
W.O.D. 12.13.10

Three rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
15 Pull-ups
50 Squats
15 Pull-ups

Get your warm weather gear ready, it's time to RUN!!!

Is your sweater ready for 5PM on Thursday? It's time to celebrate!

“Sometimes we stare so long at a door that is closing that we see too late the one that is open.”
-Alexander Graham Bell

Aimee: 17:00
Kevin: 16:39
Brian R: 17:52
Tim P: 11:56
Jeff: 17:59
Olan: 19:13
Jason: 20:37
Will: 16:36
Peterson: 20:02
Melanie: 21:33
Plentus: 11:17
Vinny: 19:19
Nikki: 14:42
Tim G: 21:45
Jerry 15:15
Cate 17:01
Laura 14:30
JZ 17:22
Shawn T 19:26
Sam B 12:15
Rob P 15:40
Conn 23:49
Bordan 24:29
Miranda 28:12
Jen S 18:59

Damn Close
Liz: 20:58 ROM

Jackie: 23:48 Bk
Rob Ph: 19:42 GB
Pete: 22:05 Bk
Gabe: 16:46
Pat: 24:34 Bk
Dana: 21:16 B
Sharon: 28:43 G
Vivian: 22:47 Bk/J
Kathleen: 21:41 B
WW: 26:52 GB
Hannah: 26:25 G
Jessica S: 21:38 GB
Denise: 24:00 G
Katie F: 23:23 G
Chris 21:44
Kara 21:19
Jen N 17:55 (2rnds)
Kristin T 17:46
Beth 24:48
Cline 25:16
Rachel 24:40
Pooch 21:25
Sarah S 19:52
C.C. 24:50
Charles 25:32


  1. mainsite times for this WOD a few days ago:
    Kevin Montoya 9:52, Dave Leys 9:55, Lucas Zepeda 10:05, Jake Cutting 10:33, Rob Orlando 10:34, Connor Martin 10:52, Kristan Clever 11:04, Alison Patenaude 11:19, Heather Bergeron 11:29, Jordan Wallace 11:49, Laurie Galassi 11:55, Kim Malz 12:30.

  2. Cheri's time from last week -- 37:59. The pullups took me a long time!

    Good luck today guys, tape those hands up and bring it!

  3. 9:30.... in the snow!!

    Chris 21:44
    Kara 21:19
    Jerry 15:15
    Cate 17:01

  4. I cannot wait for the Festivus party on Thursday :)

  5. 630pm Class Results

    Laura 14:30
    JZ 17:22
    Shawn T 19:26
    Sam B 12:15
    Rob P 15:40
    Conn 23:49
    Bordan 24:29
    Miranda 28:12
    Jen S 18:59

    Jen N 17:55 (2rnds)
    Kristin T 17:46
    Beth 24:48
    Cline 25:16
    Rachel 24:40
    Pooch 21:25
    Sarah S 19:52
    C.C. 24:50
    Charles 25:32
