
Jeff Handler recently returned from the Movement and Mobility Certification hosted by Coach Kelly Starrett

...and he's got a lot to share! Learn how to develop effective mobility and flexibility strategies, improve force production, increase work outputs, avoid common and preventable movement dysfunction and injury, and understand how to address simple performance related myo-fascial and joint mobility issues.

Stiff muscles? Limited range of motion? Join Jeff Mondays and Tuesdays for 15 minutes after the 4:30PM and 5:30PM classes for a Mini-Mobility Class. We’ll work on stretching, joint mobility, and using foam rollers, lacrosse balls and walls to help increase your range of motion and decrease pain. Each week the Mini-Mobility Class will focus on different sets of joints and movements. Classes are free for members and will be starting at 5:30PM the Tuesday after Labor Day.

Starting Tuesday September 7th
Classes will run 5:30-5:45PM and 6:30-6:45PM Mondays & Tuesdays