
Joe A

Kathleen and Todd



W.O.D. 8.6.10


Turkish Get up 7R/7L

East Coast Event:
The Beast of the East coming October 2011.

Community Reminder:
We want to note that the strength classes offered on Monday and Thursday are supplemental classes for individuals looking to improve their strength. There may be times when the movements that you perform in these classes coincide with those offered to the general population. In this scenario, you are welcome to modify the activity performed in class. For instance, sumo deadlifts instead of conventional deadlifts. If you have questions, please see Aimee or Jason

Box Squats

"You have to do what you love to do, not get stuck in that comfort zone of a regular job. Life is not a dress rehearsal. This is it."
-Lucinda Basset

Jay E 460
SAZ 295 PR!
Ellie 225 RR!
Han 225
Tim H. 215 PR!
Jim C. 370
Sam D. 345
Donkey 245 PR +30!
Jas 425 PR!
Aimee 255
Nicole St. 45 PR
Plentus 427.5 PR!
JZ 295
Rob Ph. 305
Brian R. 245
Karen L. 155 PR!
Bevin 200 PR +25!
Cindy 215 x2
Jay S. 305 PR +30!
Nikki 245 PR +10!
Olan 325
Kevin 375
Joe M. 275
Kim J. 225 PR!
Danny 400
Kathleen 165
Josh 285
Joe A. 465
Jen S. 230 PR +28!
Todd 380
Charlie 360
Gary 300
Miranda 250
Sam B 315 PR +20!
Vincent 355 PR +20!
Rob P ouchie :(


  1. deadlifts AND turkish get ups? it's my lucky day.

  2. 6am Eats Deadlifts for Breakfast

    Jay E. 460
    Steve Z. 295 (20# PR)
    Ellie 225 (10# PR)

    big numbers and PRs, that's what 6am is all about. Nice job this morning!

  3. Happy Birthday Justin W.! You've been at it for only a few months, but you always come in ready to roll. Love the attitude, especially after the row/pistol/kb snatch workout.

  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0pLTBjGE8A
    you might have already seen this...but if not it's worth your time. Kyle Maynard at the georgia regionals. This guy has clearly accepted what he was to work with. He doesn't focus on what he is not, rather he "just is"....that makes all things possible. You could compare yourself to him and say "I shouldn't complain, it could be much harder for me." However I suggest you do what he does...be who you are, use the body you currently have...then anything is possible.

  5. I'm sure everyone will like this, but this really hits home for anyone who's from NEPA (WFS):

    Pennsylvania Guys


  6. well, I'll continue the link recommendations and tell you that GM is making a car just for CrossFitters: The Fire Breather

    http://www.uncrate.com/men/cars/sports-cars/firebreather/ (wfs)

  7. Happy Birthday Justin!

    Sam B

  8. 6:30 PM results:
    Miranda - 250
    Sam B - 315 (20# PR)
    Vincent - 355 (20# PR)
    Rob P - ouchie :(

  9. What a great work out tonight! How often do we max out like this with deadlifts and other lifts?

  10. constantly varied Danny. But deadlift days ARE fun. Nice job tonight, 400#? not bad for "trying to find your max" for the first time in awhile.

  11. whoa, talk about PR day. nice work, everyone! some big numbers on that board today!

  12. Awesome work to everyone tonight! About 40% of the gym with Deadlift PR's! CONGRATS!

    @ Danny- Constantly varied...
