
W.O.D. 3.31.11

Chris x 2

"The spectators"

CrossFit Sectional WOD 2
AMRAP in 15 minutes
9 deadlifts (155/100#)
12 push-ups (hand release at bottom)
15 box jumps (24/20")

(compare to open athletes)

Coaches Notes:
We wanted to give everyone the opportunity to perform some of the WODs from the Open Sectionals. You can now see where you stack up against some of the best in the world and your fellow KoP members. If you are on the KoP Affiliate Team and normally come to the Thursday classes have your time validated earlier in the day if necessary.

Community Events:
This week, CrossFit Generation will be hosting the Open Sectionals for some of the Mid-Atlantic Regional boxes. If you are interested, click here to see the details, please attend and cheer on our local athletes in action.

Balancing Paleo by Laura Pappas

“It is easier to cope with a bad conscious than with a bad reputation”
-Friedrich Nietzsche

Scale Results:
JP: 118 (135/knee/20")
Kristin T: 308 (DC snake)
Steve K. 241 (knees)
Kara 228 (13"box/knees)
Rx Results:
Jay E: 223
Mike T. 288
Nina 252
Jason L. 267
Steph V. 189
Karen 160
Dorothy 235
Kevin 250
Shoeless 217
Danny 312
Aimee 369
Nikki 373
Cate 344
Sam B. 353
Dom 372
Megs 308
Killa 234
Jeff 218
Pappas 360
Nicole S. 229
Olan 293
Warnek 375
Jerry 293
Miranda 265
Mike V. 354
Laura 385
Melinda 249
Plentus 343
Mike F. 268
Chris S 258
Donkey 264


  1. Aww nuts...wish I knew this would have been the WOD today so I didn't kill myself yesterdayy..Good Luck Everyone!:)

  2. Doing that the morning after Angie was... um... fun? :-)

  3. Nina- Consider it 2 a day training for when you compete a the CrossFit Games in 2012

  4. How late you guys staying today? I might come and cheer people on.

  5. haha done deal..Thats what I love to hear!

  6. Jason,
    My score was 235. Megs wrote it wrong on the board. I only got 10 push ups in the last round. I have the sheet and that's what it says. She accidentally gave me credit for all 12 push ups. Whoops!

  7. Wow guys! There were some sick scores today. Congrats to Laura, Dom, and warnek for just killing it. Prime example what some hard work and focus can get you. Kop is going to have a kick ass team this year! I can't wait to drink beers while watching you dominate at the games.

  8. Had such a great time with everyone tonight. To see how everyone was cheering each other on was such an great sight. It did not matter what the final number was, everyone gave it 100%. Great job tonight everyone.
