
Nikki working hard for a triple extension, but wait, who is that in the background????
JZ about to hit the SNATCH!
P on the set-up...

...and a little warm up?
(what do those 'skins' do anyway?)

W.O.D. 12.10.10


Cash Out:
timed 2000m Row

If you don't have time to do it right you must have time to do it over.
-Author Unknown

Duunkey 80, 8:31
Kelly W form, 9:35
Sarah S form, 10:32
Mike S 75, 9:05.6
Kevin 150 form, 8:19
Meghann B 67, 9:00.9
Kathleen 55, 8:57.8
Jessica form, 9:22
Aimee -, 8:45
Nikki 110, -
Steph V. 90 form, 8:18
Plentus 125, 7:34
Brian R. 115, 8:06
Rob Ph 145, 7:22
Cline form, 7:52
Olan 135 form, 7:55
Dorothy 85, 8:18
Mel 78, 8:51
JZ 105, 8:22
WW form, 7:46
Snady 55, 10:44
Melinda 73, 8:35
Lindsey 63, 9:08
Kristin 65, 8:32
Miranda 90, 8:32
Peterson 115, 7:37
Kristen SB 65, 10:03
Liz 63, 8:42
Ironman 100, 6:52
Shawn 135, 7:49
Jay E 155, 8:08
Sheng Ching 55 (form), 9:14
Rob P 115, 7:32


  1. 6am'ers Results
    Happy Friday. 18degrees, thanks for coming out :)

    Mike S 75, 9:05.6
    Kevin 150 form, 8:19
    Meghann B 67, 9:00.9
    Kathleen 55, 8:57.8

  2. not sure if it was planned, but Lipson posted on fb last night that he did a 6:23 2k row. cardio what??

  3. It is a fantastic time but not suprising for me. His sub 7 time domain is world class and he strength will make the 10 setting like a hot knife through butter. I asked him
    what he thinks is feasible.

  4. The Nooner

    Duunkey 80, 8:31
    Kelly W form work, 9:35
    Sarah S form work, 10:32

  5. 5:30 and 6:30
    Snady 55, 10:44
    Melinda 73, 8:35
    Lindsey 63, 9:08
    Kristin 65, 8:32
    Miranda 90, 8:32
    Peterson 115, 7:37
    Kristen SB 65, 10:03
    Liz 63, 8:42
    Ironman 100, 6:52
    Shawn 135, 7:49
    Jay E 155, 8:08
    Sheng Ching 55 (form), 9:14
    Rob P 115, 7:32
