
Fragile life, Small world, Big community.

When things happen in the CrossFit community they often resonate world wide...a quick click on the main page and BOOM, the world knows what is going on. Often we may not know the individual or hero or persons face that is posted but it makes an impact on us. It may either impact us on a small scale or big scale, negatively or positively. And sometimes we know exactly who is in the spotlight...for good or bad.

Last night I clicked on the Main Page to find Amanda Millers picture...this Amanda Miller July 16, 1985 - April 23, 2010. WOW, this was a girl who I competed against in Virgina last year who we fondly called, "Pistols" because of the tattoos on her abdomen. I watched her fight hard in Aromas and I even bought her a beer after the events. She was one of the ladies I was looking forward to watching at Regionals!!

I scanned her blog last night and it was heart rendering. An incredible battle against a nasty disease, Melanoma. She competed at last years CrossFit games in July as one of the fittest women in the country and shortly after she was diagnosed with cancer.

When looking at Amanda, you saw a fierce and determined woman. You would have thought she was invincible to anything. I see this in many of our athletes. It's like that feeling you had as a child, thinking you are invincible to anything. Cherish life and know that you are not invincible, make every day matter more than the one before!

Life is fragile. Seize the day and make sure to let your family and friends know how much they mean to you. To endure what she did with a smile is heroic. CrossFit lost a valuable member of the community on April 23rd. Tomorrow we will do the WOD posted on the mainpage today in honor of "Pistols".


  1. RIP Amanda and my deepest sympathy to her family and friends. what a horrible shame.

  2. How tragic, yet her courage and achievements resonate across a world community, those who knew her and those who didn't, in honor of the person. Every minute of every day is meaningful...live, love, laugh and Crossfit.

  3. This is incredibly sad. I worked on advanced melanoma clinical trials for over 4 years and can only imagine the battle she fought. Life is a precious gift and we should never take it for granted. My deepest sympathies to Amanda's family, friends and CrossFit folks who knew her well. We should remember her drive, strength and passion for life when we WOD in honor of her tomorrow.

  4. This girl's a stud. Honor her through your dedication to each other. This wonderful thing called CrossFit has become a family to me, even more so now that my own parents are doing it. They care about you all, so I do I. Take care of yourselves, but most importantly take care of each other.

    With love,


  5. I will always remember Amanda's fighting attitude and the conversation I had with her in VA last year.
