
Karen swinging the 45# KB

Deb swinging the 55# KB

W.O.D. 12.2.10
AMRAP in ???
5 Kettlebell Swings (55#/70#)
10 Overhead squats (65#/95#)
15 Double Unders

*The length of time for the WOD will be left up to the Coach to use his/her discretion in determining the duration.

Community Reminder:
Open Gym tonight from 5-7PM.

"Baseline Workouts" with CrossFit Pacific Coast - video [wmv] [mov]

“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.”
-Anne Frank


  1. 6am Results

    Laura 7
    Jay Em 6

    Joe A, 6, (70kb/95ohs/S.U.)
    Howie, 3, (S.U.)
    Pat P, 5, (53/S.U.)
    Kim G, 7, ((35/45/SU)
    Bekah, 9 (35/55/SU)
    Kristin, 6
    Melinda, 5 (45/55/DUattempts)

    6am AMRAP was for 18 minutes, the breakfast club would agree this was tougher than originally thought, but they got a great workout in... but dont worry nooners have a nice surprise of a time domain coming...

  2. Aimee- thanks for posting that video on base line work outs. The owner featured in the video, Traver, is a close friend of mine. If anybody is ever in the Santa Barbara area and looking for a great box, he is always open to drop ins!

    Sam B.

  3. Sam- absolutely!

    Also it's a great reminder that open gyms are a good time to re-do your baseline to chart improvements.

    Donkey- are you due for another baseline soon? Once the knee is rehabed...

  4. Hey everyone!
    I miss my endorphine high:( Not fun being injured.
    Dr. Kropff said as long as my pain is a 3 or a 4 i can come in and WOD, but no rxing and no prs:( Coaches, its my lower back that I injured again, could i do the baseline?

  5. 11am Coaches WOD
    18:00 minute AMRAP
    Aimee 11 rds Rx
    Jason 10 rds Rx


    12pm Ladies Hour
    12 minute AMRAP
    Kara 6 rds (45/35Kbs, 15/33ohs, SU)
    Deb 4 rds Rx
    Karen 3rds (45/35kbs, 45ohs, DU)

    1 minute rest

    6 minute AMRAP
    Kara 3 rds
    Deb 2
    Karen 2

    noooners-AWESOME job with the attempts at the heavier Kettlebells and kipping pull-up work pre-class!

    coaches note-Kara can do a Kipping pull-up with skinny band...coaches-don't let her fool you! WAY TO GO KARA

  6. For open gym, I plan on doing a hero WOD called Collin:

    6 Rounds:

    400 M sandbag run
    115lb Push Press- 12 reps
    25" box jump- 12 reps
    95lb Sumo Deadlift High Pull- 12 reps

    Who is with me?!?!

  7. @ open gym, Mike B. did a turkish get up with the 97# kb! Video coming this weekend

  8. Mike B- legit!

    What else happened at open gym?

    Did Danny do that WOD? Hope you found some takers!!

  9. Danny killed the WOD. Olan and Nikki did Angie. And JZ walked around flexing his guns.

    It was pretty busy and there was alot going on.

  10. tonight was a solid showing. Lots of people did Angie or half Angie (Olan, Nikki, Donkey, Kelly, Patti), others did the baseline (JB, Miranda?, Rob and Rob who were drop in's), Mike B. did Randy in sub 6 minutes, Sam B. did Nasty Girls, Ditty did a customized pull up/hang power clean WOD, three folks did Annie (Kim G., CC, and Jeff), Shoeless and JZ worked on skills including bar muscle ups and hspu's, Danny did the Collin WOD alone but crushed it in about 25 minutes, Liz did some hang cleans and rowing, and a bunch of folks worked on their strength (Conn, Dorothy?, Jason B., Rob Ph., Kevin) and some did a nice little weight vest Tabata push ups, situps, squats WOD courtesy of some silly coach. Sorry if I forgot anyone, these were off the top of my head.

  11. I finished Collin at 25:54, a friend of mine in Dallas did the wod a few days ago in 27:30, so I had to beat him!
