
Chris C. on the bar!

Joe M.-Burpee or nap?

W.O.D. 8.16.10
4 Rds for Time
500m Row
15 Pull-ups
15 Sandbag Burpees

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts."
- Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill

Rx Results:

Seth 26:43
Sam D. 21:37
Cate 19:51
Aimee 20:10
Kevin 21:53
Olan 24:30
Dorothy 26:21 (Run)
Jeff 21:37
Cheri 32:27
James 23:00 (Run)
Mike V. 16:24
Jason B. 15:42 (Run)
Liz 27:57 (Run)
Tim G. 29:00
Shawn 23:05 (Run)
Jen S. 26:32
Rob 22:29
Vincent 21:53
Sam B. 14:41 (Run)

Scale Results:
Kerry DNF
Rob Ph 22:52
WW 27:54
Steph V. 43:21
Rachael H. 26:33
Lori 27:47
Rachael F. 14:52 (1/2)
Kelly 23:27 (250M Row)
Maureen 25:23
Danny 20:23
Jen N. 29:41
Kim G. 27:24
Katie D. 28:43
Karen 32:02
Ellie 25:16
Kathleen 27:30 (Run)
Tim H. 18:00 (1/2)
Joe M. 25:45 (Run)
CC 26:25
Sandy 27:10
Jason Bo. 29:05 (Run)
Chris C. 26:50 (Run)
Chris Bell 25:49 (Run)
Josh 27:23
Kristen S. 29:06
Kristen T. 24:56 (Run)


  1. The fact that sandbag and burpees are being referred to together as a work out makes me nervous.

  2. Danny I agree.. What exactly is a sandbag burpee?

  3. Two rules to a burpee: (1) get your chest to the deck, (2) jump and clap when you're done. A sandbag burpee is one way to ensure the jumps stay legit as we get tired :) You do a burpee with a sandbag laying next to you on the floor, and when you jump and clap, you have to lateral jump OVER the sandbag. Fun fun!

  4. Thanks Nikki, that is much better than the video I found on youtube...

    To all Metro Dashers....
    There has been some talk of people taking a train down town on Saturday due to parking concerns. My office(6th and Arch) is directly accross the street from the Check-in location. What I am proposing is this.

    We can all meet at the Conshohocken park-n-ride at 7:00am on Saturday morning. It is located at 900 Matsonford Road, West Conshohocken. (Google maps)...
    We can carpool downtown and park in the garage at my office. (Free!). There are bathrooms there that we can use as well.

    Check in is between 8:00 and 8:45am. Race begins at 9:00 am.

    **There is no bag check at the start point for the race...so we can put everyone's check in items back in the cars before the race starts.

    As far as post race activities... there are a few spots in old city area we could hit after for a bite if anyone is interested...

    @Nikki - to you have a total number that has signed up under Crossfit KoP?

  6. Metro Dash....

    I'd be happy to drive. My car seats 8 total.

  7. I am in for the carpool :) I was going to take the train, so this sounds fabulous to me - thanks for the offer Jerry (on the parking) and Maura (on the driving)!

  8. PS - food and drink (perhaps a Buzz Aldrin at the Continental???) sounds good. There's something nutritious about Tang and vodka, right?

  9. Mike and I are in for the Metro Dash Carpool! Thanks for the great idea Jerry!

  10. CC - I recommend the "Twizzle" at the Continental

  11. I am definitely up for driving downtown for the dash - not a huge fan of the train. And love the idea of the bathrooms. Thanks Jerry...I will need to use it a lot before the race. Believe it or not I get pre-race jitters ;-) I'd be more than happy to drive - I can hold 6 people plus me. Not sure how many people total we have signed up.

  12. This is Cheri -- my husband and I are signed up, but are coming in from Havertown so we'll either get a ride or take the train. Look for me in one of the pink CF KoP tanks. :-D

  13. Nikki- What is the final list/count of KoP-ers for the MetroDash?

  14. Jerry - sounds great! Count me in.

    I should know better than to not check the blog every hour - I missed not one but two requests for info! Haha. We have 15 signed up: me, Steph, Jerry, Sam B, C.C., Cindy, Jeff, Mike F, Gina, Deb, Maura, Patti, Tracee Smith, James W, and Cherie. We'll need three cars!

  15. Cindy and I are definitely interested in carpooling with someone. Jerry, thanks in advance for the parking/logistics, going to be a great help!

  16. For the record, (run) - it's doubtful however that I will forget This triplet.

  17. So stoked for Saturday - 15 of us is going to be great!

  18. Also, I have no issue taking the train down (it's the same time frame), as long as I can stash my gear in someone's car during the race.

    So you could count me out on a spot in a car if we need space. If anyone else wants to do that, I am going to leave from Miquon station on the R6 at 7:02am (you can leave your car there all day no problem).

    Let me know final verdict based on parking situation - if we can do more than one car, I am in on the car pool (my car only holds 4 though).

  19. @CC - it sounds like we are gonna do a few cars. Should be easy. We'll all meet and go down in 3 or 4 cars. Plenty of room in cars and with parking.
    Gonna be a good time!!!!!

  20. Hey guys make that 14! I'm not able to run. My ankle is not right even after resting it for 2 weeks. I'm going to the doctor Wednesday so if by some miracle it gets better I will let you all know asap.

  21. Isn't the Continental like putting a bull in a China shop? Do CF'ers actually drink things called Twizzles and Buzz Aldrin's?

    PBR should be flowing and I doubt the Continental has it!


  22. Jas,
    We can go next door to Drinker's Tavern...the PBR flows freely there, and I believe is always $2.

    Are we all wearing CFKOP shirts? Or just whatever we want? Might have to get a new tank if so.

  23. I was wondering the same thing about shirts???
