
The Handler Birthday Bash is here again. This time they are turning 50! Check out the pics from last years birthday bash. Cindy celebrated on 6/10 and Jeff celebrates today 7/1, so... this year ladies and gentlemen, we will go for 100!

Happy Birthday Jeff!

The Handler Birthday Bash

W.O.D. 7.1.10

100 Burpees
100 KB Swings (35#/55#)
100 Push Press (35#/45#)
100 Sit-ups
100 Back Extensions
100 M Sprint (this years addition!)

*all reps of the exercises must be completed in order prior to moving to the next station.


"I Train . . ." by Practice CrossFit

Community Reminder:

CrossFit Kids will be held today from 3:30-4:00PM


"You are as young as your faith, as old as your doubt; as young as your self-confidence, as old as your fear; as young as your hope, as old as your despair."

-Douglas MacArthur

Rx Results:
Plentus 21:33
Tim P. 22:03
Aimee 22:26 (+ 45#)
Jason 27:37
Jen S. 27:58 (+ 45#)
Grans 25:32 (+ 45#)
Chris B. 37:54
Sam D. 31:19
Mike F. 36:01
Jeff 27:04
Deb 33:14
Jerry 36:32
Cindy 37:00
Sam B. 24:29
Seth 31:59
Steph E. 34:23
Steph R. 42:32

Scale Results:

Kara 31:44
Jaime 36:34
Lindsey 41:45
Barb 27:09
Peterson 39:18
Steph V. 37:31
Kristen S. 39:32
Teamari 48:48 (1/2)
Rachel 39:07
Joe D. 44:42
WW 40:19
Roger 35:30


  1. Happy birthday!!!!! I'm saying it now bc after this
    WOD I won't be able to speak. Or breathe :-)
    have a wonderful day and thank you for all your
    encouragment and help over the last year. You and Cindy are amazing people and role models for
    so many of us.

  2. Happy Birthday Jeff! You are one of my very favorite people to see at the box and I hope you have a fabulous day!

  3. Happy birthday Jeff!!! Enjoy your day. I hope it's great:)))

  4. Jeff, simply said- you're awesome!!! Have a great birthday! Sorry I will be missing all the fun!

  5. Happy Birthday Jeff.

  6. Happy birthday to our token Old Guy! Have I told you recently that Old Guys Rule?!? You are such a huge part of CFKOP, and you add so much to every class you participate in - whether WODing or coaching. Thanks for being a positive influence and role model for all of us young 'uns... (ditto to you Cindy!)

    I'm sorry I can't be there for the Handler Birthday Bash this year. Maybe, as I'm packing up my hotel room tonight (yay!) I'll drop and do 100 burpees in your and Cindy's honor. But dont hold me to it :)

    Have a fantastic day!

  7. interesting to look at the board...

    1) nikki was obviously still wet behind the ears

    2) i sucked

    3) doug had a bad day

    4) swine was still paul

    so many memories of that joint. i remember working out right by the door next to nikki, trying to pace myself. anyway, feliz cumpleanos jeff.

  8. Cindy and Jeff.....I am honored to know you, humbled to work out beside you and encouraged and motivated daily by you......Thank you.

    Happy Birthday Jeff and make it a great day!!

  9. Happy Birthday friend! Jeff, you were one of the first to welcome me to Crossfit and one of the reasons I came back and am still there. When ever i want to give up, throw in the towel, say I can't, I look at you or your beautiful wife and I realize that anything is possible. You are one of the most positive, influential, down to earth, warm hearted people that i have had the opportunity to meet. My life has changed for the better, since meeting you...If i could bake, I would make you a cake...but I am no Betty Crocker!
    All my love and fist bumps,

  10. Happy Bday Jeff! :)

  11. PS - Can't wait to rock this one out!

  12. Happy Birthday Jeff - sorry I didn't make it to this morning's workout with you. Hope you have a great 50th old guy :P and keep up the good work.

  13. Happy Birthday Jeff! You have been one heck of a training partner and an inspiration since the beginning! Have a great day!

  14. Have a great time today Jeff, Happy Bday. Way to keep it going this morning on the birthday breakfast burpees.

  15. Jeff - Happy Birthday. Your words of encouragement and your amazing efforts have always been inspiring to me!

    Sam B.

  16. Happy Birthday, Jeff! You and Cindy are both amazing coaches, and know how to inspire me to get through those extra-tough WODs!

  17. Have a great birthday, Jeff. You two are always an inspiration to me. Eileen

  18. Jeff & Cindy-
    Just wanted to thank you both for all of your help and support over the past few months. I greatly appreciate it! Have a great one!

  19. Jeff, you certainly are a pillar of CF KoP. Always willing to stick around and help out or encourage others, you are a big support to others. I hope you have a great birthday!!

  20. Jeff - Hope you have a great birthday. Glad I was able to do this one with you this morning. Like always you were cheering others on...always an inspiration to watch and be around!!!

  21. Happy Birthday Jeff!!! It is an honor to know you and Cindy and to workout with you both. I enjoy CF so much more when you and Cindy are there. Thanks so much for all your helpful advise and coaching. You are a great person and deserve a great day... enjoy your special day!

  22. Have a great Birthday Jeff...
    It was an honor doing the Handler Birthday Bash for you and Cindy today!!!! and yes....it was an ass kicker...

  23. Thanks everyone for the very nice birthday wishes and kind words. This really makes the 50th great. And special thanks to everyone who was able to make it to suffer along with Cindy and me for the Birthday Burpee Bash, we really appreciate it. The community at CrossFit KoP is special and hard to find, and you all make it a real joy for us to get to the box and work hard with you. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!
