
W.O.D. 4.7.10

Hang Snatch


Every minute on the minute complete 3 Hang Snatches at 50% of your 1RM, after completion of your 3 Hang Snatches begin toes to bar. The goal is for advanced athletes to complete 100 toes to bar & for intermediate athletes to complete 50 toes to bar, not forgetting each minute on the minute the athlete must begin with 3 Hang Snatches. Your score for the WOD is the total time to complete the indicated reps (either 100/50 Toes to Bar depending on level and ability).

Community Reminder:
Massage Therapy will be available this Sunday, April 11th from 9AM-4PM with Judith Gabriel, massage therapist extraordinaire.

What Judith Offers:
$100-1-1/2 massage
$80-1-hr massage
$1.50 a minute up to 14 minutes for chair massage
$20 for 15 minutes
$40 for 1/2 hour of chair massage
$40-1/2 reflexology
$60 for 1-hour reflexology


"Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence." -Vince Lombardi

Jason: 165
Steph: 85 (6:57/50)
SAZ: 45 form (9:57/50)
Jerry: 105 form (7:39/50)
Grans: 90 (9:57/100)
Joe D: 95 form (10:00/50)
Trish: 40: (?)
Olan: 105 (9:42/50)
WW: 65 form (9:00/50)
Kim J: 35 KB (7:52/50)
Cindy: 55 (6:50/25)
Aim: 118 (11:49/100)
Newman: 115 (14:58/100)
JZ: 70 (13:30/100)
Dorothy: 63 (9:42/50)
Jane: form (9:58/50)
Plentus: 105 (11:33/100)
Vincent: 105 (10:10/60)
Han: 83 (4:54/50)
Jen S: 70 (8:57/50)
Jeff: 110 (6:47/55)
Laura: 75 (14:51/100)
Ditty: 50 (13:55/50)
Nikki: 103 (10:00/100)
Liz: 55 (8:50/50)
Rob: 115 (8:58/100)
Jay E: 145 (7:53/100)
Alex: 50 (7:12/50)


  1. New post: http://chrispconstantlyvaried.blogspot.com/2010/04/food-and-family.html

  2. What a great read- thanks. It's really a great way to explain to others about a different way of life- you have a talent at doing just that. very cool.

  3. In case anyone is interested - my friend Tom Gillam is playing at the Note is West Chester at 7pm on Friday. Tix are $10.

    go to www.tomgillam.com and click on shows icon for more info. (The info says 9pm...but they are really on at 7pm)

  4. Aimee - can you sign me up for an hour with Judith sometime after the affiliate team tryouts? 1pm maybe?

  5. Running out of time to sign up for Affiliate team
    or volunteer. Please let me know today.

  6. I was reading Plentus's new post (another great one by the way!) and the Melissa Urban article he linked. I had to share this great quote I found hidden in one of the reader comments:

    I have found a small shift in my thinking that has had a profound impact on my outlook at foods. It is no longer "cheat days" or "cheat foods". They are "treat days" and "treat meals."

    One week down for all of you doing the nutrition challenge. Whether you're doing no-sugar, zone, paleo, or Whole30 -- how is it going?!? Is anyone experiencing any withdrawal symptoms from cutting out grains?

  7. I have had no grains and next to zero crap sugar so far. I feel great but need to spend some time in the kitchen playing with some recipes. Thank you to Donkey and Jaime for hooking me up with a few! I am missing my Starbucks Chai Latte most and this warm weather makes me really want ice cream but other than that, I am hanging tough! I plan to bring my food journal in tomorrow for Aimee to look at.

  8. Jason,
    I would like to help volunteer on Sun.

  9. nice niki....i hereby abolish the word cheat and replace it with TREAT when it comes to food!!

    My 30 day challange was to give up caffeine and the experience thus far was radical hateloss worthy.

  10. If we don't sign up to try out can we come and do the wods just to see if we actually can...

  11. Miranda:

    I will answer for you...you can do it! I expect many people to scale and it is alright. Come out and have fun and become a member of the team. Everyone that tries out is on the team...it is just a matter of what place in the rotation. You never know what can happen. This will be FUN..even if you have to scale. Have confidence and come and kick some butt.

    I am asking people to sign up in advance so I can figure out the logistics before the day of the event.

  12. Jason

    I should be able to come out on sunday to try these wods.

  13. http://www.primaleatingmoderntable.com/2010/04/eat-with-no-regrets.html

    Check out this blogpost on primal eating modern table...related to the Treat vs. Cheat niki brought up!

  14. I agree Miranda. I think you can do it. You are one strong woman!

  15. Nikki- I have you all set for 1pm on Sunday with Judith.
