
W.O.D. 12.1.10

Hang Clean
(aka Hang Squat Clean)


(compare to 1.11.10)

Cash out:
20 Manmakers for time
*scale weight according to level and ability
(we have plenty of NEW dumbbells to go around!)

For Type 2 Diabetes, 2 Types of Training in the New York Times

"Who or What Inspires You?" with Team Rogue, CrossFit Journal preview video [wmv] [mov]

“Nobody can acquire honor by doing what is wrong”
-Thomas Jefferson

Steph 125, 9:03 (25#)
Meghann 115, 7:47 (20#)
Mike S 85, 9:52 (15#)
Jay E 205, 9:23 (50#)
Bekah 93, 7:34 (20#)
Tim G 185, 7:43 (40#)
Denise 83, 7:43@40#
Sarah S 45, 4:53@10
Kara 78, 4:52 @15
Rob P 195, 4:40 @40
Kevin 215, 6:03 @ 40
Cate 145, 4:00 @ 25
JB 65, 6:03
Brie 73, 3:54 @15
Jason 217.5
Karen 100, 6:32 @15
Gabe 135, 6:18 @25
Lindsey 103, 4:40 @15
Brian R 165, 5:52 @35
Tim H 175, 6:16 @30
Mike F 195, 5:37 @40
Aim 135, 5:54 @25
JZ 130, 6:41 @30
Flounder 85 (form), 6:42 (20#)
Jeff 165, 4:19 (30#)
Vincent 165, 3:11 (35#)
Conn 165, 5:00 (30#)
Jess C. ??, 6:00 (15#)
Paul 145, 4:55 (30#)
Sharon ??, 7:02 (20#)


  1. Aimee and Jas -

    I think I left my black jacket at the box...either on the shelf right inside the glass doors or in the front bathroom. Let me know if you have it and I can get it tomorrow or Thursday. Thanks!


  2. 6:00am results
    Steph 125, 9:03 (25#)
    Meghann 115, 7:47 (20#)
    Mike S 85, 9:52 (15#)
    Jay E 205, 9:23 (50#)
    Bekah 93, 7:34 (20#)
    Tim G 185, 7:43 (40#)

  3. Liz - Got your jacket (it was on the shelves). I hung it up in Aimee's office.

  4. Thanks, Nikki! I'll get it tonight.

  5. The Noon Squatters

    Denise 83, 7:43@40#
    Sarah S 45, 4:53@10
    Kara 78, 4:52 @15
    Rob P 195, 4:40 @40
    Kevin 215, 6:03 @ 40
    Cate 145, 4:00 @ 25
    JB 65, 6:03
    Brie 73, 3:54 @15

  6. Blog discussion, just because I am bored right now.

    As part of a thread on FB, we were talking about this article http://crossfitfire.com/kicking-the-chalk-bucket/ which speaks to the frustrations of not always coming in and setting the world on fire at the box...and how to handle that.

    It got me thinking about how easy it is to lose perspective about what we do. The reality is, we *are* doing extraordinary things every time we come in. Most people would not even try a workout, let alone finish one. Most of us did not come in with the ability to do pullups and HSPU and big huge lifts. It's great to come in with your game face and work hard, but if you don't hit your PR every time, that's normal too, yo. So in the spirit of giving ourselves some damn credit around here...

    If you're an experienced crossfitter, what was something that you NEVER thought you'd be able to do, and then you did it?

    If you're new, what is something that once you master it, will make you feel like a superhero?

    For me, it was a few things. Deadlifting over 250 was huge. Unassisted kipping pullups--I wasn't sure I'd EVER get those--until the day I did. And HSPU and Muscle ups are next. The day I get a MU is the day I report straight to the tattoo joint for a tat that says "Bad Ass" and I am *NOT* kidding.

    Anyone else want to pipe up?

  7. Donkey, I'm with you on the deadlift over 250#. The first time I deadlifted my max was 85#. Yup - all you new members listen up! I tried 95# but my back was rounding too much and Aimee had me drop it. I HATED deadlifts. Over the last 18 months I've added about 175# to that lift.

    Something else I NEVER thought I'd be able to do was 100 DU in a row. I remember Jason challenging me to do it about a year ago and I laughed at him b/c at that point I could do 15 in row pretty routinely, and 30 on occassion, but 100 was out of the question. Then this summer something *clicked* and all of a sudden I could string 100 in a row.

    The point is you should never get frustrated or think something's out of your reach. Just keep working at it.

    Train smart, eat right, sleep lots. Dont be afriad to fail. Get excited, encourage your friends, listen to your coaches. Set goals, fight to meet them. And NEVER say "I can't." Maybe you can't right now, but you will get there!

  8. speaking of jackets, i mentioned this to a lot of you in class but i will post it publicly for all to see...did anyone see a grey gap jacket? if you took it by accident, it is lisa's so please bring it back. thanks

  9. i kicked a chalk bucket and it almost hit aimee in the head and i was banned from fran for 6 months. why did i kick it? because i was new and thought i could set a pr every time. i was doing fran and in the 2nd set of thrusters, my pr time passed. i was sooo mad that i stopped and kicked the bucket as hard as i could and it shattered and i immediately regretted it because not only did i look like a tool, i was setting a bad example.

    i do a lot of intro sessions because i sucked bad when i started. kettlebell swings were a foreign thing and i struggled with a 15 pounders, now i can swing the 97. my first ohs with nicole s was 20 pounds and it hurt, i am now over 225. i was able to do 8 single unders in a row and i was STOKED about it and now i can do over 100 du's regularly. the best part about all of this is that all of you have the potential to do these things and more because i am your average athlete. i will never compete at the games or anything fancy but i am still capable of doing things that i never thought possible.

    when i started, pushups, pullups, squats...pretty much everything we do was not recognizable as such. dont lose faith, keep trying and keep encouraging those around you to succeed. i was successful at half of the things that i have done because i wanted to beat someone else. competition is powerful...

    time to go try to beat kev's clean. lol.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. sure why not....

    I never thought Id be able to DO ANYTHING!!

    Check this list (Pre-crossfit/Now)
    7in Box Jump/21in Box jump
    couldn't string 60SU/DU
    Jumping pull-ups/mental floss
    weighing 300#+/Deadlifting 300#
    never competing athletically/Winning an amateur strongwoman comp
    finishing every wod last/finishing with everyone else and with the right movements at the top
    couldn't run 400m wihtout stopping to walk/running 5k (with 5tons thrown in)
    score 0 on tababta situps/situps like a champ
    barely could do a pushup on my knees/rx pushups

    If i can anyone can!

    I must note this about perspective.
    When you stop hitting PRs or get in a slump it can be helpful to remember how far you have come. But I truly believe the way to get the most out of every workout, even after the PR honeymoon is over, is to be present. Accept where your body is in each moment, and give it your all!! Love what you do- do it with joy! The numbers can motivate performance, but if they are the only reason why we are here....eventually we will get discouraged and maybe even quit.

    CrossfitLisbeth's Words of the day are perfect... http://crossfitlisbeth.com/
    I am a fan of the photo too :-)

  12. I never thought I'd ever get a pullup. Before I started crossfit I spent 2 years hanging from the bar pulling with all my might and nothing would happen. I worked and worked and worked and nothing. I started doing crossfit and saw women who could do a bunch in a row. I studied them, asked them how they did it, and watched many videos. I showed up early to class and bugged my coaches to help me. After three months, I got my first one...and no one saw it. No confetti came out of the ceiling either. what?!?!? I kept practicing until finally Jason banned me from using a band ever again (Thanks jason).

    I hope to some day get a 200lb deadlift. I know if I keep working on it, I will get it too.

    Advice to anyone that wants to know how to get better at something... Just start practicing it. If you keep plugging away some day you will get it.

  13. 217.5# Jason, really?! Now I'm mad for not trying 220#.

    Haha, great stuff. I've really improved on my cleans since you had me start warming up with the knee hang cleans from the floor with PVC/45# bar. I think everyone should do these to practice shrugging hard!

  14. 5:30 and 6:30 Private Lessons

    Flounder 85 (form), 6:42 (20#)
    Jeff 165, 4:19 (30#)
    Vincent 165, 3:11 (35#)
    Conn 165, 5:00 (30#)
    Jess C. ??, 6:00 (15#)
    Paul 145, 4:55 (30#)
    Sharon ??, 7:02 (20#)

    Congratulations to Sharon and Jess C. for getting your first double unders! (and more than a few I might add) Good job keeping your form tonight everyone, remember: full extension and quick elbows!

  15. I really like this discussion. Before crossfit I had never lifted weights. I had never picked up any type of weight..ever! I had never run more than the mile I had to run in gym class. I had never jumped on a box…etc.

    I know I am not a "fire breather”, or a crossfitter that has a "3 on 1 off" schedule. I know most of the days I don’t set the world on fire at the box in comparison to others. I never have to plan my rest days. I don't go home and study videos....I wish I did...and know I could, but when I am home I am home. I home with my daughter and lesson plans, grading papers, planning events for student council. Not saying that all of you just have all of this extra time.. because I know you are all just as busy with work, friends and family, have a million things to do. And yes, I am probably making excuses for myself….

    I just don’t know if I will ever be that type of person who will go home and practice my wall squats …because when I get home I just go play with my daughter and I forget what I should be practicing....and I know because of this attitude I may never have a PR or a full squat, or be able to lift "heavy weights"…but with that being said….

    ....before crossfit I had never tried a pull up, a dead lift, ran 2 miles at once, or anything else. And I will never forget the first time I did Fight Gone Bad and I got in the wrong line…and realized in the middle of the workout that I had a 21 inch box in front of me and with no time to think about it….I jumped! So even though I do not set the world on fire, mainly by choice and lack of time and focus; I do, like Donkey said believe that I do sometimes accomplish extraordinary things when I come in!

    I am inspired every day at all of you and how hard you work!

  16. kev, i had 215 on and i said to myself, what is another 2.5 pounds. lol. thanks for the number to chase.

  17. Gina, great post! I see a ton of value in CrossFit because it is time efficient and lets people live their lives outside the box. Some people take CF seriously enough for the competitions, but the majority just want to live healthy, fun lives!

    My favorite times at the gym are when people go beyond their own expectations and over the initial "hump" of any movement, e.g. those who go from no box jump to some kind of box jump, or no pull ups to 1 pull up, or no double unders to just 1. It gives people that "Yeah, I can do this!" attitude that just starts a snowball effect of effort and self-esteem. Great question Donk!
