
W.O.D. 9.13.10
Hard and Fast

AMRAP in 10 Minutes:
250M Row
10 Deadlifts 135#/95#


AMRAP in 10 Minutes:
250 M Run or 25 Double Unders
5 Box Jumps
10 Burpees

Sweatin' for the Sweater Kittens living beyond Breast Cancer Event. CrossFit KoP will be participating in this fundraiser on Sunday September 26th from 11AM-5PM at the Greater Philadelphia Expo center at Oaks. Please stop by to join in the FUN interactive event and tell your friends!

“The only way of finding the limits of the possible is by going beyond them into the impossible.”
- Arthur C. Clarke

Results WOD 1:
Kate 3 (65#?)
Denise 3 (65#?)
Mel 5 (Rx)
Kris 3 (55#)
Rachael 5 (65#)
Tim H 4 (Rx)
Ben 5 (75#)
Christine 4 (55#)
Kim G 5 (65#)
Brendan 6 (95#)
Danny 6 (Rx)
Aimee 5 (Rx)
Melinda 4 (Rx)
Plentus 6 (Rx)
Nicole St 4 (22#)
Gina 4 (75#)
Steph V 5 (Rx)
Lori 4 (Rx)
Mike R 5 (Rx)
Cate 5 (Men's Rx)
Kara 4 (63#)
Chris T 4 (Rx)
Peterson 5 (Rx)
Olan 5 (Rx)
Kristen S 4 (Rx)
Jason 6 (Rx)
Rob Ph 5 (Rx)
Kevin 5 (Rx)
Brian R 5 (Rx)
Gabe 5 (95#)
Dorothy 5 (Rx)
Karen 3 (Rx)
Nikki 5 (Rx)
Deb 5 (Rx)
Katie D 4 (75#)
Kimberly 4 (65#)
Teamari 3 (65#)
WW 4 (Rx)
Jeff 4 (Rx)
Tim G 4 (Rx)
Mike F 5 (Rx)
Grans 5 (Rx)
JZ 5 (Rx)
Joe A 5 (Rx)
Liz 4 (Rx)
Shawn 5 (Rx)
Kristy 4 (55#)
Sheng-Ching 4 (45#)
CC 4 (75#)
Kerry 6 (Rx)
Jerry 5 (Rx)
Rob 6 (Rx)
Chris C 5 (Rx)
Jason Bo 5 (Rx)
Joe M 5 (Rx)
Kristen T 4 (55#)
Todd 5 (Rx+ 145#)
Bevin 5 (Rx)
Donkey 6 (Rx)

Results WOD 2:
Kate 3 (run/13")
Denise 3 (run 13")
Mel 3 (DU/Rx)
Kris 3 (run/17")
Rachael 3 (run/17")
Tim H 2 (run/21")
Ben 3 (run/21")
Christine 3 (run/17")
Kim G 3 (run/17")
Brendan 3 (DU/Rx)
Danny 5 (run/Rx)
Aimee 5 (DU/17")
Melinda 3 (run/Rx)
Plentus 8 (DU/Rx)
Nicole St 3 (run/13")
Gina 3 (run/21")
Steph V 3 (run/17")
Lori 4 (DU/17")
Rachel 4 (SU/17")
Mike R 6 (DU/Rx)
Cate 4 (run/Rx)
Kara ---
Chris T 2 (run/21")
Peterson 4 (run/Rx)
Olan 4 (DU/Rx)
Kristen S 3 (DU/17")
Jason 5 (DU/Rx)
Rob Ph 3 (run/17")
Kevin 5 (DU/Rx)
Brian R 4 (run/Rx)
Gabe 4 (run/Rx)
Dorothy 5 (DU/Rx)
Karen 3 (run/13")
Nikki 7 (DU/Rx)
Deb 4 (run/Rx)
Katie D 3 (run/17")
Kimberly 3 (run/17")
Teamari 2 (run/Rx)
WW 4 (run/Rx)
Jeff 5 (DU/Rx)
Tim G 3 (DU/Rx)
Mike F 4 (DU/Rx)
Grans 5 (DU/Rx)
JZ 5 (run/Rx)
Joe A 3 (run/Rx+ 33")
Liz 4 (DU/Rx)
Shawn 4 (DU/Rx)
Kristy 3 (run/13")
Sheng-Ching 2 (run/13")
CC 3 (DU/Rx?)
Kerry 4 (DU/Rx)
Jerry 5 (DU/Rx)
Rob 5 (DU/Rx)
Chris C 4 (run/Rx)
Jason Bo 4 (run/21")
Joe M 4 (run/Rx)
Kristen T 4 (run/17")
Todd 5 (DU/Rx)
Bevin 3 (run/?)
Donkey 4 (run/Rx?)


  1. Just in case anyones curious about the 5ton5k. This was the WOD:

    - Division A (Men's Rx'd):

    21 Deadlift (225)
    1000m Run
    21 Front Squat (135)
    1000m Run
    21 Power Clean (135)
    1000m Run
    21 KB swing (53)
    2000m Run

    Total Distance - 5K
    Total load - 11,508# - 488# over 5 Tons (metric)

    - Division B (Women's Rx'd/ Men's Scaled):

    33 Deadlift (125)
    1000m Run
    33 Front Squat (75)
    1000m Run
    33 Power Clean (75)
    1000m Run
    33 KB swing (35)
    2000m Run

    Total Distance - 5K
    Total load - 10,230 - 230# over 5 Tons (conventional or "short ton")

  2. A big wow to everyone for getting through the WOD tonight. We put 60 people through these beasts which is a CF KOP PR. Outstanding efforts on everyone's part. Keep up the great work!

  3. Kate, 48:53- last place in the rx division but i met my goal of finishing and not walking. Plus I did the front squats- very slowly- to the proper depth! Worth the trip to rx a competition :)

  4. Holy cow! 60 people! Way to show up on a Monday everyone!
