
A Special Baby Shower for our CrossFit Moms to be!

Congratulations Hannah and Cate!

W.O.D. 4.9.10


Each minute on the minute for 30 minutes complete:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats

(compare to 7.8.10)

Can you continue for thirty minutes? Twenty minutes? How about 10?

If you fall behind the clock keep going for thirty minutes and see how many rounds you can complete in the remaining amount of time.

If you've finished the workout before this time add +1 to each exercise, i.e., 6 pull-ups, 11 push-ups, and 16 squats each minute, and see if you can go the full thirty minutes.... +2, +3 or +4?

Click here to view an early "Chelsea" post on the HQ mainpage.

Chasing the RX by Chris Plentus

Highlights from the New York - New Jersey Sectionals by CrossFit Again Faster, - video [wmv] [mov]

"Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing happened."
- Winston Churchill

Swine: 12/11 (20# vest)
Rob: 8/10 (20# vest)
Sam B: 30+1

Joe A: 5/10
Mike B: 6/10
Tim M: 3/8
Grans: 22/6
Jeff: 10/15
Olan: 5/11
JZ: 11/11
Mike F: 4/12
Jim C: 4/10
Nikki: 16/10
Brian: 6/15
Kerry: 0/13 (ouchie WOD)
Deb: 3/11

Han: 1/12
Maura: 5/13
Darlene: 3/15
Dorothy: 3/14
Jane: 3/?
Melanie: 5/16
Vincent: 7/15
Gina: 0/19
Miranda: 2/15
Tim G: 2/13
Steph: 0/10
Kara: 7/13
Jaime: 8/13
Steve: 0/12
Kim J: 0/16
Trish: 0/15
Kathleen: 1/22


  1. today I bought a bunch of coconut oil so if anybody wants a canister (just the right size for cooking and whatnot) it's $10. Mike F. claimed one, I have 3 left for first post, first serve.

  2. Wish I could have been at the shower/WOD. Love the pics. Also wish for a piece of that cake after eight days of such clean Paleo living. Mom

  3. Thank you everyone for the wonderful surprise, gifts, and food. Words really can't express how much you all mean to me, you are truly my second family. crossfit is amazing for what it's done for me and the health of my baby. and cate, it's great to share this experience with you...can't wait to post-baby wod with you this summer.

  4. It looks like the party was a great success! The pictures are so much fun. Sorry I couldn't be there. Congratulations Hannah and Cate!! You are amazing women! I am so excited to meet your babies.

  5. Thanks, Chris. Brad did have a lot of fun. We both had a great time last night. Thanks for the kind welcome you showed Brad. He can be shy around new people, so thanks to everyone for being so nice and welcoming!

  6. Jason, for Sunday, are those 200# front squats taken from the rack?

  7. P, yes, they are.

    Also, on the carry your BW WOD, for those scaling, the lesser degree of scale will be based on % percentage of body weight. For example.

    Person 1 weighs 100 pounds and uses 90

    Person 2 weighs 200 pounds and uses 150.

    Person 1 is a lesser scale and would place higher if capable of finishing.

  8. Up until today I thought it was only 1 round of front squats and now that I read that it's 3 rounds I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit

  9. I can't even begin to describe how surprised I was last night!! I was 100% blown away. I am so touched and honored. It has been such a pleasure getting to know everyone at KOP, and you have all given me such a warm welcome. I feel so fortunate. Thank you all so much.

    Hannah, I am so glad to have someone else to share this with, and someone to chase! And I am really looking forward to the summer.

    Thank you so much to everyone who came last night, brought the wonderful books, the fabulous gift and all of you who have given me extra encouragement over the past 8 months. I really am a lucky girl.
