
CrossFit KoP Individual Competitors from the CF Central East Regionals

W.O.D. 11.30.10

Individual Challenge #4 from the Central East CF Regionals

The Chipper
50 Box Jumps 25"/21"
40 Kettlebell Overhead Swings 55/35kg
30 Burpees with jump over sand bag
20 Sand Bag Cleans from ground to front squat 75/35lbs
10 Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead 65/40lbs
20 Sand Bag Cleans from ground to front squat 75/35lbs
30 Burpees with jump over sand bag
40 Kettlebell Overhead Swings 55/35kg
50 Box Jumps 25"/21"

*weights and box jumps have been modified from the original to accommodate the equipment we have at CFKoP.

Click here for the ladies results.
Click here for the men's results.


Come what may, all bad fortune is to be conquered by endurance.

Nikki: 17:04
Han: 24:45
Jim C: 35:59
Kevin: 23:54
P: 29:15
Melinda: 31:05
Steph V: 34:38
Deb: 29:02
Aimee: 22:18
Danny 22:20
Sam B. 23:05
Granny 17:15
Mike B. 35:15
Shawn 36:10

Rachael: 33:00 (20/26.5)
Mel: 26:56 (30)
Kathleen: 30:30 (15)
Shoeless: 34:00 (35)
Tim G: 26:22 (45)
Olan: 28:47 (50)
Ditty: 35:16 (25)
Dana: 29:12 (25)
Liz: 27:56 (30)
Denise: 27:43 (25/17")
Jessica: 29:29 (20/17")
Katie: 30:20 (15/17")
Laura: 18:03 (35#)
Jason B: 11:20 (Rx 1/2)
JZ: 33:04 (45/35sb)
Kim G: 33:42 (30/17")
Kristen S: 32:15 (25/17")
Kelly: 23:00 (1/2)
Jeff: 26:00 (45)
Sharon: 46:11 (25/26.5)
Chris: 29:32 (20/26.5)
Dianne: 40:59 (25/26.5)
Brie: 25:48 (20/26.5)
Paul 36:48 (35# db)
Cline 37:45 (26.5/35/25)
Peterson 32:48 (50#,half 35# sb)
Charles 39:35 (45/35/35)
Kristin T. 27:56 (17"/26.5/25)
Ironman 28:13 (35/35/25)
Lisa 32:33 (15 db)
Lance 29:58 (35/45)
Beth 36:23 (35/25)
Howard 32:18 (26.5/35/35)
Chris B. 34:30 (35 db)


  1. Should we turn on the heaters and make it 95 degrees in there to really simulate the Regionals?!? And make the floor super bumpy. And if we touch the sandbag during the jump the rep doesn't count. And if your heels aren't 100% on the box that doesnt count either. I think that should do it :)

  2. Nik- don't forget about the Kettlebell standard too!

  3. Ooh you're right, how could I forget! I think my judge took away 3 or 4 KBS because she couldn't see my ears. And I forgot one other thing on the burpees - the requirement to hit a vertical body position and clap DIRECTLY over head on every jump. I think Laura had like 8 burpees taken away!

    The moral of the story is NOT that we need to tighten starndards at KOP, but that the standards there were nutty! And it's amazing how much of a difference that can make to a person's finishing time. It will be interesting to see how we all do tonight!

  4. Even though they had to enforce those crazy standards, I heard those judges at regionals were pretty hot...like Zoolander hot

  5. just looked at what they did for sandbags, it was 40#/20#. tonight will be fun.

  6. One other thing - while it's on my mind. Yesterday on the CrossFit Affiliate page Lis posted a question about Community:

    "Do you talk about the CrossFit community and spirit to your members? How about to newbies?"

    We've had a LOT of new members join us recently, and I couldn't be more excited about that. But I think I need to apologize for something -- I'm not sure we (the coaches and the experienced members) have talked about community enough or taken a lead to show the newer members what the community aspect of CFKOP is all about.

    Here at CFKOP, we WANT everyone to finish every workout, and feel accomplished at the end. We want you to get results. We want you to enjoy your workout. We want you to bond with your classmates and make friends.

    At my 6:30 class last night, 8 of the 10 members had finished and 2 were left working. Instead of coming over to cheer for the 2 remaining, I saw the other 8members breaking down their bars, walking around, talking to eachother, etc. I was sad. Because what I wanted to see - and what I would have seen when I joined CFKOP 18 months ago - is for everyone to circle around the 2 still working and cheer them on, encouraging them to the end. I still see this on occasion at CFKOP, but it hasn't been an every day occurence.

    I dont blame the class members AT ALL - I blame myself. The class members were all relatively new to CFKOP. It made me realize that we (the coaches and the older members) haven't done enough to lead by example. Let's turn this around now, while we can. Let's show our new members what it means to be a member at CFKOP, and what it means to be a part of our COMMUNITY.

    The next time you finish your workout and others are still going, grab you water, catch you breath, and go cheer on a friend. They'll appreciate it and you'll love the feeling too.

  7. I think we should also remember to tell the new members that they did a good job when we see them really pushing it. I know when I first started crossfit I often felt like a total loser because I couldn't keep up even though I had tried my best. Then Cindy would call me a rock star and I felt better. It's important to encourage everyone to try their best.

    I admire anyone who goes all out and I will try to remember to tell you when I notice you trying your best.

  8. Repost (in case any lady has not seen yet):

    Reminder...this Friday is CrossFit KOP's Ladies Night Out. We are starting at the Box at 6:30 (BYOB) and heading to Northern Liberties around 8:30-9pm. I will make some dips/veggie tray/tomato pie (they will be of the non-paleo variety, so if you want to bring something as well, please feel free).

    If you are taking the 6:30 class and showering at the Box, please be ready to go by 8:30.

    We will NOT have organized transportation because there was not enough interest, so we will figure out a carpool situation once we are at the Box and know how many people are going. (Update as of 11/30: we have 3-4 volunteers to drive down so we should be ok).

    This is an open invitation to all the Ladies at the Box so please spread the word around. This is NOT a Stink and Drink, we are going out on the town :)

    Can't wait to see everyone on Friday night - Holiday accessories are encouraged :)

  9. 1) this WOD looks brutal...Im officially scared:-) but i eat fear for breakfast.

    2)I have been neglect on cheering members on, but i think its super important. In the beginning i often had 10 people screaming at me at the ends of my wods. i will focus on this!

    3) girls night...whoooo hoooo!

  10. I just have a few notes:

    -Nikki, I agree that we can do a better job at working with newer members. I do try to meet one new person every class.

    -I was the last one done last night and had some support, so thank you for those who helped push me...Sam, I envy your HSPU's

    -The WOD-I used the axle bar last night. For those who want to give it a try, be careful: squeezing that bar can actually activate the triceps, which you don't want to do on a deadlift

    -Deadlifts: one thing that helps me after deadlift day is to hang face down on the GHD machine for a few minutes...just hang; it stretches out the lower back and reduces the 'day after' tightness

    Have a great Tuesday!

  11. correction: I think you do activate your triceps on a deadlift, but the axle bar may cause a little more strain

  12. Dear Nikki: DAMN GIRL!!!!!! You're fast. Nice job today.

  13. Lol thanks Dorothy. All I could think while I was STRUGGLING through the burpees was "how the hell did Aimee do this 3 months pregnant?!?"

  14. Several members and coaches cheered me on at the end. It mad all the difference in the world. It's kind of hard to suck when you have people looking at you and cheering you on. Thanks guys!

  15. 6:30 Chippy Chippers

    Shawn 36:10
    Paul 36:48 (35# db)
    Cline 37:45 (26.5/35/25)
    Danny 22:20 (Rx)
    Sam B. 23:05 (Rx)
    Peterson 32:48 (50#,half 35# sb)
    Granny 17:15 (Rx)
    Charles 39:35 (45/35/35)
    Kristin T. 27:56 (17"/26.5/25)
    Ironman 28:13 (35/35/25)
    Lisa 32:33 (15 db)
    Lance 29:58 (35/45)
    Beth 36:23 (35/25)
    Mike B. 35:15 (Rx)
    Howard 32:18 (26.5/35/35)
    Chris B. 34:30 (35 db)

    This was a workout, both mentally and physically challenging. You all pushed your limits and I loved seeing the efforts at the end. Lisa, great intensity on burpees. Same for you Danny. Beth, way to keep fighting til the end. Howard, nice job with only your 4th class! Ironman, welcome back from your hiatus. Charles, way to finish that with a nice string of box jumps.

    Good stuff peoples, get some rest and roll those backs!

  16. Nik- thanks girl! I have to admit it was a lot easier in May then today...but I keep working to get that core strength and endurance back! Legit time yourself girl!

    Yo GRANS--- Way to destroy your time from Regionals...kick ass! where was that attitude in May?? All we have to do is get you to squat heavy and you are golden!

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