
W.O.D. 3.1.11

The Three Amigos?


Cash out:
3 Rounds-not for time
10 GHD Sit-ups
10 Back Extensions

"Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being,
while movement and methodical physical exercise save it and preserve it."

Arthur 185
Seth 245
Chris T. 155
Kara 185
Pete T. 315
Nikki 225
Melinda 245
Kurt 295 (335 x 3)
Denise 175
Kathleen 155
Jess S 165
Jeff Hi 255
Donkey 235 (245 x 4!)
Aimee 245
Mel 165 (form)
Miranda 220
Gary 305
Tony 335
Jon 245
P Lentus 385
Shoeless 355
Peterbutt 335
Sandy 135
Tim H 255
Laura 185
Ditty 185
Nicole S. 195
Patti 175
Jess C. 150
Sheng Ching 225
Jen N. 185
Cline 235
Vincent squared 335
Kristin T. 215
Paul 255
Charles 225
Tim G. 335
Dorothy 175
Kristen SB 175
Jim C 345
Vinny 345
Jerry 345
Sarah J 125
Christine E. 125


  1. SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. deadlift day!

  2. Zomg I was going to write that! I love deadlifts yayayayayaya!

  3. awesome CATE...so cool!!! Nothing stopping you now!! You'll be stringing like crazy in record time.

  4. And of course it's deadlifts. At Sunday's semi-private thing, Aimee was torn between retiring and dedicating her life to improving my deadlift form. The latter would have required me moving into their guest house, if such a building exists.

  5. Cline: be the deadlift. LOVE the deadlift. own it. make it yours. it's the happiest of all things available in life.

  6. YEAHHHH!!!! CATE!!! WTG on the muscle up! It has been so fun watching you transform and get into fighting shape. You look absolutely AMAZING!!!

  7. Awesome job Cate! You had such a big smile on your face after hitting that.

    Sam B.

  8. @Donkey: Better than when you think the hooker is going to die, but she pulls through? Color me dubious.

    Ironically, deadlifts were the lift I felt the most confident about until Sunday. I had a 305 1RM and the movement was simple compared to the other crimes against humanity I was committing with my Snatch/Cleans.

    Am still looking forward to tonight.

  9. Queen Cate: I forget you're not on facebook and didn't see all the kudos to you there. I'm SO PROUD of your awesome achievement! You've been working so hard on this...I'm thrilled to see you succeed!

  10. I can't stop watching the video. Nice job Cate. I am soooooo proud of you.

    Please tell the common folks here how you did it.

  11. "King Kong" is usually 3 rounds of:
    1 deadlift, 455#
    2 muscle ups
    3 squat cleans, 250#
    4 hspu

    Mikko does a 20 min. "King Kong" AMRAP and gets 11 rounds+...ridiculous


  12. AWESOME job Cate!!! You are a great example of hard work, dedication, and a positive attitude!!

  13. 5:30 results:

    Nikki 215
    Melinda 245
    Kurt 345
    Denise 175
    Kathleen 155
    Jess S 165
    Jeff Hi 255
    Donkey 235 (245 x 4!)
    Aimee 245
    Mel 165 (form)
    Miranda 220
    Gary 305
    Tony 335
    Jon 245
    P Lentus 385
    Shoeless 355
    Peterbutt 335
    Sandy 135
    Tim H 255

    Nice work all!

  14. thanks everyone!!!! that definitely made my day.

    I can't wait to get in there and practice some more.

    I owe a thank you to Aimee for pushing me to take on the muscle up.

  15. 6:30 Night of the Living Deadlifters

    Laura 185
    Ditty 185
    Nicole S. 195
    Patti 175
    Jess C. 150
    Sheng Ching 225
    Jen N. 185
    Cline 235
    Vincent squared 335
    Kristin T. 215
    Paul 255
    Charles 225
    Tim G. 335

    great numbers everyone, some even had bigger numbers tonight than their 1RM. I'm also glad we could all gather 'round Jen N. in her warm up.

  16. Hey 4:30 class - coaching fail on my part. Didnt get to copy results before the board was erased. Can you all post your results to comments so we can get them on the blog?? Thank you!!

  17. Dorothy and Kristen SB = 175

  18. Donkey, Melinda & Aimee: Holy hell! That's just sick. Have you guys been juicing or something?

  19. @ Jen N and Kristin T - way to go girls! Those are awesome numbers!

  20. Nikki -
    Thanks for the tips tonight..

    Jim C, Vinny and Jerry all got
    345 x5

  21. Sarah J & Christine = 125

  22. Cline may be the funniest person I ever met. Lolololol. Still laughing!

  23. thanks Kristen SB.....hope to see you in class sometime soon!
