
W.O.D. 2.21.11



Team D.T. in Action


Tire Sled pulls

Team D.T.

10 Rounds for time of:
12 Deadlifts (155#/105#)
9 Hang power cleans (155#/105#)
6 Push jerks (155#/105#)

Teams of 2 work to complete the above in Relay fashion. Athletes relay back and forth until all 10 rounds are completed. Athlete 1 must complete an entire round before Athlete 2 starts round 2.

Mobility Monday:
Foam Roller: Friend or Foe? This Monday we will go over the why, where and when of using the foam roller for myofascial release. Using the foam roller is a great way to keep your muscles moving well and making sure you maintain your range of motion. Bring stiff or stuck muscles, and questions at 5:30PM or 6:30PM.

Remember the 2010 CrossFit Games? - video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]

“Life is uncharted territory. It reveals its story one moment at a time.”
-Leo F. Buscaglia

Eric/Todd 135/95 19:26
Ditty/Laura 85/95 26:59
Plentus/Tim 155/split jerks 30:52
Gina/Jessica 55/55 20:10
Steve K/Sam B 65/135 19:43
Rob Pl/Chris S Rx 19:00
Mike V./Aimee Rx 14:21
Cate/Dorothy 105/95/83 16:00
Nikki/Dom Rx 15:59
Megs/Sara B. 75 14:54
Steph/Melinda 105/95 21:53
Jackie/Dianne 65 18:21
Tim G/2 min rest 125 19:56
Mike S/Nicole 85 27:48
Rob Ph/Kevin 135/155 24:10
Jeff/Pat 115 23:13
Gabe/Ben 85 18:30
Kurt/Flounder 115/95 25:30
Jim C/Mike F Rx 24:24
Mike T/Vinny 135/155 23:49
Katie F/Denise 63 19:02
Jerry/Joe A Rx 22:11
Peterson/Vincent 135 21:16
Jen N/Karin 45 14:03
Kate/Kelly H 75/45 17:02
Rachael/Kristen SB 65 20:33
Donkey/Paul 95/115 22:07
Rob/Chris S Rx 19:00
Kristin/Sharon 75 15:45
Brian R/Bob 135/115 24:06
Miranda/Granny 105/95 27:23
Charles 85 13:30


  1. You people are quiet today. Today's discussion point is....

    Why do you CrossFit?

    I will start.

    My reasons have changed over the years. I started because I was embarrassed to look at myself in a mirror with clothes on. I am pretty comfortable with that now as long as I am not leaning backwards holding Chloe in which case, I am still not pleased.

    After that, I wanted to show myself that I could do anything I put my mind to. I am pretty comfortable with that now as well and I know I can get through every workout in some capacity. As soon as I get those pesky MU's and pistols, I will be more confident but we always need something to chase.

    Now, I CrossFit to walk my daughter down the aisle one day and to enjoy my later years with my wife out of a nursing home.

    Accepting that has made me realize it is not important to finish first...do I try and give my all. Of course but if it does not happen, I am still working towards my goal. It is why I don't care about the Rx, it is why I push my hardest every time, It is why I am now practicing box jumps on a 13 inch box, it is why I CrossFit.

  2. Look good naked. Be a part of an awesome community of people. Not end up with the health problems that my parents have.

  3. I do crossfit more for the "atmosphere".....in the adult world there isn't a place you can go where people come to achieve and push for physical goals. For most of us that was high school or college sports. Going to the gym by yourself is ok but crossfit reminds me of high school sports practice and I think thats what draws me the most.

  4. 630pm

    Rob Pl 19:00
    Miranda/Granny(105/95) 27:23

    Kristin T/Sharon 15:45 75#
    Brian(135)/Bob(115) 24:06
    Charles 13:30 (85)

  5. 9:30 results:

    Eric/Todd 135/95 19:26
    Ditty/Laura 85/95 26:59
    Plentus/Tim rx 30:52
    Gina/Jessica 55/55 20:10
    Steve K/Sam B 65/135 19:43

  6. Fist Bump to Kristen T and Sharon. Nice job ladies.

  7. hey dorothy, nice work to you, too! although i don't remember our time! i'll be your partner any day!

  8. 630pm Results

    Team Rob Pl/Chris S 19:00

  9. jen.curran@verizon.netFebruary 21, 2011 at 11:10 PM

    ...to catch bigger fish than warnek!

  10. to blast a 7 iron out of four inch rough from 160 and hit the green

  11. To strengthen my body and mind, and to participate in a community that I really believe in and feel a part of. I've met some of the coolest, craziest, most motivating people through CF!

  12. I have been travelling trying to solve that peskey Snowflake, Pedactor, Marino thing and I am upset I am missing all of these awesome wods. Is there anyone out there that either didnt do this one or would be interested in doing this with me at an open gym?

  13. Dany, Finkel is Einhorn! Einhorn is Finkel!

  14. And hell yeah to Charles's comment about looking good naked. CF has been crazy. I took some before/after photos (around 7 months) and was told that in the first one I looked like a boy and in the after one I looked like a man..... hah. And I didn't really change my diet that much either, and weighed the same in each. That strength training definitely works.

    And I love crossfit for its variety. Even within different workouts you can have such a variety. Doing a heavy vs. a light version of the same workout seems to do completely different things. Yesterday's DT left me tired (but not that winded). Friday's Helen left me on the floor. Every workout challenges me in some way, not like running for a few miles on the treadmill....
