
Mel overhead.

Elyse joins us from Tampa.

Donkey's Double Under battle wounds!

W.O.D. 4.26.10

The triplet from the North Central Regional

The Triplet
Three rounds for time of:
500 meter Row
12 Overhead squats (115 / 75 lbs)
50 Double-unders

Jason and I gained A LOT of knowledge this weekend at the Concept 2 Rowing Certification. We will be spending some time in the beginning of each class reviewing technique and perfecting form.


The CrossFit Games are going to LA this year!
Announcing the 2010 CrossFit Games! - video [wmv] [mov]

No Sugar/Zone/Paleo/Primal Month:
The month is coming to a close as we are in the last week of the challenge. How is it going? or is it? Did you give up? Going strong? How about those of you who have made it a lifestyle, any words of wisdom, things you have gone back to or kept out of your diet?

I have heard some great success stories from members. If you are one of them, feel free to post to comments on your successes or trials and tribulations.

Remember, if you recorded daily food entries in your journal please turn them in on 5/1. I will review and we should have our winner by mid May!

More info:
Click here to get the information from the Nutrition talk with Chris Plentus.

"Show me a man who never failed and I'll show you a man who never tried anything hard enough."
-Allen Waimsley

Grans 17:07
Jim C. 21:44
Rob 17:34
Mike V. 15:23
Laura 17:33
Pukie (x1) 21:46
Aimee 11:47
Jason 13:00
Swine 12:20
Kerry 15:03
Miranda 19:43

CC 25:04 53#
Kathleen 21:28 45#
Jerry 21:58 75#
Donkey 35:36 45#
Justin 28:43 35#
Olan 25:05 95#
JZ 18:34 95#
Brian R. 24:42 75#
WW ouchie
Plentus 12:16 45#KB
Kara 23:25 35#
Kristen 25:00 50#
Elyse 26:07 53#
Sarah 24:56 70#
Dave 27:20 53#
Cate 16:57 75#
Kim S. 19:33 55#
Darlene 20:14 35#
Lori 23:40 35#
Rachael 21:20 45#
Ditty ???? 55#
Melanie 24:20 45/50#
Tim G. 21:20 75#
Patti 17:56 35#
Kelly 16:34 33#
Liz 19:13 45#


  1. I am so glad I decided to do the challenge.
    I picked the zone so I could still have bread and grains. After a couple days into the challenge I cut out bread, dairy
    and grains to see if I could do it, and it wasn't so bad. I have more energy and feel really good!! I have not been
    craving carbs and when I reach for a snack I pick up some fruit. I had a day or two of slacking off but that's it.
    My family has also started eating better. My kids love fruit and veges and I stopped allowing chips and junk food
    in the house.
    Two co workers have joined me in this challenge. I pass on all the great recipes and info I get from Crossfit.

  2. I have been going strong and true for 26 days now. I have lost seven pounds. The arthritis in my hands is better. I am never hungry.
    I love trying new recipes like Jen's almond meal crackers - delicious.
    My journal will be there for you Miss Aimee when we pick you up at the Columbus Airport.
    I am glad I told so many people about the Paleo Challenge and so glad I triumphed. Aimee,
    your are a true inspiration to so many people including your Mami`.

  3. This weekend was a tough one for me with a communion party and baby shower but it really proved to me what the previous 23 days has done for me. After eating like crap this a weekend, it brought me back to the pre-challenge days when I would feel completely bloated and full for HOURS after eating. Other than a few "treat" days, I have stuck true to no grains, eliminated dairy after less than 2 weeks, no crap sugar and have felt really good overall. I have not felt hungry and I feel satisfied and not stuffed. I plan to continue eating this way but not beat myself up for splurging special occasions.

  4. the notes from the nutrition night will be confusing as they are meant to be followed along with the lecture. Let me know if you have questions...

  5. Hey Chris - I was interested in the pre/post WOD food. I run into problems here, not knowing what to eat before especially. Any chance you could elaborate? I can give you my email address if you'd like...


  6. I already reserved my private suit at the Home Depot Center for this year's CF games. We will all be there to cheer on CF KOP teams and individuals.

    Its about time that CF went with a big time facility.

  7. Kelly, pre-wod nutrition varies a great deal from person to person, as opposed to post-wod. But generally, I would stay away from meals 1-3 hours beforehand (avoid the pukie) if it's a metcon. If it's a strength day only, eat whatever you want. Other than that, caffeine has been shown to be a performance enhancer, so having some 30 min - 1 hr. before a wod might be an interesting experiment. Play with the amounts, some people respond very well to very little while others need a bigger dose. Personally I've found it helps at times, but it's not always consistent.

  8. I am guessing the boxes will be around 10k to rent. If 20 people are interested in going, it becomes feasible. If you are going, let me know your interest as I would be up for renting one. They are fantastic! Shawn, were you serious or no?

  9. of course Shawn was serious, with his recent HGTV gig he's big time!
