
Happy Birthday Rob Ph!!
W.O.D. 12.11.10

21-18-15-12-9 rep rounds of:
Box Jumps, 21"/25"
Wallball shots, 14#/20# to 9ft/10ft
Knees to elbows

“You are capable of more than you know. Choose a goal that seems right for you and strive to be the best, however hard the path. Aim high. Behave honorably. Prepare to be alone at times, and to endure failure. Persist! The world needs all you can give.”
-Edward O. Wilson


  1. Rob Ph, you are one cool dude! I hope you have a fantastic birthday!!!

  2. Happy birthday rob. It's always great seeing you at the box.

  3. 9am and 10am - box wall elbowers

    if there was scaling, it is noted. If an element is not mentioned, it was as Rx'd for that weight/height.
    (kr=knee raise, dc=damn close)

    Jenny 12:59 (18-15-12-9 of 13"/6#/kr)
    Cate 17:52 Rx
    Ken 22:55 (21"/15#/kr)
    Jim C. 20:10 Rx
    Jerry 19:41 Rx
    Dianne 24:37 (10#/kr)
    Rob Ph. 15:48 (21"/kr)
    Ditty 25:39 (dc)
    Melinda 18:31 (kr)
    Jay E. 17:37 (kr)
    P.Lentus 11:27 Rx
    Shoeless 22:26 Rx
    Danny 16:40 (25#/dc)
    Laura 14:12 Rx
    TP 12:44 Rx
    Vinny 18:54 Rx
    Sarah J. 18:23 (10#/kr)
    Joe A. 20:37 Rx
    Jeff Hi. 19:10 (18#/dc)
    Jeff H. 18:33 Rx
    Granny 12:41 Rx
    Kristen SB 19:56 (17"/10#/dc)
    Rachel 20:08 (12#/kr)
    Tori 20:13 (17"/10#/dc)

    Great job everyone, way to "get up" on those box jumps, go "balls to the wall" on those wall balls, and "hang in there" on those knees to elbows. Happy birthday Rob Ph! Good job on those birthday burpees 9am!

  4. Happy Birthday Rob! Have a great day!

  5. Happy Birthday Rob and congratulations on all the progress you have made! that's the best birthday gift ever!

  6. Thanks everyone! Cross fit is one of the best things I have ever done. Amy, is that the best pick you have of me or the worst? Can't decide;)
