
W.O.D. 4.17.11

Death by
Sumo Deadlift High Pull (65#/95#)
Med Ball Clean (14#/20#)

With a continuously running clock do one Sumo & one MB Clean the first minute, two Sumo's & two MB Cleans second minute, three Sumo's and MB Cleans the third minute.... continuing as long as you are able.

Assistance work:
Take 10 minutes to get your max set of Double unders in a row.

"Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together."
- Woodrow Wilson

Howard (75#/20#) 7,7,5
Steph V. (Rx) 8, 8, 2
Lisa C. (35#/10#) 5,4,3,3
Rachael (45#/14#) 7,7,4
Jess S (45#/12#) 7,6,5
Sarah S. (45#/10#) 7,6,4
Joe G (45#/12#) form
Kim G. (53#/14#) 7,6,4
Tim H (65#/14#) 6,5,4,2
Cline (75#/14#) 7,7,4
Melinda (Rx) 8, 8, 2
Peterson (Rx) 9, 8, 2
Lindsey (Rx) 8, 7, 5
Jeff Hi (65#/20#) 7,7,6
Jess C (45#/14#) 8, 8, 4
Sandy (45#/10#) 10, 9


  1. Sunday coaches is their any time Sunday I can come in and try the sectionals WOD?

  2. Olan - check with Jeff in the morning, but I think Vinny is doing it around 8:30. Hopefully he responds to you in the morning. If not, after the kids class someone (aka Cindy or Steph) should be able to count also

  3. Thanks Megs! 8:30 is not exactly prime workout time for me but I will check the blog in the morning.

  4. Olan- Cate is doing a re-do at 11:45 after the kids class.

  5. Olan,

    I have athletes running through a WOD after Cate is done, but we can probably get you in before they go. Figure around noon. Good luck!


  6. i can come count anytime today. but i'm about to head back to bed for a little bit so if you need me, best to call.

  7. Sunday morning results:

    Results are listed as rounds completed.

    9AM class:

    Howard (75#/20#) 7,7,5
    Steph V. (65#/14#)
    Lisa C. (35#/10#) 5,4,3,3
    Rachael (45#/14#) 7,7,4
    Jess S (45#/12#) 7,6,5

    10AM class:

    Sarah S. (45#/10#) 7,6,4
    Joe G (45#/12#) form
    Kim G. (53#/14#) 7,6,4
    Tim H (65#/14#) 6,5,4,2
    Cline (75#/14#) 7,7,4
    Melinda (Rx) 8, 8, 2
    Peterson (Rx) 9, 8, 2
    Lindsey (Rx) 8, 7, 5
    Jeff Hi (65#/20#) 7,7,6
    Jess C (45#/14#) 8, 8, 4
    Sandy (45#/10#) 10, 9

    Great job everyone!

  8. Corrected Sunday morning results with an omission added back in (sorry about that!):

    Results are listed as rounds completed.

    9AM class:

    Howard (75#/20#) 7,7,5
    Steph V. (Rx) 8, 8, 2
    Lisa C. (35#/10#) 5,4,3,3
    Rachael (45#/14#) 7,7,4
    Jess S (45#/12#) 7,6,5

    10AM class:

    Sarah S. (45#/10#) 7,6,4
    Joe G (45#/12#) form
    Kim G. (53#/14#) 7,6,4
    Tim H (65#/14#) 6,5,4,2
    Cline (75#/14#) 7,7,4
    Melinda (Rx) 8, 8, 2
    Peterson (Rx) 9, 8, 2
    Lindsey (Rx) 8, 7, 5
    Jeff Hi (65#/20#) 7,7,6
    Jess C (45#/14#) 8, 8, 4
    Sandy (45#/10#) 10, 9

    Great job everyone!
