
W.O.D. 5.11.10

Snatch (use 65% of your 1RM)
DB/KB Push Press (35#/55#)

Class Reminder:
We are back to our regular schedule today 9:30AM, 3:45 Kids, 4:45 Kids, 5:30PM, 6:30PM and CrossFit Lite at 7:30PM.

"Whatever you can do - or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it."
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, German writer, 1749-1832

Kim J: 80# (4:55)
Kara: 63# (5:20)
Dave: 115# (8:53)
Charlie: 135# (6:48)
Tim P: 135# (6:48)
Nikki: 93# (6:41)
Gary: 95# (6:45)
Laura: 68# (9:16)
Olan: 105# (9:50)
Seth: 105# (10:35)
Teamari: 45# form(7:21)
Jay S: 75# (9:16)
Miranda: 83# (8:38)
Plentus: 115# (9:26)
Mike B: 135# form (4:42)
Kathleen: 50# (6:31)
Ellie: 35# form (6:32)
Todd: 85# (3:41)
CC: 85# (6:20)
Pukie: 165# (3:50)
Jay E: 145# (4:44)
Flounder: 45# form (5:11)


  1. after watching that video i thought i want to see it in slowmotion...found this :-)

  2. As i understand it, the snatch is something that rip recommends only for those with a desire to specialize into olympic lifting.

    his recommendation is through novice and intermediate programming to stick with the back squat, deadlift, power clean, bench press and press lifts that maximize strength gains and efficient power output.


  3. The snatch is very hard to master compared to the other lifts so the time spent learning them is probably better spent developing the other lifts and you can still get strong and powerful.

    Olympic lifting is great but the racking and jerking aspects are more for competitions but just jump shrugging the weight is good enough for most people to get the development of power.

  4. 1) Some people are interesting in improving their Olympic lifts. There are fewer things as elegant as a properly performed snatch.

    2) I thoroughly enjoy all of the movements you posted and I feel they are very good at delivering strength gains. I also think proficiency in each will greatly improve your ability to perform Olympic lifts...hence why we program them. I read Starting Strength and I learned from it as well.

    3) At CF KoP, we are trying to make more powerful people. I am defining a more powerful person as someone who can perform more work over a given period of time or someone who can perform an equivalent amount of work faster. That being said, the snatch is universally accepted as the world's fastest lift. If I am doing Nancy and I can come in off of the run and snatch my weight as opposed to a power clean and then press, I will be performing the same amount of work more quickly, thereby becoming more powerful. However this is only true if you are proficient at it, hence why it is practiced.

    4) It is fun.

  5. Referencing Rip has made me think of his reasoning behind teaching the power clean over the clean and I cannot say that I am opposed to it for newcomers.

    Since safety is always a concern, I am very aware of someone's OHS before encouraging them to snatch. If someone walks in the door for the first time, it is almost impossible for them to snatch properly. Hopefully Fundamentals or On Ramp would have addressed some of these concerns.

    To further break it down for the newb, I would work power snatch or more preferably hang power snatches since they help eliminate a lot of errors in movement while still generating 90% of the power.

    Considering all of that, I do still find it valuable to learn the snatch. I think people are frustrated with it in the beginning but once they get it, it becomes addictive.

    Sorry for any typos, iPhone typing is not my strong point.

  6. Can we work on the snatch at Open Gym next Thursday? Jason will you be there to maybe help a few of us that are struggling with the movement? I know I am and it is frustrating.

  7. something even more impressive than a bodyweight snatch is Jason typing all of that on his PHONE
