
Our Masters...Jeff and Cindy

2010 was the first year the CrossFit Masters Competition has taken place. Jeff and Cindy were our pioneers and set the standard for future masters competitors. There were three WOD's over two days, Jeff is ranked 23rd in the world and Cindy ranked 17th in the world. CONGRATULATIONS!

Jeff and Cindy you were an inspiration to everyone at the Central East Regionals and continually inspire all the athletes at CrossFit KoP!

W.O.D. 5.13.10

Push Jerk

Max Box Jump Height

Unwritten Rules by CrossFit West Santa Cruz

Community Reminder:
Massage Therapist Judith Gabriel will be on hand Saturday May 15th, sign up at the box to reserve your spot.

"Nobody grows old merely by living a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals. Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul." -Samuel Ullman

Push Press Results:
Gary 135
Olan 150
Dave 125
Charlie 135
Dorothy 90x2
Kara 70

Box Jump Results:
Dorothy 28.5"
Tom 41.4"
Charlie 45.5"
Olan 45.5"
Dave 36.5"
Plentus 52"
Kerry 41"
Open Gym Results:
Filthy 50
Mel 38:55 Rx
Donkey 46:12 Rx
30 MU
Sam B. 6:15
Plentus 13:33
Jeff 10:34
Pukie 1070 (i think, post to comments if I'm off)
Jay E. 1125 (i think)
5 Rds (5 MU, 10 PC, 30DU)
Swine 14:15
Aimee 15:29
Miranda 19:50 (scale MU)


  1. Great Job Jeff and Cindy! You both are two of the sweetest, strongest, most inspirational people I have ever met!!!

  2. Jeff and Cindy: Two of the first people I met at KOP after I started coming around. You made me feel so welcome, and you keep showing all of us how it's done every day. Thanks for being amazing.

  3. I am proud of both of you. Trailblazers in every sense. Rock on!

  4. Nice job Jeff and Cindy. Watching you prep has been an inspiration to me.
    Cindy, your DU skills have inspired me to keep working them myself.
    Jeff, I try not to talk to you too much because I always think you are going for time.

  5. for anyone that's interested, I'm thinking about doing "JT" tonight at the open gym.

    Handstand pushups
    Ring dips

    never tried this deceiving workout...

  6. I lurk in the shadows healing my wounds yet relentlessly preparing my body for battle with the mighty Handler. Oh yes, I shall return to the field of honor......very soon.

    You two are my Heroes!

  7. I hate JT...he and I = not friends...

    Cindy and Jeff - you guys rock! You both are so very inspirational and motivating! :)

  8. I think JT is the dumbest CF workout in existance. You need to have shoulders of Zues not to fatigue in this WOD. I find it nearly impossible to maintain intensity. I have no idea why they programmed it. I wonder if they regret it?

  9. Wow Jason, tell us how you really feel. J/K

    My fiancé has shoulders of Zeus. Haha.

    Congratulations Cindy and Jeff! You rocked it this weekend. So impressive. I feel privileged to have gotten to watch!

  10. I think Plentus might have shoulders of Zeus...can't wait to watch him execute JT tonight, after those MU yesterday good luck!

    I think I'm going to attempt yesterday's WOD for anyone who didn't make it to class.

  11. I got my first (three) deadhang muscle ups yesterday, so I'm feeling good! maybe not Zeus-like (those are our Regional athletes) but we'll see how it goes

  12. Congratulations Cindy & Jeff! You guys are two of my favorites and I'm very proud of both of you!!

  13. Cindy & Jeff great work at Regionals, it was awesome to be there with you. To the team and all the individuals, its amazing how many PRs we had and how everyone was able to maintain intensity while competing and still have lots of fun while we weren't. I don't think I've laughed as much as I did over those 3 days in a long time. Keep up the good work and we'll be sending even more people to regionals next year!

  14. I hate JT...just in case you did not hear me before. lol. First round I am pretty solid with legit ROM. Third round I am glacial with extremely limited ROM. UGH. Did I mention the tri-cep destruction? I don't think I did. It is the tricep A bomb!

    I want to do Christine tonight. Then some jerks...no muscle up practice. I hurt!

  15. Is someone PMS'in - Jason???? Haha

    Cindy - you are an amazing woman and i was so proud of you this weekend!! Way to kick ass!!

    Jeff - 2011 games?!?! take this experience and run with it -nothings impossible! Woo woo!

  16. Jeff & Cindy,

    First of all, I LOVE the both of you and I truly mean that from the bottom of my heart. You are two of the most positive, influential, Inspirational and genuinely nice people I have ever met. I am extremely lucky to have met the both of you and even luckier to have felt your energy in a WOD.

    Jeff~ you�re smoking me and I am hauling ass trying to catch up with you! Rock on!

    Cindy~ you make anything look possible, there is no, "I can't" in your presence, you have come so far in your training! And I am constantly inspired by you.

  17. Way to go, Jeff and Cindy! You guys are inspirational!

  18. Thanks everyone for your comments and for Aimee for posting our results. It was truly an amazing weekend! While I appreciate how you all have said we are an inspiration, please know that it is all of you who inspire us. Working out with you has pushed both of us to grow in ways I'm sure neither of us expected! Both Jeff & I are looking forward to the 2011 games and rest assured we will be counting on all of you to yell push, encourage and bribe us (chocolate works best) to get across the finish line!
