
W.O.D. 3.30.11

Jim's personal cheering squad helped him get to a new PR today!

Daniela hitting the 17" box!

Yes, we now have 20" boxes in the box-Thanks DAD!

100 Pull-ups
100 Push-ups
100 Sit-ups
100 Squats

(compare to 11.27.10)

Coaches Notes:
The recommended scale for this workout be to cut the reps in half and perform 50 of each exercise indicated above. If you are competing in the OPEN Sectional you are welcome to scale the push-ups in the WOD.

Community Events:
Click here to view the Running Flyer from Coach Pappas. There are dates available that should accommodate everyones needs.

The Case for Tuesdays from The Whole 9.

CNN- The Grass-Fed vs. Grain-Fed Debate Nutritional analysis found grass-fed to be better for you with the right balance of fatty acids and vitamins.

“The time to relax is when you don't have time for it.”
-Sydney J. Harris

Meghann 28:09 (G, knee)
Kim G 24:56 (RR, knee w/ release)
Grans 24:31 (50 RR, 50PU, 100 burpees, 100 SU, 100 squats)
Tim G 29:59 (RR, release)
Nina 20:42 (50 PU (G), 50 burpees, 100 SU, 100 squats)
Bekah 23:23 (G, knee)
CC 11:03 (1/2, 2xB band, release)
Kristin T 24:02 (G, knee)
Breanna 16:47 (25x2rds, knee, G)
Jen S. 8:24 (1/2, KBS sub)
Megs 8:38 (1/2, KBS sub)
Christine 12:21 (1/2,knees, B)
Daniela 17:38 (25x2, knees, jump)
Jim C. 26:16 Rx
Gabe: 21:28 75 Pull ups
Rachael:23:13 Green 21'' Pull ups
Jackie: 11:30 50 Reps Black/ Knees
Chuck: 17:50 50 Reps
Westwood: 23:16 Pull ups 50 Green p b x 100
Brian R: 18:22 75 Reps
Sheng-Ching: 24:10 75 Black
Kurt: 20:19 RX
Gina 23:33 Green/ Knees
Amy:14:04 50 Reps
Mike:15:49 50 Reps
Denise: 13:25 50 Reps
Paul:19:33 100/60/60/100
Miranda: 10:52 50/25/50/50
Jeff Hi: 14:09 50 Reps
Howard: 22:44 50/50/100/100
Samantha:19:06 75/50/75/50
JP: 16:55 50 Reps
Chris S:12:40 50 Reps
Kate 21:30 Blue Band
Tony: 17:00 Rx
Jon: 15:50 RR 75
Nicole S:12:59 %0 reps KBS Sub
Jen N:25:56 Black/Knees
Rob P: 9:47 50 Reps
Iron Man: 11:50 50/50/100/100
Cline:23:56 60/50/100/100
Shawn:10:30 50 Reps
Danielle: 19:58 100 RR 50/50/100
Mike S: 20:01 50 RR/50/100/100
Charles:50/50/100/100 19:20 Hands up
Jess C:24:23 100 RR/100/100/100


  1. Great job 6amers! I saw some valient efforts this morning - especially from Tim G who pushed through 100 ring rows and 100 hand release pushups! For everyone who scaled to the knees but kept great ROM and even tried some hand releases, I appreciated your hard work today. It makes us coaches smile every time we see a chest hit the deck during a push-up :)

    And how could I not mention the awesomeness at the end of class when everyone jumped in to do squats with Meghann and Tim to help them finish strong, even though you all had already done 100on your own! You guys rock!

    RR = ring row
    release = push-ups w/ hand release

    6:00am results
    Meghann 28:09 (G, knee)
    Kim G 24:56 (RR, knee w/ release)
    Grans 24:31 (50 RR, 50PU, 100 burpees, 100 SU, 100 squats)
    Tim G 29:59 (RR, release)
    Nina 20:42 (50 PU (G), 50 burpees, 100 SU, 100 squats)
    Bekah 23:23 (G, knee)
    CC 11:03 (1/2, 2xB band, release)
    Kristin T 24:02 (G, knee)

    Welcome back CC! Don't be a stranger!

  2. my thoughts on WOD 11.2 for sectionals:

  3. Did anyone read the profiles on the top 5 men and women? The 5th place dude can do 600 double unders in a row. You are no longer cool, P.


    Also, let's motivate some people!!! Who are your predicted top 3 men and top 3 women from our box doing WOD 2?

    In no order...
    Timmy, Plentus, Danny (wild card)
    Aimee, Nikki, Cate

    If you name is mentioned, don't disappoint...if you name is not mentioned...prove me wrong. :)

  4. The WOD's are posted for this Sunday's South Philly Rumble:

    WOD 1
    Snatch , 1 Rep (Full Squat Snatch)
    Front Squat, 1 Rep

    Each team will be provided with 1 Squat Rack and 2 bars: a single 45lb. bar and a single 35lb. bar.
    Each team will be provided with a total of 710 lbs.
    5 pair of 45’s = 450
    1 pair of 35’s = 70
    1 pair of 25’s = 50
    4 pair of 10’s = 80
    4 pair of 5’s = 40
    4 pair of 2.5’s = 20

    1 male and 1 female athlete per lift. Athletes may not switch lifts once the timer has started.
    Each athlete has 3 attempts for their lift; best successful attempt counts towards the team’s score.
    The team has 10 minutes total to complete all lift attempts.

    Scoring: The team score will be the combined total weight of each athlete’s best lift.

    WOD 2
    2km Row
    100 Thrusters (W:65lb / M:95lb)
    100 Pull Ups (W:Head over Bar / M:Chest to Bar)
    150 Kettlebell Swings (W:16kg / M:24kg)
    200 Burpees

    Athletes can move between stations as desired, however, no more than one athlete at a time may be working at any given station.
    One athlete must be rowing at all times until the 2,000 m row has been completed.
    Cutoff: 17 minutes

    Scoring: The team score will be the time taken to complete the workout.

    ** If any athlete on the team opts to do the pullups using assistance bands the WOD will be considered scaled. Please notify us at check-in if your team will be scaling so we can make sure bands are available.

    WOD 3
    “Pet Rock”
    300 Double Unders
    200 Box Jumps (W:20” / M:24”)
    100 Wall Balls (10’ target) (W:14lb / M:20lb)
    75 Ground to Overhead (W:95lb / M:135lb)
    30 Handstand Pushups
    20 Muscle Ups
    Pet Rock = 32k

    The top TEN teams (based on scores from WOD1 and WOD2) will compete in WOD3.

    Only one male and one female athlete may be working at one time.
    One athlete must be holding the pet rock at all times.
    Athletes may “switch” with one another at any time, as long as only one male and one female are working at the same time.
    All of the repetitions at one station must be complete before the team can move on to the next station.
    Cutoff: 20 minutes

    Scoring: The team score will be the time taken to complete the workout.

  5. I am assuming the (wild card) besides my name is due to several factors. 1) Weekly to date Yuengling & Coconut Lara Bar consumption. 2) My hair do and how that relates to the aerodynamics of gracefully jumping from ground to box (ever .00001 of a second counts)...too much hair could impact my time tremendously 3) If I wear my Optimus Prime shirt, I may be able to do push ups like an autobot should, however...this may screw me up as it relates to point 2.

    Thanks Jason for picking me as the wild card. I will do my best!

  6. In all seriousness, I have never done push-ups like this before. Is there any strategy or insight into doing full wod's with push ups like this? Are there limitations or guidlines as to how far your hands must come off the ground?

    I ask this question because....would there be a difference between slightly lifting your hands up enough to show your hands are off the ground....then right back into a push up OR really raising your hands up/pinching your shoulder blades together to then really exploding up. Similar to when I bench and pause the wight on my chest...really exploding through from an almost coiled position.

    Maybe this would be a switch in strategy as you fatigue but didnt know if anyone has any real life wod experince in this type of push up.

    Or maybe I am just over thinking it.

  7. I have done these pushups in workouts and I find them easier. Almost like a break at the bottom. Just limit that break! Your hands just need to leave to show they are not supporting your weight. Hard for fast people will be rememberi g to do it. Aimee tried last night and did four and forgot on one. Remember every rep.

  8. Per Danny's Factor #2 I got a fresh buzz today JUST in case. You never know, right?

    I'm glad you asked about the push ups, Danny. I've never done them officially in a WOD, only messing around. It will certainly be a different experience, and likely require more concentration to remember to lift up each time as Jason mentioned.

  9. Yay Dad!!!!! You are the best!!!!!

    Nice job Jim.

  10. So wait, no one's going to giggle even a little bit at the use of the phrase "hand release"?!?

    For shame...

  11. 4:30 Class Results
    Gabe: 21:28 75 Pull ups
    Rachael:23:13 Green 21'' Pull ups
    Jackie: 11:30 50 Reps Black/ Knees
    Chuck: 17:50 50 Reps
    Westwood: 23:16 Pull ups 50 Green p b x 100
    Brian R: 18:22 75 Reps
    Sheng-Ching: 24:10 75 Black
    Kurt: 20:19 RX
    Gina 23:33 Green/ Knees
    Kate 21:30 Blue Band

  12. Amy:14:04 50 Reps
    Mike:15:49 50 Reps
    Denise: 13:25 50 Reps
    Paul:19:33 100/60/60/100
    Miranda: 10:52 50/25/50/50
    Jeff Hi: 14:09 50 Reps
    Howard: 22:44 50/50/100/100
    Samantha:19:06 75/50/75/50
    JP: 16:55 50 Reps
    Chris S:12:40 50 Reps

  13. 6:30 Class Results
    Tony: 17:00 Rx
    Jon: 15:50 RR 75
    Nicole S:12:59 %0 reps KBS Sub
    Jen N:25:56 Black/Knees
    Rob P: 9:47 50 Reps
    Iron Man: 11:50 50/50/100/100
    Cline:23:56 60/50/100/100
    Shawn:10:30 50 Reps
    Danielle: 19:58 100 RR 50/50/100
    Mike S: 20:01 50 RR/50/100/100
    Charles:50/50/100/100 19:20 Hands up
    Jess C:24:23 100 RR/100/100/100

  14. ...says the guy with a shake weight

  15. thanks for the push, me and a bunch of ladies for the nooner....great stuff. I think it was a combination of support and hey we want to get the hell out of here. I'll take it either way.
