
...one of my favorite "Ditty" moments at the box...the drive and determination she had to finish this WOD was unmatched!

Happy Birthday Ditty!!!
W.O.D. 8.12.10

Three rounds for time of:
15 foot rope climb, 3 ascents
15 Ring dips
50 Squats

1991 World Pro gymnastics Andreas Aguilar rings

"Success seems to be connected with action. Successful men keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit."
- Conrad Hilton

Rx Results:
Olan 19:47
Grans 15:20
Todd 14:32
Aimee 18:34

Rachael 21:41 *first time up the rope!!!
Cate 21:46
Jay E. 11:25
Dianne 15:25
Keri 13:03
Sam D. 15:00
CC 9:32
Ellie 15:12


  1. Best wishes for a happy birthday Ditty!!!!

    I watched the video and that Aguilar dude totally stole my muscle up routine!

  2. Happy Birthday Ditty!

    And nice job today Donkey. You rocked it!

  3. Hope you have a great birthday Ditty!!!!

  4. Happy Birthday Ditty!!!

  5. Swine, happy birthday!!! I hope your day was terrific!!!

    Ditty, have a wonderful birthday!!! Chris told me that your parents live in Austin. I am in Austin this week for work, any recommendations for a great Italian restaurant? Thanks. Enjoy your birthday!!!

  6. Happy Birthday Ditty. Hope you have an awesome day!

  7. Kristen....you are a truly amazing girl...you have been there for some of my toughest and bestest moments....and I will always be there for yours....

    Love ya girl!!!

    Happy Bday xoxo!!

  8. A Very Happy Birthday Ditty! Hope you have an awesome day!

  9. Ditty rocks! I am so glad that we get to share in your successes. It is a pleasure and honor to watch. Your performance at the Affiliate team try-outs was one of the most amazing things I have witnessed related to CrossFit. It gave me the goose-bumps because you embodied what this is all about. You refused to quit and fought through hell to finish...and not only finish, but to finish under the time limit. Your never say die attitude is contagious and I can only hope it spreads to each member that walks in the door. Enjoy your day chica.

  10. I hope you have a fabulous day Ditty! Happy birthday!

  11. Happy Birthday Ditty!
    Have a great day!

  12. Happy Birthday Ditty!!! Hope you have a great day!

  13. Happy Birthday Ditty - I hope you have a great day (despite the rain). It was awesome working out with you that day on for the team tryouts!

  14. Happy Birthday Ditty!!!! Have a great day...

  15. Happy birthday Ditty! I love watching you push during WODs, you always finish with such determination! And a HUGE thanks for all the judging and organizing you've done for our KOP events. Have a super day!

  16. Kristin- Happy Bday!
    Great improvements in your skillwork, and glad to have you as such a supporter in the community. You are the ultimate cheerleader for everyone and we all appre-ciate it.

  17. Happy Birthday - hope it's wonderful! And I have to agree with everyone else that watching you at the Affiliate team tryouts was definitely inspiring.

  18. Ditty,
    To the fastest elbows in all of CrossFit, it's been fun and inspiring to see your CF journey. It was only about a year ago that we joined KoP, but you have stuck with it and seen great improvement. I know you're thirsty for more, so you can have today off, but after that, get after it! Happy birthday!
    love and hugs,

  19. Thanks for all the birthday wishes!! I am lucky to be part of such a great community.
