
Bold Kimberly, Kristin, Ben & Ryan - Virtual Shoveling!

Ken shoveling while Jeff Hi. takes flight

W.O.D. 1.15.11

Virtual Shoveling
30, 25, 20, 15, 10, and 5 rep rounds of:
Virtual shoveling [wmv] [mov]
Box Jumps (21"/25")

With an Olympic bar holding only one plate (men use 45 pound plate, women use 25 pound plate), touch the plate on one side of the barrier then the other for one "rep." Barrier is 21"/25".

7 things I learned at the Practical Paleo Nutrition Seminar by Larry Palazzolo a devout CrossFitter and proponent of primal eating.

"Happiness is found in doing, not merely possessing."
-Napoleon Hill

Rx Results:
Justin 21:15
Ryan 17:54
Todd 22:29
Mike F. 22:07

Scale Results:
name/time/total shovel weight/box
Jeff H 19:49 55#/25"
Jeff Hi 21:50 55#/25"
Jen N 23:32 25#/17"
Ken 22:32 55#/21"
Tim G 19:48 70#/25"
JB 19:51 55#/21"
Kristin T. 14:19 43#/21"
Mel 14:56 43#/21"
Mimi 15:29 25#/13"
Kimberly 15:33 25#/13"
Viv 18:58 35#/17"
Ben 21:31 55#/25"
Karen 18:40 25#/17"
WW 21:41 60#/25"
Joe A. DNF


  1. good luck coach Nikki, Steph, Mike, and Warnek, way to represent!

  2. Hell yeah! Make sure to let us all know how you guys do! We're definitely proud to have you guys representing CFKoP!

  3. Sunday morning climbers:


    Shawn 17:06
    Jim C 17:32
    Shoeless 14:37
    Justin G. 12:31
    Granny 15:22


    Kim G 22:06
    Lindsey 20:38
    Jess S. 21:09
    Mike S. 21:03
    Kristen SB 22:40 (4 rounds Rx)
    Cindy 16:55 (3 rnds)
    Tim H. 18:30
    Jess C 21:16 ((2 rnds Rx)

    Great work everyone! Nice work on the rope, especially Jess C and Kristen who got up the rope for several rounds. Keep practicing!

  4. Clarification: for today's WOD, Kristen SB 22:40 (4 rounds Rx, 1 round scale) and Jess C 21:16 (2 rounds Rx, 3 rounds scaled).
