
W.O.D. 2.19.11

Sectional Training with some of the "Tribe"

the Donkey and the Ass?

Partner carry fun!

Buy in:
30 Box Jumps 21"/25"

Shoulder Press

Cash out:
30 reps not for time
Split Jerk 65/95

"A culture of accountability makes a good organization great and a great organization unstoppable."
~Henry J. Evans

Joe A: 165
Steph: 90
Vincent: 135
Rob Ph: 145
Kailee: 53
Jennifer: 53
Prem: Form
Kathleen: 60
Karen: 80
Donkey: 73
Howard: 125
Sarah J: 60
Gabe: 95
Jen N: 50
Charlie Y: 105
Bob: 115
Jon: 130
Tony: 160
Nicole S: 68
Chris S: 185
Liz: 58
Seth: 95
Laura: 70
Tim P: 125
Plu: 150


  1. I am home visiting gamily in Chicago and went to Hot Side CF in Orland Park...just outside of Chicago. Todays wod:

    4 Rounds (FGB Set up)

    Sit ups
    DB Cleans-30lbs
    Plank (+1 if you held, -10 rep penalty for not holding for the full minute)
    Mountain Climbers
    Ring Push Ups
    My rep total- 641

    Then Team WOD (teams of 2)
    150 Wall Balls
    150 KB Swings-55lbs
    Our time 9:31

  2. Mike V....looking swole buddy...
