
A very NICE DEADLIFT picture...

Do your Deads look like this? When we talk about your shoulders and hips rising at the same rate till the bar hits the knees...this is what we are talking about. Still sound like Greek? Still confused?... Come to class we will explain better.
Use your LEGS to lift!

W.O.D. 2.9.10


We have 4 spots still available for the Whole 9 Nutrition seminar.
Click here to secure your spot today.
Click here for more information.

Community Notes:
Valentines day is right around the corner, In CrossFit KoP tradition the St. Valentines Day Massacre will rear its ugly head. Click here and here to remember the fun. This Sunday, February 14th we will execute the Valentines Day WOD at 9AM and 10AM. Feel free to bring your significant other, partner, friend, child, relative or enemy...to give CrossFit a try. Even if you don't come with a partner, You will be paired up with someone. We will scale this based on level and ability for new comers. This is a FREE class for first timers who come with a current CFKoP member!!

Now by Jon Gilson


“In helping others, we shall help ourselves, for whatever good we give out completes the circle and comes back to us.”
-Flora Edwards


Kara 185 (195 x1)
Deb 155
Joe D. 365 (405 x1)
Donkey 185 (190 x1)
Curin 285
Miranda 220
Laura 125
Olan 275
Jerry 325
Jen S 185
Steph 245 (265x3)
Jim C 365 (385x2)
Vincent 295
Christine 105
Maureen 120
Sam B 245
Cindy 215
Shawn 325
Jay 335x3 (405x1)
Mike H 365
Pukie 405x3
Kathleen 135x6
Melanie 165 (185x1)
Granny 175 (185x3)


  1. Great deadlift Picture!!

    Would be interesting to compare that picture above the the deadlift video that occurred on the Crossfit.com main page today.

  2. Brian- I thought the same thing...

  3. Bad form or not she still lifted 370 off the ground. I'm sure she knew here form was bad. I hate to see people dropping the weight I always felt putting the weight down in a controlled manner helps make you stronger.
