
W.O.D. 2.4.11



Sumo Deadlift

Weighted Pull-up

Community Note:
The Primal challenge winners will be announced tonight at 7:30PM hope to see you all there at the celebratory party!

"Where there is laughter there is always more health than sickness"
-Phyllis Bottome

Kathleen 165/mental floss
Howard 185 (grip)/purple band
Bekah 205/blue band
Jay E 425/31.5#
Kim G 200/blue band
Seth 255/45
Jon 275/12.5
Tony 385/88
Rebecca K ( from NJ) 280/ bw
Brian R. 315/55
Jerry 345/88
Sharon 265/bw
Bob R 275 / 55 deadhang, 70 kip
Denise 205 / blue kip
Miranda 225 (form) / 35#
Sara B 205 / 28# kip, deadhang MF
Katie 175 / ?
Peterson 425 (PR) / kipping work
Vivian 225 / Green
Julie Ca 125 / MF
Rob P 285 (form) / 65# deadhang
Kurt 275 / 115 deadhang
Tyler 265 / 97 deadhang
Liz form / 5#
Charles 245 / 23.5
Jason L: 365
Dorothy: 195/10DH
Mike T: 275/75
Nicole S: 220/35
Laura: 215/45
Mel: 195/35
Karen: 175/G
Mike F: 355/40
Olan: 355/60DH
Kev: 355/98.5
Dana: 170/20
Sholess: 405/40
Aimee: 250/40


  1. 6 AM Lifters and Pullers:

    Kathleen 165/mental floss
    Howard 185 (grip)/purple band
    Bekah 205/blue band
    Jay E 425/31.5#
    Kim G 200/blue band

    Nice work everyone!

  2. What are you eating today?


  3. Lifter Puller was Craig Finn's band before The Hold Steady.

    Just thought you should know.

  4. Reminder that if I will not see you on Sunday to bring your squares money tonight or tomorrow.

    Thanks to those who paid!

  5. I have received primal challenge spreadsheets or journals from the following people. If you sent and don't see your name on the list, please resend to be before 3:00PM. Cline- please resend yours, it comes up as empty when I open it on my computer.

    Ellie Hamel
    Tim G
    Mike S
    Kathleen Yates
    Melinda K.

  6. Nooner:
    Seth 255/45
    Jon 275/12.5
    Tony 385/88
    Rebecca K ( from NJ) 280/ bw
    Brian R. 315/55
    Jerry 345/88
    Sharon 265/bw

  7. Cline:

    I have to know so here we go...

    1) Fav movie
    2) Fav musician
    3) Fav book

    Here are my guesses

    1) Clockwork Orange
    2) Tom Waits
    3) Another Roadside Attraction

  8. So hard to choose just one. Your guesses are not terrible, though I've only seen the first half of CO and have not read ARA.

    1. Pulp Fiction (though Little Giants is a close 2nd).

    2. Ugh. I guess I can narrow it down to 3:

    2a. Sleater-Kinney
    2b. Marah
    2c. Drive-By Truckers

    3. Either "About A Boy" (Nick Hornby) or "Fierce Invalids Home From Hot Climates (Tom Robbins).

    Shameless Plug Department: My friend and I operate a blog/podcast conglomeration called The Popcorn Trick if you're interested in more of my pop culture opinions.

  9. [receiving their uniforms]
    Tad: Death shrouds
    [flips one around]
    Danny O'Shea: They've got your names on the back.
    Jake Berman: So the guys at the morgue can identify the bodies.

  10. Cline, you're missing ".com" in your link.

  11. who says people who frequent gyms aren't smart...my gym is full of nerds!! :-) love all the brains and the braun around here!

  12. Anyone want to book swap?

    I've got a whole box of Tom Robbins books, somewhere.

  13. Steph,
    Two of our coaches are PHDs. Holla!

  14. Cline: Is there a way to subscribe outside of iTunes, like on feedburner or something?

  15. OK, found it. http://feeds.feedburner.com/ThePopcornTrick

    You should put a link to that on your site.

  16. Cline, I just stumbled onto to your "80iest" MTV video list on The Popcorn Trick, and it got me thinking ... here's a few that come to mind for me:

    Wall of Voodoo - Mexican Radio
    INXS - The One Thing
    Bryan Adams - Cuts Like a Knife

    Thought I'd be at the 6:30 right now, but SEPTA had other plans for me ... stranded in Bryn Mawr waiting for a ride ... which lead me to Starbucks and The Popcorn Trick.

  17. Bob R 275 / 55 deadhang, 70 kip
    Denise 205 / blue kip
    Miranda 225 (form) / 35#
    Sara B 205 / 28# kip, deadhang MF
    Katie 175 / ?
    Peterson 425 (PR) / kipping work
    Vivian 225 / Green
    Julie Ca 125 / MF
    Rob P 285 (form) / 65# deadhang
    Kurt 275 / 115 deadhang
    Tyler 265 / 97 deadhang
    Liz form / 5#
    Charles 245 / 23.5

    Great job, especially to our new members who came to their first class today! Kurt, Bob, and Tyler - it was great having you!

  18. cline:

    my brother from another motha!

    i am a HUGE SK fan. after pearl jam, i have seen SK the most live at 13 times and i have taped a few of their shows.

    the woods, in my opinion, was by far their best album and then they decided to call in quits. i am still a huge fan of corin and the corin tucker band is pretty great too. i will see them live this summer.

    at least i got tom robbins right. cant blame me for that and tarentino just wants to be kubrick so i am giving myself credit for that as well.

    i am stoked that you like sk. that fires me up!!!

  19. Jason the person at the boxFebruary 4, 2011 at 10:47 PM

    Jason L: 365
    Dorothy: 195/10DH
    Mike T: 275/75
    Nicole S: 220/35
    Laura: 215/45
    Mel: 195/35
    Karen: 175/G
    Mike F: 355/40
    Olan: 355/60DH
    Kev: 355/98.5
    Dana: 170/20
    Sholess: 405/40
    Aimee: 250/40

  20. obviously, Aimee = jason here. damn it!

  21. I was left off the list. My sumo was 205 and I was working on kipping pull-ups and got my first ones with the "blue" (but it's really black) band : ).

  22. Jasaimee,

    Gun to my head, I think I'd go with Dig Me Out since it's just such a perfect tightly-wound coil of an album.

    But The Woods was an ambitiously successful veering off for them. I saw one of their last shows at the Starlight and they most certainly left at the top of their game.

    If, I'm sorry, I mean WHEN they get back together, I see myself taking a few days off and following them around till the restraining order kicks in.

    For now, I'll have to make do with their various side projects.

    Really dug Quasi's last album (American Gong) and their Johnny Brenda's show last year.

    I take it you didn't see The Corin Tucker Band when they played the FU Church last year? She pulled off the not-easy trick of transferring the S-K spirit into something that can proudly stand on its own. I wrote a bit about their stellar performance(s) which came in the midst of an epic, borderline historic run of shows.

    Am looking forward to Wild Flag (Janet, Carrie + others) @JB's in March, though I haven't heard any of their stuff yet.

  23. @Mike S. - Good choices, though I wasn't really an INXS fan until after Kick (one of the first cassettes I bought).

    The other 2 are great examples of a weird, almost-novelty One-Hit Wonder and the pretentious twist ending that a lot of those videos had.

    Thanks for reading!

  24. Couldn't make the Friday WOD or party.

    Am curious to see who won the various Challenge Levels (besides everyone's health, that is).
