
W.O.D. 2.18.11

Our NEW KoP Hoodie Logo!

3 Rounds for time of:
400M Run
21 Kettlebell Swings (35#/55#)
12 Pullups

(compare to 11.13.10)
(compare to 7.30.10)

Community Notes:
Get ready to jump into Spring!
We have NEW lightweight CrossFit KoP Spring Sweatshirts for sale!!
Check them out at the box today!

“We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world.”


Donkey 13:37 (Rx)
Cate 10:58 (Row)
Aimee 11:11 (Row)
Mike V. 8:39 (Rx)
Dorothy 13:52 (Rx)
Megs 12:10 (Rx)
Sarah S. 11:32 (run, bj, ghd)
Tyler 10:03 (Rx)
Denise 14:52 (blk)
Sharon 17:48 (blue)
Sammei 17:48 (blue)
Moss 10:13 (Rx)
Sam B. 8:10 (Rx)
Dianne 14:59 (row/green)
Liz 14:14 (dc)
Jay E 16:34 (Rx)
Kim G 16:42 (35#/green band)
J.B. 12:54 (45#/black band)
Bekah 13:58 (35#/green band)
Meghann 20:22 (35#/green band)
Mike S. 18:47 (45#/blue band)
Pat: 15:50 (Bl)
Christine: 15:35 (18/Bk)
Rob Ph: 13:49 (Bk)
Laura: 9:37 (Rx)
Mel: 12:02 (Rx)
Nicole S: 14:16 (Rx)
Gina: 13:27 (G)
Killer B: 13:31 (Rx)
Brian R: 13:06 (Rx)
Bob: 12:08 (45)
Peterson: 12:14 (Rx)
Lindsey: 17:23 (G)
Nikki: 9:18 (Rx)
Steph V: 16:03 (MF)
Shawn: 11:38 (Rx)
Shoeless: 15:08 (Rx)
Tim P: 10:17 (Heavy Helen 70#)
Howard: 15:52 (45J)
Melinda 14:47 (MF)
Plentus 9:34 (Rx)
Ditty 18:08 (DC)
Brie 11:06 (26.5/MF)
Sandy 12:22 (row, 18#, ring row)
Kurt 9:59 (Rx)
Mike F 13:59 (Rx)
Karin 15:59 (Black/26.5)
Dana 14:51 (Rx)
Jen N 16:21 (G/35)
Rachael 14:34 (G/26.5)
Rob P 10:34 (Rx)
Jason Ba 9:51 (Rx)
Tobin 13:52 (Rx)
Chris B 14:11 (DC)
ShengChing 16:37 (Black/35)
Vinny 9:35 (Rx)
Arthur 14:25 (jumpingPU/45)

Tyler on the pull-ups!
Sammei visiting from Bentonville Arkansas
Mike V. rocking the new CFKoP Gear!


  1. Damn it. I finally got pullups, and I'm going to miss this AGAIN. Have fun this weekend guys.

  2. 6AM Runners and Swingers:

    Jay E 16:34 (Rx)
    Kim G 16:42 (35#/green band)
    J.B. 12:54 (45#/black band)
    Bekah 13:58 (35#/green band)
    Meghann 20:22 (35#/green band)
    Mike S. 18:47 (45#/blue band)

    Great job everyone, way to push with heavier kettlebells or smaller bands. Congrats to Kim G for taking a minute off her time with a heavier KB and smaller band!

  3. Hey all!
    Anyone want to form a team with me for the South Philly rumble? I need 2 dudes and 1 more dudette!

  4. Thanks, Megs! Didn't think I'd cut my time moving bands!

    Miranda, I'd be interested. I can't be sure, but I'd probably need to scale. If you want to RX, I'd understand if you want another gal for your team. Let me know.

  5. so what do you think...Crossfit works, eh?

  6. So excited for this work out just for that opportunity to be outside on a winter thaw kinda day! Probably not the best for my shoulder right now but oh well!

  7. Miranda - I would do the south philly rumble w/ you, but I already signed up a few weeks ago! (A few of saw it and signed up b4 Aimee ever posted it to the blog.) Hopefully you can get another team together and KOP can send 2 teams to represent!

  8. Me, Doneky, Shoeless and Todd have signed up as a team for the South Philly Rumble. Hope we can get a few teams to represent!

  9. Sorry, Donkey, I spelled your name wrong.

  10. Me & Miranda are in for the female half of a team...need two dudes.

  11. Nice job, Kim!! I love when I compare and see an improvement!

  12. 5:30 and 6:30
    Melinda 14:47 (MF), 8:57
    Plentus 9:34 (Rx), 1:12
    Ditty 18:08 (DC), 9:06
    Brie 11:06 (26.5/MF), 3:50
    Sandy 12:22 (row, 18#, ring row)
    Kurt 9:59 (Rx), 3:10
    Mike F 13:59 (Rx), 6:20 (DUA)
    Karin 15:59 (Black/26.5), 6:06 (SU)
    Dana 14:51 (Rx), 6:50
    Jen N 16:21 (G/35), 8:59 (SU)
    Rachael 14:34 (G/26.5), 6:46 (DUA)
    Rob P 10:34 (Rx), 2:51 (500m row)
    Jason Ba 9:51 (Rx), 1:39 (50 big rope)
    Tobin 13:52 (Rx), 1:55 (100SU)
    Chris B 14:11 (DC), 2:00 (SU)
    ShengChing 16:37 (Black/35), 4:40 (SU)
    Vinny 9:35 (Rx), 2:50
    Arthur 14:25 (jumpingPU/45)
