
(like Ahhnold and Devito...oh no It's Peterson and Jay E.)

W.O.D. 12.15.10

Jay E's "Its only 55 reps"

275#/185# Deadlift
Sandbag Burpees
Wall Balls 20#/14# to 9ft/10ft targets

Happy Birthday Mike F! Enjoy your day!

True success is overcoming the fear of being unsuccessful.
-Paul Sweeney
6AM Rise-'n-shiners
Mike S 29:48 (135/12)
Howard 22:45 (135/14)
Aimee 21:05 (Rx)
Kristin T 18:28 (125/14)
Kathleen 22:59 (95/12)
Melinda 24:49 (Rx)
Tim G 25:35 (225/20)

Mike V 13:58 (Rx)
Donkey 19:37 (Rx)
Sheng-Ching 26:58 (135/12)
Karen 21:40 (125/10)
Sarah S 13:02 (63/8)
Deb 17:36 (145/14)
Olan 18:28 (245/20)
Kara 16:55
Cate 15:15 (Rx)

4:30 Early-Bird Specialists
Kevin 20:30 (Rx)
Will 22:20 (225/135/20)
Rob Ph 19:46 (Rx)
Mike F. 18:58 (Rx)
Tim P. 22:30 (Rx)
Denise 18:29 (115/12)
Brian R. 18:34 (200/20)
Jackie 20:34 (135/12)
Gabe 20:40 (185/20)
WestWood 21:18 (205/25)
Andrea D. 13:58 (65/10)
Andi Z. 14:28 (65/10)
Christina 15:56 (35/6)

5:30 and 6:30 "Jay E. is the Devil"
Flounder 22:23 185/14
Ditty 24:10 145/14
Vinny 19:25 Rx
Sandy 19:42 105/8
Vincent 20:50 Rx
Jay E. 18:29 Rx
Conn 18:55 205
Sam B 15:57 225
Jerry 23:28 Rx
Laura 14:57 135
Paul 24:44 135
Granny pukie :(
Rachael 21:17 95
Cline 25:09 145
Borden 19:44 235
Jess C. 25:16
Charles 25:04

WOD Photos:

Andrea and the Lululemon girls come out to CrossFit! Oh...and I heard some great news, there will be a NEW Lululemon store in KoP next Spring!
Denise-rocking some great Deadlift form all WOD long!
Will visiting from Vermont!
Birthday boy - Mike F. creates some extra work for the 4:30 crew- 35 burpees to be exact!


  1. 6AM Rise-'n-shiners
    Mike S 29:48 (135/12)
    Howard 22:45 (135/14)
    Aimee 21:05 (Rx)
    Kristin T 18:28 (125/14)
    Kathleen 22:59 (95/12)
    Melinda 24:49 (Rx)
    Tim G 25:35 (225/20)

    Mike S - way to push through a really difficult WOD. I think those last 5 rounds you learned a whole new meaning of "intensity." It was motivating to watch! Keep up the good work

    Aim and Melinda - great job on the Rx, it was no joke today with 185# DL!

    All around great work today; way to wake up and hit this WOD full speed!

  2. Happy birthday Mike Fab!! I hope you have a great day my friend!!

  3. First: Happy birthday Mike. I don't get to work out with you very often, but it is a pleasure whenever I do. You are great to be around.

    2nd: I have a question about strategy on strenth training days. I noticed yesterday during Front Squats that some people would keep going even though they failed, and 1 person even kept going up in weight. For me, I failed on the 3rd set, tried again on the 4th set, and never even attempted a 5th set because I thought I had lost it. What's a good strategy for strength days? Should I keep trying at a weight I failed at? Should I go up or down 5 lbs and try again? Should I just walk away and live to fight another day? I definitely don't think I should quit until I fail, but I am unsure of what to do on days where I fail early.


  4. Dorothy- In short...the goal is to complete all the work sets. 5 sets of 3 reps each in the case of yesterday...if you fail on your third set, drop weight and continue for the remaining two/three sets. For example, yesterday I worked at 95/115/135/155/165x1(fail on attempt 2/3)/160x1(fail on attempt 2/3)but I finished out three more sets of three at 135 to get the volume.

    I'll be at the box for the 4:30 today & I know you get there early if you want to chat some more about it.


  5. Happy Birthday Mike! I hope its a greta one!

  6. Happy birthday Mike Fab, your determination is unmatched. In short, you rock!

  7. Happy Birthday MIKE!
    Keep up the great dedication, and intensity, love it.

  8. Nooner Results

    Mike V 13:58 (Rx)
    Donkey 19:37 (Rx)
    Sheng-Ching 26:58 (135/12)
    Karen 21:40 (125/10)
    Sarah S 13:02 (63/8)
    Deb 17:36 (145/14)
    Olan 18:28 (245/20)
    Kara 16:55

    Mike V crushed it, Donkey mastered the heavy weight like a ninja.
    Karen and Sheng-Ching way to really stick it out and keep up the intensity thru the last reps. and Schwags, I like the really solid deadlift improvement over last week.

  9. Aimee,
    Thanks, that's exactly what I needed to know. I think I get it. So, even if I fail, I should do whatever necessary in order to get the volume in even if that means dropping the weight.

    I went to Yoga today, so I won't be at the box today. I am trying to find balance in my training so I can beat Olan again.

  10. Dorothy-I'm glad to see you are working and very focused on your goal.

  11. Happy birthday, Mike Fab!! Enjoy your special day!

  12. btw..Jay E...this was murderous. i got to round 6 or 5, forget which, and said, "I'm never going to be able to finish this WOD". nice brutal WOD!

  13. 5:30 and 6:30 "Jay E. is the Devil"

    Flounder 22:23 185/14
    Ditty 24:10 145/14
    Vinny 19:25 Rx
    Sandy 19:42 105/8
    Vincent 20:50 Rx
    Jay E. 18:29 Rx
    Conn 18:55 205
    Sam B 15:57 225
    Jerry 23:28 Rx
    Laura 14:57 135
    Paul 24:44 135
    Granny pukie :(
    Rachael 21:17 95
    Cline 25:09 145
    Borden 19:44 235
    Jess C. 25:16
    Charles 25:04

  14. Thanks for the birthday wishes and to those at the 4:30 class for doing an extra 35 burpees. Loved spending part of my B-day with my Crossfit family. Not only tha,t two of my gifts from Gina were from Crossfit.com "Every Second Counts" DVD and a Crossfit shirt.

  15. For the record (in case we do it again) I was at the 4:30 earlier birder/birthday burpees- i think 20:19/rx nice one jay!

  16. Happy Birthday Mike! Hope you had a great day even though it was COLD!
