
Plentus and Kathleen, determination in the Push-Up!

W.O.D. 5.10.10

Complete as many rounds in twenty minutes as you can of:
15 Pull-ups
15 Push-ups
15 Wall Balls (14#/20# to a 10 ft target)
15 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (55#/75#)

Class Reminder:
We are offering ONLY a 5:30PM/6:30PM today.

"The most important thing in life is not to capitalise on your successes - any fool can do that. The really important thing is to profit from your mistakes."
-William Bolitho, from 'Twelve against the Gods'

Mike B - 4
Rob - 4
Vincent - 5
Mike F - 3 1/4 10WB
Joe - 3 10pull
Jim C - 4
JZ - 3 3/4
Jerry - 4 1/2
Miranda - 3 1/2 (#58SDLHP)

Kim J - 4
Kathleen - 5
Kevin - 3 3/4
Hannah - 4
Mel - 3 3/4
Patti - 4
Kim - 3 1/2
Kelly - 3 10pull
Brian - 4 1/2
Tim G - 3 13pull
Holly - 4 1/2
Andy - 3 1/2
Gina - 3 3/4
Annette - 3
Rob Ph - 4
Seth - 4
Kristin - 4
Katie - 3
Ditty - 3 6pull
Lizzie - 3
Maureen - 4


  1. Great job a regionals! I am very proud of you. You guys rock!

  2. A bunch of people were wondering where the Masters scoring was, (including myself). they actually are listed as their own regional, since there are multiple dates. Here are the rankings/scores: http://scores2010.crossfit.com/scoring/masters/

  3. KOP affiliate team...WAY TO ROCK! You came back from 7th to capture 5th, and YOU ARE AMAZING! Kudos Nikki, Ditty, Laura, Mike, John and Kit!!! Aimee, Kerry, Granny, Cindy and Jeff--firebreathers! Your scores show all of us what we can achieve if we work hard and stay focused. I'm so proud of all of you.

  4. i knew if i named names, i'd f*** it up. it won't let me friggin delete! Jen S...my bad! i shouldn't post before 10am, ever. bad donkey, bad.

  5. Donkey - Jen S was the 6th member of the team. She rocked this weekend with a PR 83# snatch and a nice little pukie after the trail run. Rockstar! Ditty and Plentus were voted to be in the top 10 judges of the event!! Awesome efforts by all. Thanks everyone for believing in us. Wish you all could have seen our Sunday comeback!

  6. Paul great job on running the 530 class!! It was a big class
    and you kept it well organized. Thanks:)

  7. Results

    Mike B - 4
    Rob - 4
    Vincent - 5
    Mike F - 3 1/4 10WB
    Joe - 3 10pull
    Jim C - 4
    JZ - 3 3/4
    Jerry - 4 1/2
    Miranda - 3 1/2 (#58SDLHP)

    Kim J - 4
    Kathleen - 5
    Kevin - 3 3/4
    Hannah - 4
    Mel - 3 3/4
    Patti - 4
    Kim - 3 1/2
    Kelly - 3 10pull
    Brian - 4 1/2
    Tim G - 3 13pull
    Holly - 4 1/2
    Andy - 3 1/2
    Gina - 3 3/4
    Annette - 3
    Rob Ph - 4
    Seth - 4
    Kristin - 4
    Katie - 3
    Ditty - 3 6pull
    Lizzie - 3
    Maureen - 4

    Great job to everyone tonight. Thanks again to my heat 2 530 people. It was so much fun teaching everyone again for the 3 days and the improvements I have seen have been insparational.

  8. Paul - fabulous job during the 5:30! Thanks for coaching!

  9. Swine,
    Great job tonight coaching. It was a HUGE class and you did a terrific job keeping things under control.

    Mel~ great job with the floss tonight!

  10. Swine -
    Nice work with the 5:30 gang!! That was fun!!

    Mel -
    Floss tonight AND regular pushups!! Great work!!!

  11. Thanks Miranda and Jerry!
    Props to Swine for coaching such a huge class! Great job.
