
Team CrossFit KoP

Congratulations to our amazing team. You all put forth a solid performance and withheld your range of motion to a "CrossFit Games" standard. Kudos to that!!

We accomplished what we set out to do - have a day of fun competition, community and camaraderie among athletes. There are few things more rewarding than seeing CrossFit athletes compete and push themselves to new levels.

Was anyone motivated by the performances on Saturday? Has the effort put forth by your fellow athletes given your the drive to train more and push yourself to a new level? If you want to compete and start training for Open Sectionals please contact Aimee.

Were you at the throw-down on Saturday? If so post to comments with your favorite memory!

The CF KoP community cheers Steph to a 500M Row victory!


  1. Yesterday was so much fun! A few favorites from the day:
    1) About 5 minutes after Steph's win in the 500M row, she turned to Jerry & said, "Did I win?"

    2) Watching Aimee and Nikki hold Jerry's feet while he was rowing

    3) When Jerry wanted a second opinon on his squat depth in the 5th event

    You guys did so great! It really was an awesome day!

  2. looking pretty hardcore there KoP, glad you guys stuck to your guns!

  3. Crossing the line with the my fellow athletes after event 4!!!! Best feeling ever!!!! That is Indescribable!!!!

  4. Aimee and Jason,
    What an awesome time on Saturday!!!Kudos to both squads for pushing the limits and thanks so much for hosting an historic event! As a participant from the Inspire team, I was very comfortable and excited with the friendly yet competitive environment. What a great community. Here are a few of my favorites:
    1) Watching my babymama do OHS's
    2) Watching your height boxjumper - he couldve done another 2'
    3) Having my 11yr old son watch his 'old man' compete
    4) The Rowing callout - half a second!
    5) WATCHING the ball's out effort from all on the 4th WOD. Glad I did Angie!!
    6) The truly 'TEAM" feeling and acceptance from my fellow teammembers at Inspire.
    Mike Bradley

  5. WOD 4 truly captured the spirit that I love so much about KOP!!

  6. It was such an honor to compete with everyone on Saturday. I am so lucky to be a part of the Crossfit KOP family. Favorite parts of the day:

    1. Steph's rowing performance and the show of support for both rowers by both teams. Steph you continue to be an inspiration.

    2. Seeing the team complete WOD 4 and the look on everyone's face. Joy and exhaustion.

    3. The teamwork and constant encouragement we gave each other.

    4. Sam B on the pull-ups. I still think that the judges lost count because they could not believe that both guys could do pull-ups that fast.

    5. I strung together 6 unbroken double-unders without the hop in the middle. I may have lost the "throw down" but I won a personal victory.

  7. A great day!!! This community continues to amaze me!!! My favorite moment was watching aimees tabata squats. Love watching people when they " drop into the zone" aim, ur ability to do that is ur greatest asset!

    That and the deafening roar of cheers...followed by being confused as to why I was being lowered to he ground!

    Mike that's awesome!!!! Too bad u had to keep your pistols in the holster!

  8. It was an all around awesome day! I had so much fun, loved watching everyone push themselves.
    Seth - you gave your heart in that WOD! It was so awesome to see you finish it! Power to you!
    Sam B. - what Mike F. said is totally true, you were like a machine when you started cranking!
    Steph - I am speechless with your ability to push yourself. You went to another place in that row...
    Melanie - dude - SOLID performance and pushups!
    Stellar performance by all athletes! If you have pictures or videos, please share! What a great day!!!!

  9. What an awesome group of people that we have assemble at KoP....
    Favorite Memories...

    - In WOD #1 - watching everyone step out from the crowd as individuals... and compete head to head... and watching the support they got from their teammates.. it was awesome. There were 20 events and each one had its own story and awesome moments... whether it was an experienced athlete dominating...or someone less experienced that was in the ring on pure guts... it was great to watch and be a part of.

    - Coming from behind in WOD 4...feeling the surge as we carried bodies from the box jumps to the KBs realizing we were in the lead...and hearing the roar of our crowd...and then not giving it up.. and the unity felt at the finish line...from teammates and spectators.

    - Watching and feeling the support that teammates and their friends and family gave each other on both teams...

    - The taste of that first beer going down my throat after the final event... aaaaahhhh...

  10. Favorite moments -
    - Melinda FLYING through her first 35 wall balls!
    - Steph's all out effort on the 500m row. Final time was 1:39, but she held it at 1:27 for at least 20 seconds. AMAZING!
    - Seth's snatch / kb challenge. Seth you have so much heart... I loved how the judge told you that you could stop and you asked if you could finish. You're a class act!
    - Miranda's beautiful rope climbing form... girl you coulda climbed that rope all day, and your challenger was QUICKLY fading
    - Melanie's strict pushups - i dont care about the score - you were absolutely victorious in that challenge!
    - Denise's determination on the 25# OH walking lunge
    - PURE ELATION after realizing we won WOD 4!! We worked together as a team and everyone gave their all -- I couldn't have asked for more.

  11. I would say ie was epic. Everyone gave it 100% and nobody complained or made excuses. I don't think we were worried about the final standings because nobody held back.
    -Everyone in the first WOD pushing through every challenge
    -WOD 4-Coolest thing I have been a part of in at least 10 years. It's why I crossfit!
    -WOD 5 Funny thing: woke up and at 7 AM and cooked pork, sliced hard boiled eggs, gathered nuts and seeds. Had breakfast out-eggs over easy and coffee, then ate about 2 bites all day of what I brought. I guess for WOD 5 I was in a state of Ketosis because I flew through pullups and pushups like nothing before and felt great...wierd. I have not been following the paleo diet for the challenge, but stick close and did a few days leading up to the comp.

    Can't wait for the next one!

  12. So proud of everyone. Todd is absolutely correct when he says the final standings mean little. I know it is cliche to say that as the loser but I truly feel that way. It is impossible to say what may have happened with clearly identified standards. We still may have lost because Inspire had a great squad but it would have been interesting...Here was what I liked most...

    1) In victory or loss, we cheered for the opponent
    2) Seeing people finally discover what it means to leave it all out there
    3) Miranda climbing a rope at a pace I wish I could
    4) Steph giving all she had plus more
    5) Olan's leaping ability impressing everyone in attendance
    6) Denise making a 25# OH walking lunge look pretty easy. I don't think you realize how many girls at our box would struggle with that
    7)Mel actually controlling her negative and not flopping
    8) Melinda being able to hold her head high despite hitting the wall
    9) Sam B crushing the deadlift wod in 1:08 and then running out the door
    10) vinny showing what he is capable of doing...look out everyone
    11) mike f showing integrity, probably to a fault, and realizing that stringing 6 together is FAR more important that winning the contest. Winning a battle is temporary because someone can always beat you...learning a new skill is priceless because it cannot be taken away!

    so many more. i am proud of your performance but much more proud of your actions.

  13. Saturday was a blast. I am so happy I got to be a part of the team. I am sorry I had to miss out on WOD 4&5 because it sounds like it was just as exciting as the first 3 events. This challenge really made me push my limits which I think Crossfit is all about. A few highlights from the day...
    1. Steph - everyone has already mentioned this but it is definitely worth mentioning again. Her determination was unbelievable.

    2. Aimee - I think she does squats quicker than I run.

    3. Jerry - His performace was awesome but it was even better watching his son run up to him and give him a huge hug after he was finished.

    Everyone else did an remarkable job and I couldn't be more proud to be a part of this community :)

  14. Hey nik....ur muscle up victory may not have been a highlight of the day but your leadership and support of all athletes were :)

  15. Hey guys,
    I think it sounds like we should schedule a rematch!

    I hope you all had as much fun as I did.
