
W.O.D. 2.3.11


AMRAP in 7 Minutes - Ground to Shoulder Atlas Stone
Rest 1 Minute
AMRAP in 5 Minutes - Wall Ascents
Rest 1 Minute
AMRAP in 3 Minutes - Ring Dips
Rest 1 Minute
AMRAP in 1 Minute - Hand Stand Push-ups


Community Reminders:
Journals for the Nutrition Challenge are due today! Winners will be announced at the finale party is on Friday 1/7 at 7:30PM.

The St. Valentine's Day Massacre WOD will take place on Sunday 2/13. Click here to see last years fun! You are welcome to bring your "sweetheart" to the FREE WOD.

Mark your calendar, our next FREE Yoga class with Tori will be on Saturday, 2/26 at 1PM.

The Maltz Challenge is on Friday, 3/18 in all classes. Click here to see the WOD.

“Today, more than 95% of all chronic disease is caused by food choice, toxic food ingredients, nutritional deficiencies and lack of physical exercise.”
– Mike Adams

Tim G: 37/13/7/1 = 58 (112# stone, 6&8')
Grans: 32/22/23/5 = 82 (90&60# stone, 8')
Tom S: 21/11/18/0 = 50 (142# stone, 6')
Tony:42/18/47/11 = 118(112#stone)
Pat: 17/7/28/0 = 52 (112# stone, 6', Bk)
Dorothy: 28/9/17/1 = 55 (90&60 stone, 6', MF, 2AB)
Kim G: 35/9/13/0 = 57 (30# stone, 6' w/ box, Standing)
Karen: 22/10/19/15 = 66 (60#stone)
Seth: 20/35/11/11 = 57 (112# stone)
Sharon: ?/11/30/4=55 (90# stone)
Olan:29/18/30/2 = 79 (112# stone)
Pete: 26/0/13/21 =60 (112#stone)
Sarah S:43/12/45/0 = 102 (30# stone)
Chris T: 30/12/25/10 = 79 (30# stone)
John: 27/10/11/20 = 68 (90# stone)
Kara: 31/12/23/8 = 74
Kristen SB 54/6/16/6 = 82 (30# stone)
Beth 34/5/20/15 = 74 (30# stone)
Bekah 6/16/29/7 = 58 (60#stone)

All results (Stone/Wall/RD/HSPU)


  1. I have decided that a package of oreo cookies are in order for tomorrow. I am going to dip them in milk. Is that wrong?

  2. That's me with the oreo cookies. Got so excited I hit submit without signing my name.

  3. I have 2 boxes of girl scout cookies sitting at the box waiting for me...want to share?

  4. So Is Thursday the last day of compliance, or do we turn in our docs without Thursday on it?

    People who did strict Paleo and made it, congrats. Don't go to crazy on the "cheats" off the bat. Trust me!

  5. Thursday is the last full day of compliance.

  6. oh damn! So the oreo cookies will have to weight then.

    I've already had 1 splenda in my coffee, but it wasn't that great.

  7. reminder there is an open gym tonight from 5-7 (it's the first Thursday of the month)

  8. While we are on the whole confessing track, I would like to confess to hoarding some things that I couldn't eat on this diet...
    1. Krispy Kreme doughnuts (I would also like to know who has been trying to sabotage my diet by having my boss bring these devilish/delicious things in)
    2. Jaxx cheesecurls
    3. maybe a cow tale/caramel cream or two... or three. Really, I have been like a squirrel hiding nuts with this stuff I have been saving.
    I would also like say that I had one planned cheat day in all of this... and it was pretty fabulous.

  9. Am very much looking forward to having a couple of drinks tomorrow night.

    @Jason - I left $10 in an envelope for you at the desk last night. I like 7-7. 0-5, not so much.

    @Dianne - I left a check for $140 in an envelope at the desk last night as well.

  10. Aimee,

    What is the email address to use to send you my food journal spreadsheet?

    I want to send it today since I'm taking today off at the box.


  11. Ellie,
    You crack me up. I can't believe you've been hoarding things. There's no way I would be able to be around those things without eating them.

    I must say that now that the lease has been removed, I don't really want to run wild. I think I will keep some of these good habits.

    On a separate note: Anyone want 2 boxes of sun crystals and 4 cases of diet soda?

  12. for the geeks, an analysis of which squares are best/worst and their percentage of success. Looks like Cline has got the best shot (7/7), while Donkey has the worst. (2/2)


  13. OK, is anyone else still pumped about the competition last Saturday? I have to say, I have had a lot of hand shakes and fist bumps over the past 19 months at the box, but after the 4th WOD I had my first hugs. I am a hugger...it was awesome!

  14. That post only looked at Final Scores, not each quarters. So the data is thinner than it could be.

    This one is a little better, though still not current.


    0 is the big # to get since teams obviously start at 0-0.

    The heavy favorites before the ball is snapped:

    Flounder (0-0)
    Shawn (N7-A0)
    Shawn (N0-A7)
    Danny Spataro (N3-A0)
    WW (N0-A3)
    Megs (N3-A7)
    Danny Spataro (N7-A3)

    Though all it takes is one missed XP or a 2-point conversion to tilt the field towards the "bad" #s.

  15. Todd I'm with you! Those team events are just so much fun! That feeling after WOD 4 reminded me of how the KOP affiliate team felt last year in Ohio when we killed the log carrying WOD and realized we were going to the Games. The elation, the camraderie, and the pure appreciation for your teammates is just the most amazing feeling!

  16. Todd, I couldn't agree more. Saturday was a great day! I am so happy to have CFKop! Such amazing family I found!

  17. for those of you curious about my body composition changes during the 1 month of no sugar:
    Jan 3 31.9% Fat Mass= 48.01lbs FFM=102.61lbs
    Feb 3 29.7% Fat Mass=44.21lbs FFM=104.41lbs

    So I lost 4 lbs of fat and gained 2 lbs of muscle.

    For those of you wondering about the oreo cookies, they didn't make it. It was a tragic massacre.

  18. Chris/Nikki,

    Is there a an email other than the info@crossfitkop.com to send our spreadsheets for the paleo challenge with the points where you guys can collect them?

    I won't be in tonight otherwise I'd hand over a hard copy. Thanks :)

  19. Todd, you crack me up!
    WOD 4 was just as awesome to watch. It was an emotional rollercoaster as I saw team Inspire get on those box jumps first only to watch them fall behind and see all of you take off with your buddy carries! And then the determination in everone's face as you all ROCKED those kettlebell swings! Made me sooo friggin' proud!

  20. Aimee - I sent my spreadsheet to crossfikop@gmail.com. I hope that was fine. If I need to email it somewhere else, just let me know and I'll send it off.

  21. Kev, just send them to crossfitkop@gmail.com

  22. grounhog lower body assault+fran at open gym/41 years 7 mos=mucho advil

  23. Jim - you are my hero.

    I can hardly walk today and it feel like I am sitting on rocks. Im not sure if my legs/ass have ever hurt this much.

  24. email for logs crossfitkop@gmail.com is great! thanks.

    @ Jim- what was your fran time?

    @Todd- That was a great team WOD and victory!!!

  25. Fran the day after the squat/lunge workout - Jim, you are THE MAN.

  26. 9:25 aimee, a two second pr, lotta dl
