
W.O.D. 4.1.11

April's Fool

5 Rounds for time of:
1000M Row
40 Kettlebell Swings (35/55)
40 Wall Balls (14#/20#) all to 10 foot target

*Work with a partner to complete the above tasks. One partner works at a time, the exercises must be completed in this order.

He who is born a fool is never cured.

Granny and Seth 37:28 Rx
Meghann and Bekah 42:20 (35#/10#)
Pat and Mike 45:00 (55/20# and 35/12#)
Kristin T and Nina 44:38 DC
Killas: 43:01
Sarah B and Bre: 50:13 (18 and 8)
Nik and Aim: 40:30 (Rx+ 45# bell)
Howard and JZ: 39:29 (35 and 16)
Kevin and Rob Ph: 41:38 (DC some depth)
Olan and Josh S: 36:21 (14 run)
Joe and Ben: 44:02 (35 and 14 run)
Steph and Gina: 44:49
Tim G: 32:30 (1/2 Rx)
Dorothy & Lisa 41:30 (35/14 & 35/8)
Steve & Kate 41:05 (35/20 & 35/14)
Donkey and Megs (35/14 & 35/8) 10 foot target :)
Kate & Denise 38:58 (26.5/10#, 35/12#)
Petersons 40:37 (Rx, 26.5/10#)
Sam B & Mike F 35:12 (Rx)
Kathleen & Melinda 40:10 (DC)
Danny & Clay 34:33 (Rx)
Rob P & Chris B 38:08 (Rx/DC)
Jeff Hi & Brian R 37:00 (Rx/DC)
Jon & Tony 35:46 (Rx/DC)
Rachael 29:59 (1/2, 26.5, 8# to 9')


  1. I wish blogger had a "like" button for this WOD.

  2. Is that an April Fools' joke Karen?

  3. 6AM team results:

    Granny and Seth 37:28 Rx
    Meghann and Bekah 42:20 (35#/10#)
    Pat and Mike 45:00 (55/20# and 35/12#)
    Kristin T and Nina 44:38 DC

    Great job this morning, way to push through a tough one on this cool and rainy morning!

  4. Ha Ha! You got me good! At first I thought I would have to do all this work by myself. Nice one Aimee.

  5. for those at rock bottom last night...

    1) Rock Bottom: 1:32.8

    2) Arriving Home: 1:02.3

    I suck!

  6. I tried when I got home but I fumbled the stop watch and not it is ruined forever

  7. @Nina - Danny's cool factor has nothing to do with our dynamic wod performance today! ...it means, Damn Close....we just need to work on our squat depth with the wallballs and then we will get an Rx! good job today partner! I hope we are wod buddies again!

  8. Dom, I need your email address that you use for the Games site. I will try emailing them again.

  9. Nina - don't be discouraged by 'DC'

    It is a lot better than NEC, TSS or AYFKM...

  10. Would anyone be interested in goign to the Phoenixville Farmer's Market next Saturday (April 9th) with me? They have a lot of locally grown and raised, grass fed, organic, humane raised, etc.... food and goodies for purchase. I specifically wan tot go for these awqesome cupcakes my friend told me about but there are lots of other things I am interested in too (-:
    Here is the link for the vendors: http://www.phoenixvillefarmersmarket.org/providers

    Email me if you are interested in meeting over there (it is from 10-11:30 only). melanie.anson1@gmail.com

  11. jer, got the first and last, struggling with tss?


  12. Mel I'll go next time! I really want to check that place out. I have a hair cut scheduled for that Saturday at 10:30 :/

  13. Jason -
    TSS... These(those) squats suck ;)

  14. Or Jason, how about TBYCBYRBTWYGHYS


    To bed your current bride, you rub between two watermelons, you get hard, you scream?

  16. Close! You were right there. it actually means: Too Bad You Couldn’t Beat Your Rock Bottom Time When You Got Home You Suck

  17. my personal favorites: FUBAR and KMAGYOYO.

    another favorite: gaming this WOD with megs. nicely done, girl.

  18. Donkey you dug deep today and found some kick ass strength. You were breathing fire not spinning it

  19. I actually really enjoyed this workout. It's nice to get back at all of you munchkins every once in a while :-P Height helps with rowing and wallballs!

  20. results from the nooner:

    Dorothy & Lisa 41:30 (35/14 & 35/8)
    Steve & Kate 41:05 (35/20 & 35/14)
    Donkey and Megs (35/14 & 35/8) 10 foot target :)

  21. For the record, I only hit the 10ft target for the first few rounds. Later rounds only went to the 9 ft target. It was very sad. Glad Aimee wasn't there. She wouldn't have allowed my lameness.

  22. 5:30 and 6:30 results

    Kate & Denise 38:58 (26.5/10#, 35/12#)
    Petersons 40:37 (Rx, 26.5/10#)
    Sam B & Mike F 35:12 (Rx)
    Kathleen & Melinda 40:10 (DC)
    Danny & Clay 34:33 (Rx)
    Rob P & Chris B 38:08 (Rx/DC)
    Jeff Hi & Brian R 37:00 (Rx/DC)
    Jon & Tony 35:46 (Rx/DC)
    Rachael 29:59 (1/2, 26.5, 8# to 9')

    Note to the 5:30 and 6:30 classes - I asked everyone to write their own weights on the board for this WOD. A lot of teams wrote Rx even though some of their movements (namely walls balls) weren't truly Rx. I took the liberty of posting your scores as Rx/DC. I'm not trying to be an Rx Nazi (okay maybe i am), but as we all know the letters Rx have a very specific meaning. It means you did the weights AND THE MOVEMENTS as prescribed If you were Damn Close to Rx, but on some of those wall balls you didn't squat low enough or throw high enough, there's no shame in writing DC on the board.

    Overall great job on a really tough WOD!
