
W.O.D. 1.14.10

Work with a partner to complete each exercise before moving on to the next

60 Wall Balls (14/20lbs)
60 Ground-to-Overhead (65/95#)
60 KB Swings (55/70#)
60 Overhead Squats (65/95#)
60 Burpees
60 Ground-to-Shoulder (65/95#)

From the Oregon/Idaho 2010 Sectionals, WOD #3

Community Note:
Good Luck to Nikki & Steph V. and John W. & Mike V, competing in the Hybrid Athletics Winter Partner Challenge.

"Are We Too Obsessed With Facebook?" from Mashable.

"What poison is to food, self-pity is to life."
-Oliver C. Wilson

Killer B's (Sara/Jim): 22:34 (scale)
Gabe/Rob Ph 20:10 (scale)
Brian R/WW 24:18 (scale)
Olan/Borden/Vinny 25:26 (scale)
Sarah J/Tracey 20:02 (scale)
Aimee/Nicole S 18:48 (scale)
Killer Pappi 17:18 (Rx)
Mel/Kathleen 24:43 (scale)
Jay E/Mike S 21:13 (scale)
Meghann/Kristin T/Kim G 31:46 (scale)
Pat/Joe 26:00 (scale)
Howard/Jeff Hi 25:34 (75# bar, 35# kb)
Ironman/Jen N 21:45 (Jen - 10# WB, 35# and 15# bar, 26.5kb)
Melinda/Liz 23:20 (Rx / 55# bar, 45kb)
Plentus/Shawn 21:55 (Rx)
Rob/Jerry 25:36 (Rx / DC - 10 OHS at 75)
Chris B/Sam B 23:18 (Rx / OHS @ 75#)
Shoeless/Sheng-Ching 23:48 (75# bar / 12# WB, 55# bar, 35# KB)
Pooch/Julie 30:42 (75# bar, 35# kb / 15# bar, 18# kb)
Charles/Cline 29:58 (15#WB, 55#bar, 53#kb / 15#WB, 65#bar, 55/35#KB)
Ditty/Kristen SB 29:28 (55#bar, 35#kb)


  1. Nice infographic on FaceBook right after Steph makes the CFKoP group! :-P

  2. Belated thanks to whoever suggested adding cranberry to the splash of club soda. It was eminently palatable, which is not something I thought I could say about club soda.

    But I did find this tonic water for when the Challenge is over and alcohol will yet again pass my lips.




    I do love a good Vodka Tonic.

  3. Aaaha Cline- glad you enjoyed it! (Well, for the mean time....until your friend tonic enters back into tour life)

  4. 6AM Early Risers:

    Jay E/Mike S 21:13 (95/53#, 70/45# KB, 45# OHS to 17in box)

    Meghann/Kristin T/Kim G 31:46 (65/53#, Russian swings)

    Pat/Joe 26:00 (70/55#, 95/53# for OHS and G2S)

    Great job on this chipper everyone, way to push through on a cold morning!

    Coaches note: Russian swings for the kettlebells were allowed for those who had not used heavier weights but wanted to challenge themselves. Wall balls were 10 ft for men/9 ft for women.

  5. Hey Jason,
    On that pic, I think you could go a few inches deeper.
    But seriously, nice job! You are doing the work and I admire that about you.

    To anyone that is suffering from cravings: I read somewhere that most cravings only last 5-15 minutes. So if you can grin and bear it for that long, it will pass. It helps to remind myself of that whenever I have one.

  6. Dorothy,

    Plentus told me that I got low enough, that pic was either on the way down or way up. I wasn't going to pause at the bottom for a station identification. He called me out on 205 and I needed to go back down. But I agree with you, that picture is not below parallel...but it is a snap shot and not a movie. I will blame Aimee. HA!

    On another note, anyone heard of Tim Ferriss? My buddy is following his diet called Slow Carb or something and I went to his blog and couldn't find out any information on it.

  7. Tim Ferriss is the guy who wrote the 4 hour work week and most recently the 4 hour body. He's all about efficiency and shortcuts to things. I like some of his stuff, and same goes for his diet which can be found below.

    Things I agree with:
    eat whole food
    eat grass fed
    don't worry about amount, eat a lot to make up for calories coming off a standard american diet (SAD)
    keep it simple

    a few things I don't agree with:
    egg whites - no need to do this, let's eat real whole eggs
    beans - we all know how I feel about legumes, keep em out
    planned cheat day - don't plan it, as we discussed earlier


  8. Thank you to Jefd and all the 6am-era who pushes me through the last 13 cleans at the end!

  9. Note to self: proof read before commenting.

    @Jason- just heard the Tim Farriss interview on Robb Wolf's podcast. I want to grab both his books. Sounded interesting and could use to be more efficient in life and working out.

  10. Jason: What Kim said. If you aren't listening to the Robb Wolf Podcast, then start now! I've gone back and listened to almost every one of them. Really good stuff. The link to the episode in question is bellow.


  11. Good luck at hybrid guys!

    @Cline - the only thing with tonic water is that it has sugar in it if you're cutting back on sugar in your food in general maybe club soda with alcohol in it will start to taste better. Add a bunch of lime or lemon too, that adds flavor.

  12. Flouder - quick MDA search, here is his opinion on pork rinds, I've never had them they don't appealing to me. If its just fried pork fat than the only variable is what kind of oil were they fried in.

  13. @Laura - I may be able to transition over to club soda.

    But did you look at this qTonic?



    If you had to give this a Paleo grade, what would you give it?

    I'm assuming normal tonic would be in the D range?


  14. To add to the conversation about alcohol in this thread, does anyone know anything about ciders like Magners/Bulmers/Strongbow? I know these have sugar in them, but are they better for you than beer? I don't think they have gluten.

  15. Sooo sorry for the late post guys! I was all wrapped up in competition mode and forgot to put the results online. Here we go - results from 5:30 and 6:30 Friday night (note I posted weights when they were recorded on the board by the teams... some teams didn't record their weights though!):

    Howard/Jeff Hi 25:34 (75# bar, 35# kb)
    Ironman/Jen N 21:45 (Jen - 10# WB, 35# and 15# bar, 26.5kb)
    Melinda/Liz 23:20 (Rx / 55# bar, 45kb)
    Plentus/Shawn 21:55 (Rx)
    Rob/Jerry 25:36 (Rx / DC - 10 OHS at 75)
    Chris B/Sam B 23:18 (Rx / OHS @ 75#)
    Shoeless/Sheng-Ching 23:48 (75# bar / 12# WB, 55# bar, 35# KB)
    Pooch/Julie 30:42 (75# bar, 35# kb / 15# bar, 18# kb)

  16. Two more teams!

    Charles/Cline 29:58 (15#WB, 55#bar, 53#kb / 15#WB, 65#bar, 55/35#KB)

    Ditty/Kristen SB 29:28 (55#bar, 35#kb)
