
Jay S.

Mike F.

Brian U. - Good luck in Portland!!!


W.O.D. 8.7.10

1 Hang Power Snatch 55#/75#, 1 Over head Squat
2 Hang Power Snatch 55#/75#, 2 Over head Squats
3 Hang Power Snatch 55#/75#, 3 Over head Squats
4 Hang Power Snatch 55#/75#, 4 Over head Squats
...up to 10 Hang Power Snatch 55#/75#, 10 Over head Squats
500M Row
10 Hang Power Snatch 55#/75#, 10 Over head Squats
9 Hang Power Snatch 55#/75#, 9 Over head Squats
8 Hang Power Snatch 55#/75#, 8 Over head Squats
7 Hang Power Snatch 55#/75#, 7 Over head Squats
...down to 1 Hang Power Snatch 55#/75#, 1 Over head Squat

CFKoP Athletes out and about:
Good luck to Laura and Tim who will be competing in the Brigantine Island Triathlon on Saturday at 8AM. Also to "strong" woman Steph V. competing in the Bad Ass Bitch Invitational- strongwoman contest on Sunday at 10AM at Iron Sport Gym in Glenolden. A congrats to Deb who completed the SheRox Triathlon two weekends ago and finished 3rd in her age group. Keep training hard KoP athletes!!

"It is not by spectacular achievements that man can be transformed, but by will."
-Henrik Ibsen

Rx Results:
Seth 27:23
Grans 23:02
Aimee 19:08
Mike F. 23:49
Charlie 21:00
John 20:58 (95#)
Kerry 27:05 (65#)

Kristen 55/35# 32:58]
Ellie 35# 29:48
Ken 33# 31:57
Joe M. 65# 33:40
Kathleen 35# 27:30
Kristen T. 35# 29:04
Jay S. 55# 24:47
JZ 65# 25:52
Brian U. 75/65# 31:11


  1. Thanks for the support KoP and good luck to all the other athletes. Tim and I both got PRs and more impressively finished much higher than last year. Tim finished 54tth and I finished 113 out of 700 athletes.

  2. Great work!!!!

    now get back to lifting heavy stuff!!

  3. Great work Laura and Tim! Glad to hear your recent PRs at CFKOP are going hand in hand with PRs in your tris! That's very impressive! Good luck in the Olympic tri in DC, and I can't wait to see you both in the gym more once tri season is over :)
