
W.O.D. 8.15.10

Fight Gone Strongman

Tire Pull Across Mats (95/65#)
GHD Bench Press (33/15#)
Axle Deadlift (185/135#)
Stones Over a Bar (112/90#)
Farmers Walk Across Mats (100/55#)

This WOD will be performed in the same format as FGB. You will work at each station for one minute and your counter will record the number of reps that you completed before moving on to the next station. Remember that the clock is continuously running so move quickly between stations. The WOD is three rounds and you will get a one minute break between each round.

‎"If you do not consciously form good habits, you will unconsciously form bad ones."
- Unknown

Steph V: 214
Joe A: 194
Nikki: 327
Grans: 296
Danny: 215

Melinda: 217 (60#stone)
Megs: 180 (60#stone)
Dianne: 222 (60#stone, 45#FW, 115#dead)
Ellie: 219 (60#stone)
Dana: 178 (35#stone, 45#TP, 115#dead)


  1. Are you kidding me? I am all about crazy workouts, but I don't even know what half this stuff is! Have fun everyone...by the way, the word verification for this message was aensain...appropriate

  2. Home WOD : (aka Zuckerman garage)
    12 minutes
    rowing/kb swings (2 mins each station)

  3. Thanks for a creative wod Jas! Even though my legs are all bruised... it was fun!
