
10' never felt so high...

Soon it will be over...

No two people will do it the same...

Dorothy...keep breathing

If anyone wants to sub a 400M swim with MedBall it will be as Rxd.

W.O.D. 10.1.10

It's finally time for the WOD you have all been anticipating...
Olan's - "Bad Medicine"

Med Ball (14#/20#)

3 rounds for time
400 Meter run with medball
25 wallballs (9ft/10ft)
25 medball cleans
25 OHS with medball

Hold on to the ball throughout the whole WOD. Any rest taken with the ball on the ground is 5 burpees before picking it back up. This includes dropped Wall Balls. Med Ball Cleans will be touch and go from the ground. The ball cannot be rested on another object. During rest, the medicine ball must be held on the "person".

...and don't forget, the Bon Jovi song "Bad Medicine" will be playing on a loop until you finish.

Phys Ed: Can Exercise Make Kids Smarter? by Gretchen Reynolds

"Body does what mind prefers."
-Lenny Krayzelburg

Ellie 32:23
Charlie 25:27
Jay E 31:20
Laura 26:22
Tim P. 18:42
Aimee 29:34
Cate 24:17
Olan 29:16
Deb 28:13
Dorothy 27:54
Kev 28:01, 5 burpees
Rob Ph. 26:50
Gabe 28:56, 5 burpees
Brian 28:12
Jason 25:56
Shawn 26:56
Mike F. 30:39, 5 burpees
Todd: 32:45, 5 burpees
Jen S: 31:40
Melinda: 35:42, 5 burpees
Miranda: 31:07
Sam B 21:57
Grans 21:21 + 5 burpees
Rob P 26:13
Hannah 26:43
Chris Bell 28:56

Damn Close
Kevin C: 28:40 (squat depth)
Swine: 24:35 (didn't enjoy music)
Jim C: 35:33 (squat depth at end)

Bekah 27:43, 14# 8ft target
Megann 30:41, 10# 5 Burpees
Kristin T 27:08, 10#
Mom 29:02, 4# 5 Burpees
Dianne 30:35, 6#
Liz 29:48, 14# to 8/9ft target
Wendy 29:42, 10# to 8ft target
Jackie: 28:37, 10#
Katie: 31:14, 10#
Denise: 31:17, 10#
Ben: 28:21, 14#
Vincent: 26:46, 14#
Sheng Ching 32:34 (8#, 2.5 rds)
Tim H 35:19 (14#)


  1. I can't believe I'm missing this. Well, I'll represent KOP in South Brooklyn this weekend.

  2. 6am "The Repeaters" Results

    What a god-awful song, played at least 9 times in a row. Rain was heavy in first round only, but good work and no complainers, only 1 athlete dropped and gave some burpees.

    Ellie 32:23
    Charlie 25:27
    Jay E 31:20
    Laura 26:22

    Bekah 27:43 14#, 8ft target
    Megann 30:41 10# 5 Burpees
    Kristin T 27:08 10#

  3. I want to make a note that since the entire area of the road, including the gazebo was in a few feet of flooded raging river water, 6amers stuck to 2x 200m for the med ball 400m run. Pictures will follow...

  4. A reminder that the USAW/CF competition starts today at noon. Live.CrossFit.com to check out the action.

  5. Companies everywhere will be getting screwed this afternoon :-)

  6. Worst part of this WoD is the song. And now it's stuck in my head. Get it out!

  7. I heard Kerry is down for the swim!

  8. 6:30 PM results

    Sam B 21:57
    Grans 21:21 + 5 burpees
    Rob P 26:13
    Hannah 26:43
    Chris Bell 28:56

    Sheng Ching 32:34 (8#, 2.5 rds)
    Tim H 35:19 (14#)

  9. Olan,
    My new favorite Bon Jovi Song: Blaze of Glory!
    I am blasting it in a loop now while I study.
    Ha Ha!

  10. You know, I thought it would be my quads that would feel the worst after this workout. I was wrong. My neck and shoulders are sore as shit. Tomorrow morning is going to suck. Thanks a lot Olan!

  11. ok, seriously, i did a spit take seeing swine get "damn close" because "didn't enjoy music".


  12. He wore headphones so he did not get the full effect of "Bad Medicine".

  13. Shout out to Tim H tonight for phenomenal form through the whole wod. Come a long way! Keep it up!
