
W.O.D. 3.2.11

From our Grand Opening in 2009
THE “Yack In The Box” COUPLET WOD:
3 rounds for time of:
30 Wallball shots (14/20lbs to 8/10’)
15 Clean and Jerks (75#/115#)

Community Notes:
Thursday March 3rd from 5-7PM is open gym, all CFKoP members are welcome.

Attention Primal challenge winners- The semi-private class will occur at 6PM on Thursday, March 3rd.

Mark your calendars - Sunday, March 27th at 12:15PM is our next FREE Yoga with Tori.

"Once you learn to quit, it becomes a habit."
-Vince Lombardi

Andrea 10:26 (35/10)
Jim C. 15:16 (rx)
Chris Bell 16:40 (dc)
Joanne 17:17 (45/14)
Cate 8:58 (rx)
Dianne 14:45 (45/14)
Sharon 13:30 (15/14)
Christina 10:56 (22/6)
Kim G 14:19 (53/10)
Mike S 21:06 (65/12)
Bekah 11:31 (55)
Meghann 16:30 (65)
Melinda 12:31 Rx
Jay E 13:00 Rx
Tim G 14:09 Rx
Joe A 14:40 Rx
Miranda 11:02 Rx
Mike V 9:17 Rx
Grans 9:52 Rx
Peterson Rx 15:20
Lindsey 53# 13:26
Jim B 75# 14# 13:39
Shawn T Rx 14:25
Jeff Hi 95# 14:48
Nicole S Rx 14:13
Howard 95# 14:00
Jen S Rx 12:18
Jen N 45# 14:51
Karin 14:29
Sandy 35# 9:52
Tony Rx 9:39
Jon B 95# 13:25
Roger Rx 12:41
Paul F 95# 13:25
Brie 53# 12:55
Donkey Rx 9'Wb 13:40
Christine E 45# 14:57
Sam b Rx 10:11
Denise 55# 12:47
Jason "Depth" 11:50
Flounder 75# 14# 13:52
Danny Rx 8:19
Vincent 35#db 11:33
Sarah B Rx 11:48
Jackie 53# 14:11
Karen 45# 12:12
Kevin Rx 12:47
Brian R Rx 14:29
Lisa C 45# 12# 14:39
Megs Rx 13:54
Olan Rx 14:14
Jeff Rx 13:42
Randy 11:20
Steph V 10:27
Dominic 9:18
Ditty Split DC 9"Wb 22:48
Laura 9"Wb 11:46
Dana 55# 15:10
Tyler 95# 11:38
Charles 75# 17:43
Cline Rx 17:06
Cate 10:59
Jerry Rx 10:58
Kristin T 65# 12:49


  1. check it out, this was one of Warnek's first WODs (if not first) at KoP and he's listed as John Warner! I also think it's the only WOD I beat him in to date. haha

  2. wow..memories. 45# C&J- so hard to imagine that now!

  3. something has to be wrong. how did i beat him by 2 minutes? was he not trying or did he use one arm or no arms?

  4. I don't even recognize most of those people at the top of the list...

  5. Probably because they do not come to our gym. There were a lot of visitors that day.

    Dave Lipson is otherwise known as BDL...he is currently at CrossFit Reebok in Boston. He is on mean mofo. His CFT is 1400. Just saying. He can front squat 500. UGH!

    Jimmy James was/is from a place, I honestly can't remember the name but they are no longer an affiliate.

    Zach is from CFDV

    I can't remember the rest of the list

  6. Terrence was at 215 at the time but now owns a box, T 1 I think.

  7. John had never really done wall balls - they're not available at a globo gym! Try never having done them to all of a sudden doing 90 in a workout. Not fun! I'd love to see him re-do this workout - I bet he'd crush it. Maybe tomorrow at open gym!

  8. 6am class results
    Kim G 14:19 (53/10)
    Mike S 21:06 (65/12)
    Bekah 11:31 (55)
    Meghann 16:30 (65)
    Melinda 12:31 Rx
    Jay E 13:00 Rx
    Tim G 14:09 Rx
    Joe A 14:40 Rx
    Miranda 11:02 Rx
    Mike V 9:17 Rx
    Grans 9:52 Rx

    Fantastic job guys! Joe A - 16:48 in Oct 08 and 14:40 today. Congrats on shaving off off 2+ minutes! Grans - 11:55 last time and 9:52 today. Another 2 min PR! To the rest of you - way to fight to keep the intensity up. Especially Miranda who tried her first 6am class. I loved the big turnout again this week, keep 'em coming!

  9. perhaps John Warner is the secret alias (less fit) twin of John Warnek?

    great PR's in the 6AM class, looking forward to seeing the improvements in the later classes!

  10. nikki, stop taking a victory away from plentus and i. at the time of this workout, john was in the best shape of his life and he was destroyed by the powerhouses of jason and plentus. lol. that is how i remember it at least. i am pretty sure i remember rocky music in the background and a lot of slow motion celebration and fireworks...yes, fireworks.

    haha mike v, lipson still crushed you. lol. joking.

  11. I was chasing Lipson this morning... and saw it slip away from me as I got off the wallballs for the last C&Js. I feel like those last 15 reps took me 20 minutes. This one hurt...

    Nice work to the crew this morning getting the pain on bright and early!

  12. Jimmy James was/is from a place? oh jason. that's the funniest thing i've read today, and considering a vast portion of my morning has been spent reviewing charlie sheen quotes, that's quite something.

    dave lipson was at our box and i was too new to appreciate this? boo.

  13. looks like there was a party at the 6 AM...sorry I missed it! and Miranda made her debut! woo woo! good job today 6 AMers...I will try to keep up the pace at the 6:30 PM tonight!

  14. Kudos to the nooner drop-ins, Andrea, Christina & Joanne for sticking with this WOD!

    Queen Cate killed her previous time of 11:40 with a new time of 8:58! hail, hail!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Sarah B Rx 11:48
    Jackie 53# 14:11
    Karen 45# 12:12
    Kevin Rx 12:47
    Brian R Rx 14:29
    Lisa C 45# 12# 14:39
    Megs Rx 13:54
    Olan Rx 14:14
    Jeff Rx 13:42
    Randy 11:20
    Steph V 10:27
    Dominic 9:18

  17. haha, nice Jason. whatever it takes to feel good I guess

    I distinctly remember judging Warnek and those wb's definitely got him. I would really like to see him do it again, but he should probably take it easy on the shoulder before open sectionals

  18. 5:30 Class
    Peterson Rx 15:20
    Lindsey 53# 13:26
    Jim B 75# 14# 13:39
    Shawn T Rx 14:25
    Jeff Hi 95# 14:48
    Nicole S Rx 14:13
    Howard 95# 14:00
    Jen S Rx 12:18
    Jen N 45# 14:51
    Karin 14:29
    Sandy 35# 9:52
    Tony Rx 9:39
    Jon B 95# 13:25
    Roger Rx 12:41
    Paul F 95# 13:25
    Brie 53# 12:55
    Donkey Rx 9'Wb 13:40
    Christine E 45# 14:57
    Sam b Rx 10:11
    Denise 55# 12:47
    Jason "Depth" 11:50
    Flounder 75# 14# 13:52
    Danny Rx 8:19
    Vincent 35#db 11:33

  19. 6:30 Class
    Ditty Split DC 9"Wb 22:48
    Laura 9"Wb 11:46
    Dana 55# 15:10
    Tyler 95# 11:38
    Charles 75# 17:43
    Cline Rx 17:06
    Cate 10:59
    Jerry Rx 10:58
    Kristin T 65# 12:49

  20. Haha, that wod was a big part of why I came back to KOP. Wallballs were a thorough asskicking especially because I went from the team event directly to that nightmare. It was an eye opener. All that being said though, I think I was in the best shape of my life and I was crushed by those two powerhouses Jason and Plentus! I'll try to hit it tomorrow depending on how the shoulder feels. Sorry I missed it today.


  21. ditty and laura...nice work on those 9' wallballs! w00t! everyone, nice way to crush your previous times. very impressive all around.

  22. Way to fill the box tonight CrossFitters! 60 athletes through this WOD!

    Remember to sign up online in advance of the class. This is for your benefit so we can stack the class with more than once coach when necessary. Thanks!

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. There are 2 "C-A-T-E" Cates?!?

  25. No, one is Kate.

    It is NOT about the Rx!

    To truely know on a WOD like today, you need a judge because depth is always a killer.

  26. Sorry anonymous spelling Nazi. If you have not noticed, I don't care. :P

  27. Thanks for not caring since it is my name that is spelled wrong! :-)

    Plus the other Cate killed this wod, she deserves credit for that awesome time.

  28. (Laura 11:03 Rx)
