
W.O.D. 10.2.10

Shoulder Press

Timed 800M Run or 1000M Row

"Luck is what you have left over after you give 100 percent."
- Langston Coleman

Steph V 95x3, 100x2, 3:53 (row)
SAZ 85x3, 90x2, 3:57 (row)
Dorothy 80x3, 4:05 (row)
Ben 60x3, 4:13 (row)
Jim C 145x3, 3:47 (run)
Nicole 25x3, 5:12 (row)
Bree 65x1, 4:23 (row)
Shoeless Joe 110x3, 3:02 (run)
Gina 65x2, 4:00 (run)
Mel 75x3, 4:12 (row)
Jim H. 160x3, 2:34 (run)
Georgia 65x1, 3:58 (row)
Dana 60x2, 4:18 (row)
Sam B. 170x3, 175x1, 2:46 (run)
Rob 150x3, 3:30 (row)


  1. Lipson and Everett go head to head in the benchmark WOD Isabell. Finish time = 1:06. Yup, both of 'em...


    (I'm sure a more "official" video will be coming out shortly, but this is the best for now)

  2. at altitude for the record. good lord.

  3. 9am results

    Note - times were for 1000m row or 800m run

    Steph V 95x3, 100x2, 3:53 (row)
    SAZ 85x3, 90x2, 3:57 (row)
    Dorothy 80x3, 4:05 (row)
    Ben 60x3, 4:13 (row)
    Jim C 145x3, 3:47 (run)

    Great work today! Especially on the row/run at the end - way to really push it!

  4. 10 AM results:

    Nicole 25x3, 5:12 (row)
    Bree 65x1, 4:23 (row)
    Shoeless Joe 110x3, 3:02 (run)
    Gina 65x2, 4:00 (run)
    Mel 75x3, 4:12 (row)
    Jim H. 160x3, 2:34 (run)
    Georgia 65x1, 3:58 (row)
    Dana 60x2, 4:18 (row)
    Sam B. 170x3, 175x1, 2:46 (run)
    Rob 150x3, 3:30 (row)

    Strong work everyone! A special shout out to Georgia, Bree and Nicole who did shoulder presses for the first time -- excellent form ladies!!
