
Elizabeth with a CFKids Farmers Carry
...reminder the CFKids class occurs on Thursday at 3:45PM and Sunday 11:00AM

W.O.D. 12.14.10

Front Squat

Cash out:
AMRAP in 5 minutes:
1 Clean
3 Front Squats
use 50% of your new 3RM

Our annual holiday party is almost here! Thursday at 5PM the festivities will begin... Click here for the details or see below:

Wear: A "festive" Holiday Sweater
Arrive with: A covered dish and festive drink and a gift under $5 for the gift exchange
Feats of Strength: First, organize a team of 4 (2 guys and 2 girls) that are all wearing their seasonal sweaters. Second, be prepared to perform max pull-ups and a 1RM deadlift. Your team's score will be the combined totals of the all pull-ups and all deadlifts. The final feat of strength, which will be added to your total will be a mystery event disclosed on Thursday. Lastly, the winning team will be awarded a $100 prize.
Wearing of the Holiday Sweater and participation in the team event is not required to join the Holiday Party!

Community event:
Erin at CrossFit Center City is organizing a ‘CrossFit Flash Mob’ workout for Sunday at 11am in Rittenhouse Square. Sorry gents – this one is just for the ladies. If you’re interested in going, please post to comments by Thursday and I’ll let Erin know who's going out to represent from KoP. Costumes are strongly encouraged and the WOD is as follows: AMRAP 12 minutes of: Run 1/2 perimeter of park, do 20 squats, Run 1/2 perimeter of park, do 10 burpees. It's gonna be fast and furious!

CFCC is inviting all of you to come by for a drink and some food directly after the WOD to Jose Pistolas for a beer (all drafts a dollar off) and an entire floor rented out for tired CrossFitters.

Ben Smith 360# OHS and max pull-ups - 76 reps

"The tendency to whining and complaining may be taken as the surest sign symptom of little souls and inferior intellects."
- Lord Jeffrey

Chris T. 110 - 12 rds@55
Dianne 110 - 12 rds @ 55
Sheng Ching 125x2 - 10rds@63
Cate 165 - 16rds @85
Aimee 155 (165x1) - 15rds@75
Jason 265 - 12@135
Dorothy 115 - 13 @ 55
CC 120 - 10 @ 58
Jeff 185 - 13 @ 95
Han 145 - 10 @ 75
Nik 150 - 16 @ 75
JZ 175 - 11 @ 95
Ironman 135 - 13 @ 65
Olan 195 - 10 @ 105
Karen 120 - 10 @ 65
JB 140 - 11@70
Steph V 155 - 9 @ 80
Mel 105 - 16 @ 53
Sarah J - 7 @ 45
Vincent 235 - 12 @115
Tim H, 200 - 11 @ 95
Dana 95 - 14 @ 47.5
Plentus 255 - 11 @ 135
Melinda 155 - 12 @ 75
Ditty 115 - 7 @ 63
Sandy 83 - 11 @ 40
Donkey 115 - 12 @ 65
Sharon 93 - 10 @ 35
Jessica S. - 13 @ 45
Miranda 155
Denise 93 - 15 @ 45
Katie F. 87 - 12 @ 45
Paul 185, 9 rounds @ 105
Jen S. 120 form, 12 rounds @ 65
Danny 267.5, 13 @ 135
Jason B., 205 (225x1), 10 @ 115
Peterson 175, 9 @ 85
Lindsey 113 (123x1), 12 @ 55
Jay E. 315, 9 @ 165


  1. I am totally in for the WOD in the park. Sounds like fun :) I'll take the R6 in if anyone cares to join.

  2. I am officially looking to recruit a festivus team. Name: "Heavy Presents" Where my heavy deadlifters at???? Lets put some BIG numbers together!!

  3. CC- I might be in...let's chat at festivus

  4. 6:30 It's ONLY 5 minutes

    Paul 185, 9 rounds @ 105
    Jen S. 120 form, 12 rounds @ 65
    Danny 267.5, 13 @ 135
    Jason B., 205 (225x1), 10 @ 115
    Peterson 175, 9 @ 85
    Lindsey 113 (123x1), 12 @ 55
    Jay E. 315, 9 @ 165

  5. nice job 6:30, good focus on depth. We know we need to work on wrist and arm flexibility!

    also, I did 135 for the metcon

  6. quick question for festivus - are we supposed to wrap our gifts?
