

Jerry and Olan.

Ray-Back in the box!!! Welcome home!

Learning the Thruster in the 6:30 class with P.

W.O.D. 8.11.10

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
95/65 pound Thruster, 5 reps
95/65 pound Hang Powercleans, 7 reps
95/65 pound Sumo Deadlift High-pull, 10 reps


But It's my Destiny! (or is it?)

"Athlete Pre-Interviews" with selected competitors from the 2010 CrossFit Games.


‎"A group becomes a team when all members are sure enough of themselves and their contributions to praise the skill of others."

Rx Results:
Deb: 7
Todd: 7
Cate: 12
Dorothy: 7+2 SDHP
Olan: 6
Jerry: 8
Rob Ph: 8
Aimee: 10 + 2 SDHP
Plentus: 8 + 3 SDHP
Jeff: 6 + 1 Th
Han: 9 + 1 SDHP
Donkey: 9 + 7 HPC
Tim G: 5 + 1 SDHP
Keith: 7 + 2 SDHP
Maura: 6 + 5 HPC
Mike B: 9 + 1 HPC
Rob: 8
Sam B: 8 +4 Th
Ditty: 6

SAZ: 7 (45#)
Ellie: 7+2 SDHP (45#)
Steph V: 7+8 SDHP (63#)
Ray: 6 (75#)
Kristin T: 6 (35#)
Christine: 7 + 5 Th (35#)
Joe M: 6 + 2 SDHP (75#)
Jason B: 7 (75#)
Bevin: 7 (53#)
Tim H: 4 + 2 Th (65#)
Karen: 6 (35#)
Vincent: 8 + 5 HPC (75#)
Josh: 10 (65#)
Nicole St: 6 (22#)
Melinda: 7 +2Th (55#)
Dana: 7 (55#)
Darlene: 8 (35#)
Chris C: 6 + 7 SDHP (75#)
Jason Bo: 6 + 3 HPC (75#)
Sandy: 9 (22#)


  1. Happy Birthday, Swine!!!

  2. beware..long socks are advisable for the SDHP (I was using the womans 33#bar)Brush burns on my legs to match the ones on my arms! vincent is def getting reported for domestic violence soon!


  3. Happy Birthday Paul!
    I miss you!! Hope you have a great day...

  4. Is today Swine's birthday? Is Swine the anonymous poster? Happy birthday dude. Hope all is well.

    Happy birthday to Joe as well. I missed the blog yesterday.

    Happy birthday to Ditty for tomorrow while I am at it.

  5. Sorry, Jas, anonymous was me!

    In case i forget, happy birthday (tomorrow) Ditty! :)

  6. Swiney-Swine-Where are you?

    Happy Birthday! Enjoy your day!

  7. Happy birthday Swine! Hope you have had a great day. Miss seeing you around!

    And Joe- sorry I missed you yesterday but I hope you had a happy birthday too!

  8. Happy Birthday Paul! Hope to see you soon!

  9. looking bad ass dorothy! yay its ray!

  10. Happy Birthday Swine! Hope you're having a great day!

  11. Check out this muscle-up!


  12. I'm missing everything!

    Happy Bday Joe A. & Swine!

    Can't wait to get back to the box!

    Dad took some good pics of me doing a "traveling WOD" by the pool today :)

  13. Thanks for all the birthday wishes everyone. I am so sorry i have not been around as much anymore but that does not prevent me from seeing the huge improvements from all the members of KOP. Hannah coming back to her regualr stronger than me form. Kerry and Nikki making me just want to show up to watch them go head to head. Olan and JZ getting stronger and strnger every day by lbs and lbs. Steph becoming a vessel for what Aimee and all the coaches are able to do with someone who has the strength and determination of every member combined. Mora, Miranda, Mel, and Kristin making huge improvements and always going for that RX. Thanks for everyone and I no longer say I'm and only child because I have a huge family of brothers, sisters, moms and dads.

  14. Happy birthday Paul!!! Hope you had a great day.

  15. Swine,
    always a pleasure to see you and get a hug. Even with your Elvis knees, it's always fun to watch you WOD. Happy birthday!

  16. Maura, congrats on Rx'ing your first ever workout!
