
W.O.D. 4.8.10

Event 2 (From East Canada Sectional)

for time:
Deadlift 225/155 lbs
Ring Pull ups (rings to chest)

Cash out:

3 x 20 reps Reverse Hyper
4 Sled Pulls

Community Reminder:
The Affiliate Tryouts will be going on this Sunday, April 11th starting at 8AM. The Athletes are as follows; Kerry, Kit, Mike V, Plentus, Laura, Nikki, Todd, Aimee, Ditty, Jen S., Joe A.,John, Tim P. & Miranda. If you are still considering trying out...Please do (post to comments or email and let us know)! It will be a FUN day at CFKoP! Spectators/family members and friends are welcome. There is still a need for a few more judges, please post to comments if you are available.

WOD order for Sunday:

8:00AM) Tabata
9:00AM*) 400m carry
10:00AM*) row/thruster/L
11:00AM) 15 C/J
12:00PM) FS/DU

*These will be the WODs for the 9am and 10 am classes.

CLICK HERE for the Competitors Schedule for Sunday.

Cool Stats from the CF Games Page:
Here are some statistics from the first round of qualifying events:

* 4,507 athletes participated in 32 sectional qualifiers across the globe from Los Angeles to Sydney. This broke down into 3,151 men and 1,356 women.
* Of these, 3,365 were in the United States (765 in California alone).
* Canada had 466 athletes, while there were 370 in Australia/NZ, and 187 in Europe.
* Just over 1,200 of these athletes qualified to compete in the Regionals, where they will take on the majority of the 150 2009 Games competitors (who will compete in their home Regions).
* Only 90 individual athletes (45 men and 45 women) will make it through Regionals and compete against the top five athletes from the 09 Games for the title of World's Fittest Man and Woman in July.

The Regionals begin on April 30th!!

Navy Introduces New Fitness, Nutrition Program.

"If you love what you do, you won't work a day in your life"
-origin unknown

Tom 9:51 (225)
Kim S. 8:16 (85)
Laura 10:24 (135)
Kara 8:21 (113)
Ellie 9:24 (63)
Dave 14:28 (125)
Sam B. 10:30 (185)
Donkey 18:12 (155/135/115)
Mel 16:00 (145/115)
Kristen S 11:16 (115)
Katie 9:23 (83)


  1. Does anyone have a good/different recipe for ground turkey?

    Thank you!

  2. Hello everyone. The schedule of events for the athletes and judges has been posted to comments. The ladies will start things off on the top of every hour and the gentlemen will follow suit at 20 past every hour. This way, everyone has a judge/counter and the men can cheer for the ladies and vice versa. I hope this event is being anticipated by all and I encourage everyone to come out and support your fellow box members.

    Please feel free to bring some food and drink for a post WOD celebration.

  3. Not posted to comments, posted in the blog for today...sorry.

  4. Mike B:

    I do not have you confirmed as doing this...please let me know when you see me.

  5. Maura,

    Stuffed Peppers, Turkey meatloaf, the Mexican salad is INCREDIBLE. Basically you can sub ground turkey for any meat recipe. Laura posted this website and there are a lot of good recipes on the Whole 9 site. The link is on the side of the blog. Check this site out too http://www.performancemenu.com/recipes/index.php?action=recipe&recipeID=9 Stuffed peppers you can do in a crock pot ahead of time too

  6. Jason,
    I can come and do the WOD's in the am, but I wouldn't consider me as "trying out". I have a bridal shower to attend at 1pm so that will conflict with the last WOD posted for the day. Maybe next year.

  7. Kristen, great picture! Hope Brad had fun!

  8. Miranda:

    what time would you need to leave?
