anyone heading out the other box?

  14. Apex is supposed to host this Saturday.

  15. In the interests of full disclosure, I used the thin black band.

    Also, I disobeyed Jeff's instructions to not run a 400 if you weren't going to be back in time to do pullups.

  16. (*) The intro scene beyond The Wall and the closing scene in Winterfell were killer.

    I did not see the beginning scene but the end scene made me jump out of my seat. Pretty awesome stuff there.

    (*) Interesting to note when they went "off-book". Something like Bran & Arya having a minor sibling rivalry doesn't really make a difference long-term, and was probably used to show that the Starks are a relatively normal family.

    I did not read the books so the names are still sinking in...who are Bran and Arya? I thought Bran was the littlest dude that got pushed?

    But Cat/Ned discussing his new job offer is 180 degrees different from the book. That could have repercussions down the road.

    Is Ned the dude from LOTR and Cat his wife? Are you talking about the scene in bed?

    Same deal with what Bran saw/overheard. Maybe more so.

    Are you talking about the last scene?

    (*) Am skeptical about the actress playing Cersei. Her opportunity for manipulations and machinations hasn't arrived yet, but she needs to be imperious and bitchy but alluring. So far, she's just come across as bored.

    Is Cersei the Queen or the oldest daughter of the LOTR dude?

    (*) Arya was perfectly cast. Can't wait for her stories to play out.

    Is this the little girl that hits the target early on?

    (*) Wasn't wild about Peter Dinklage being cast as Tyrion who's a hideous freak in the books. And Dinklage is an f-able dwarf. But so far, so good.

    I liked Imp

    (*) Don't like the coming attractions where it looks like Cat is playing Monk.

    Who is Monk?

    thanks for the help.

    To answer Sandy's question...I did not read the books and I still found enjoyment in the show.

  17. I too used bands...green plus MF. Just to be honest. No way I could ever do 58 regular pull-ups at this point!!!

  18. (*) The intro scene beyond The Wall and the closing scene in Winterfell were killer.

    I did not see the beginning scene but the end scene made me jump out of my seat. Pretty awesome stuff there.

    >>>> Think the first 15 minutes is online on HBO or YouTube if you missed the opening.

    (*) Interesting to note when they went "off-book". Something like Bran & Arya having a minor sibling rivalry doesn't really make a difference long-term, and was probably used to show that the Starks are a relatively normal family.

    I did not read the books so the names are still sinking in...who are Bran and Arya? I thought Bran was the littlest dud ...?

    >>>> They are both Stark children. From oldest to youngest:

    Jon Snow (not technically a stark since he's a bastard)
    Sansa (princessy girl)
    Arya (tomboy girl)
    Bran (climber)
    Rickon (not really focused on)

    But Cat/Ned discussing his new job offer is 180 degrees different from the book. That could have repercussions down the road.

    Is Ned the dude from LOTR and Cat his wife? Are you talking about the scene in bed?

    >>>> Yes. Ned/Eddard is the Lord of Winterfell and new Hand to King
    Robert. Cat/Catelyn is his wife.

    That bed scene in the book, Catelyn is arguing FOR him taking the job because of the big picture effects it will have on their family.

    Same deal with what Bran saw/overheard. Maybe more so.

    Are you talking about the last scene?

    >>>> Yes. He overheard their plans as well as seeing their liaison in the book.

    (*) Am skeptical about the actress playing Cersei. Her opportunity for manipulations and machinations hasn't arrived yet, but she needs to be imperious and bitchy but alluring. So far, she's just come across as bored.

    Is Cersei the Queen or the oldest daughter of the LOTR dude?

    >>>> Bitchy-ass queen. LOTR daughter=Sansa.

    (*) Arya was perfectly cast. Can't wait for her stories to play out.

    Is this the little girl that hits the target early on?

    >>>> Yes

    (*) Wasn't wild about Peter Dinklage being cast as Tyrion who's a hideous freak in the books. And Dinklage is an f-able dwarf. But so far, so good.

    I liked Imp

    >>>> I think he'll win me over, but they need to change the tone of his character if he's just short instead of short & hideous.

    (*) Don't like the coming attractions where it looks like Cat is playing Monk.

    Who is Monk?

    >>>> Adrian Monk, a former police detective whose OCD is both a blessing and a curse in his new life as a private investigator.

  19. Cline, thanks for the clarifications. It does not appear that Bran overheard anything in the series...this is way different from the book?

  20. The conversation Jaime & Cersei have while overlooking Jon Arryn's corpse early in the ep is essentially what Bran overhears (in addition to witnessing standing copulation).
