
The unity and devotion of our team at Regionals was unmatched by any team out there! And can I say they are a fine looking crew! Team CrossFit KoP placed 5th overall after two days of grueling WODs, they placed 4th on the Quad with a combined time of 48:39, 11th on the run with a finish of 27:45, 14th on the Snatch/HSPU WOD with at total of 644 and the most HSPU of any team and 3rd on the Log Carry with 13:05.1 and first off the Muscle Ups in 3:02.

This means we are going to LA to compete at the 4th annual CrossFit Games and we are super stoked about it!

There are far more memorable moments and highlights from the incredible weekend, as I filter through the 2000 pictures and numerous videos from the "5 cameras", expect to see some fun excerpts as the week progresses!

W.O.D. 5.12.10
5 Rounds for time of:
5 Muscle Ups*
10 Power Cleans (95#/135#)
30 Double Unders

*We realize this is an advanced move and will give ample time to practice prior to class. The Muscle Up substitution will be given in class depending on your level and ability.

Community Reminder:
We will be having an OPEN gym this Thursday May 13th from 5:30-7:30.

What is an open gym at CrossFit KoP anyway?

This is a time where we open up the gym for all CrossFit KoP athletes who have a monthly membership or a Bronze/Silver or Gold package. It will not count towards one of your classes, this our way of saying thank you for dealing with our crazy May Schedule and giving you an opportunity to train outside of the regularly scheduled class.

There will be no structured WOD or Warm-up, this is a great opportunity to work on a skill you have been struggling in, make up a missed WOD, Benchmark Lady, create a WOD or do our house WOD, the WOLVERINE.

“Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.”
-Ryunosuke Satoro

Plentus: 16:23
Mike V: 14:03 (bar MU)
Tim P: 19:01
Aimee 15:29
Swine 14:15

Miranda 19:50 (95#)
Jason: 15:30 (135# JMU)
Ellie: 27:48 (65#)
SAZ: 26:16 (75#)
Charlie: 31:23 (135#)
Dorothy: 24:18 (83#)
Elyse: 25:41 (75#)
Deb: 40:05 (75#)
Olan: 29:08 (115#)
Kara: 18:56 (60#)
Kevin Y: 24:20 (135# JMU)
Rob Ph: 25:12 (115#)
Brian R: 28:45 (115#)
Christine: 24:25 (35#)
Mike F: 27:09 (135#)
Melanie: 26:03 (75#)
Jeff: 21:27 (135#)
Maureen: 25:30 (35#)
Annette: 22:00 (35#)
Kim G: 21:48 (45#)
Han: 19:28 (95#)
Vincent: 22:19 (135#)
Mike B: 19:33 (135# JMU)
Donkey: 33:10 (75#)
Ditty: 27:09 (75#)
Tim G: 24:30 (115#)
CC: 25:32 (53#)

Unless noted, scale was either 10-15 MU transitions


  1. Team Crossfit KOP:


    Congratulations to all. What a performance. We are so proud of each and every one of you.

  2. Also, Cindy is 17th and Jeff is 23rd in the world for Masters Division. Granny came in 40th, Kerry in 32nd, and Aimee in 10th for women's division!

  3. Rock on CrossFit KOP!!! Kick ass performance! Congrats, so proud of each of you and excited to hear all about it!!!!

  4. Donkey and I are planning on tackling the Filthy 50 during Thurday's open gym if anyone wants to join us!

  5. Mel - I don't know for a fact, but I suspect that with some 50th birthdays coming up in the next 2 months, the Filthy 50 might show up again...

  6. I cannnot express in words how proud I am of the Affiliate Team. Each and every person on the team made a gigantic contribution and the whole was clearly greater than any one individual. I am thrilled that they will be representing us in LA. The Team was fantastic to watch because you literally saw each of them elevate to a new level. Every person on the Team set some type of PR that helped pushed the team over the top. Most encouragingly, the Team stepped up to the plate when they needed to. On Saturday, they were on the outside looking in and needed to beat another CF box to make the big dance...not only did they beat that team...they beat 13 other teams as well. The totally elevated their game to an entirely new level. They should reflect on that and build on it because if they take that enthusiasm into LA, there is nothing that is impossible!

  7. I'm really proud of all who competed over the weekend! Great work and congratulations! I'm glad you represented KOP well. Good luck in Cali! Should be a great experience.

  8. Congratulations guys on qualifying for the Crossfit games....I'm really not surprised you guys made it we had some solid athletes representing.

  9. Great job team! It was an honor to compete against you in the tryouts and great to see that you did so well. Kick butt out there!

  10. I have to tell you all one of my favorite moments of regionals .... was when I saw all four members of our KoP affiliate team come around the bend together about to attack the hill together w/sandbags on backs. NO other team was together ... not ONE in either the first or the second heat. There was no reason for any team to split as the slowest man/womans time was what counted. So to have seen them sticking together, encouraging and pushing each other, I couldn't have been more proud at that moment to be part of KoP.

    I'm excited to see how these ladies and gentlemen do in LA as I dont think too many can match their heart and togetherness.

  11. Brilliant and just stellar point Kerry- as the points were awarded per the last member crossing the line; our team stayed together and didn't leave one another to continue on as a whole. I got this whole hill attack mode on video too so I'm working on converting it to DVD now. Great teamwork, and truly an inspiration as Jason said to watch you all fight thru it to make you a stronger whole than individuals.

  12. Well said Kerbear and so true. Our team's demonstration of heart and camaraderie were something I heard commented about over and over during the weekend. In fact, someone asked me, "How do I get some of that?" So, was it the hot tub or the fire pit that led to all that team spirit?

  13. You guys just friggin ROCK. i love the story Kerry told because it totally epitomizes what i see in the box every single day...people cheering each other on, helping each other, and challenging each other to become the best athletes we can. KOP is a very special place--because of all of you.

  14. Tim...I'm not so sure I really want to see that video....lol ;) jk...maybe some of my memory will come back! haha
